🔥码云GVP开源项目 12k star Uniapp+ElementUI 功能强大 支持多语言、二开方便! 广告
``` func main() { // 创建一个不包含中间件的路由器 r := gin.New() // 全局中间件 // 使用 Logger 中间件 r.Use(gin.Logger()) // 使用 Recovery 中间件 r.Use(gin.Recovery()) // 路由添加中间件,可以添加任意多个 r.GET("/benchmark", MyBenchLogger(), benchEndpoint) // 路由组中添加中间件 // authorized := r.Group("/", AuthRequired()) // exactly the same as: authorized := r.Group("/") // per group middleware! in this case we use the custom created // AuthRequired() middleware just in the "authorized" group. authorized.Use(AuthRequired()) { authorized.POST("/login", loginEndpoint) authorized.POST("/submit", submitEndpoint) authorized.POST("/read", readEndpoint) // nested group testing := authorized.Group("testing") testing.GET("/analytics", analyticsEndpoint) } // Listen and serve on r.Run(":8080") } ```