In many Vue projects, global components will be defined using`Vue.component`, followed by`new Vue({ el: '#container' })`to target a container element in the body of every page.
This can work very well for small to medium-sized projects, where JavaScript is only used to enhance certain views.
In more complex projects however, or when your frontend is entirely driven by JavaScript, these disadvantages become apparent:
* **Global definitions**force unique names for every component
* **String templates**lack syntax highlighting and require ugly slashes for multiline HTML
* **No CSS support**means that while HTML and JavaScript are modularized into components, CSS is conspicuously left out
* **No build step**restricts us to HTML and ES5 JavaScript, rather than preprocessors like Pug (formerly Jade) and Babel
All of these are solved by **single-file components** with a `.vue` extension, made possible with build tools such as `Webpack` or `Browserify`. And we get
* [Complete syntax highlighting](https://github.com/vuejs/awesome-vue#source-code-editing)
* [CommonJS modules](https://webpack.js.org/concepts/modules/#what-is-a-webpack-module)
* [Component-scoped CSS](https://vue-loader.vuejs.org/en/features/scoped-css.html)
As promised, we can also use preprocessors such as `Pug`, `Babel` (with ES2015 modules), and `Stylus` for cleaner and more feature-rich components.
You could as easily use `Bublé, TypeScript, SCSS, PostCSS` - or whatever other preprocessors that help you be productive. If using Webpack with`vue-loader`, it also has first-class support for CSS Modules.
With`.vue`components, we’re entering the realm of advanced JavaScript applications. That means learning to use a few additional tools if you haven’t already:
* **Node Package Manager (NPM)**: Read the [Getting Started guide](https://docs.npmjs.com/packages-and-modules/getting-packages-from-the-registry)section about how to get packages from the registry.
* **Modern JavaScript with ES2015/16**: Read through Babel’s [Learn ES2015 guide](https://babeljs.io/docs/learn-es2015/). You don’t have to memorize every feature right now, but keep this page as a reference you can come back to.
After you’ve taken a day to dive into these resources, we recommend checking out [Vue CLI 3](https://cli.vuejs.org/). Follow the instructions and you should have a Vue project with
* `.vue`components,
* ES2015,
* Webpack and
* hot-reloading
in no time!
- WebAPP
- Linux Command
- 入门
- 处理文件
- 查找文件单词
- 环境
- 联网
- Linux
- Linux目录配置标准:FHS
- Linux文件与目录管理
- Linux账号管理与ACL权限设置
- Linux系统资源查看
- 软件包管理
- Bash
- Daemon/Systemd
- ftp
- Apache
- Command
- Replication
- mysqld
- remote access
- remark
- 限制
- String
- Array
- Function
- Class
- File
- Protocals
- http
- mqtt
- phpDesigner
- eclipse
- vscode
- Notepad++
- WebAPI
- Javasript
- Event
- Class
- Module
- Ajax
- Fetch
- Promise
- async/await
- Statements and declarations
- Function
- Framwork
- jQurey
- Types
- Promise
- BootStrap
- v4
- ThinkPHP5
- install
- 定时任务
- CodeIgniter
- React.js
- node.js
- npm
- npm-commands
- npm-folder
- package.json
- Docker and private modules
- module
- webpack.js
- install
- configuration
- package.json
- entry
- modules
- plugins
- Code Splitting
- loaders
- libs
- webpack-cli
- Vue.js
- install
- Compile
- VueAPI
- vuex
- vue-router
- vue-devtools
- vue-cli
- vue-loader
- vue-instance
- components
- template
- Single-File Components
- props
- data
- methods
- computed
- watch
- Event-handling
- Render Func
- remark
- 案例学习
- bootstrap-vue
- modal
- fontAwesome
- Hosting Font Awesome Yourself
- using with jquery
- using with Vue.js
- plugins
- Chart.js
- D3.js
- phpSpreadSheet
- Guzzle
- Cmder
- Git
- git命令
- git流程
- Postman
- Markdown
- Regular Expressions
- PowerDesigner
- 附录1-学习资源