| Title | Link |
| --- | --- |
| GitHub Explore | [https://github.com/explore](https://github.com/explore) |
| GitHub Blog | [https://github.com/blog](https://github.com/blog) |
| GitHub Help | [https://help.github.com/](https://help.github.com/) |
| GitHub Training | [http://training.github.com/](http://training.github.com/) |
| GitHub Developer | [https://developer.github.com/](https://developer.github.com/) |
### GitHub讨论
| Title | Link |
| --- | --- |
| How GitHub Uses GitHub to Build GitHub | [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyz3jkOBbQY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyz3jkOBbQY) |
| Introduction to Git with Scott Chacon of GitHub | [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDR433b0HJY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDR433b0HJY) |
| How GitHub No Longer Works | [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXD1ITW7iZI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXD1ITW7iZI) |
| Git and GitHub Secrets | [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Foz9yvMkvlA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Foz9yvMkvlA) |
| More Git and GitHub Secrets | [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p50xsL-iVgU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p50xsL-iVgU) |
- Github
- 忽略空白字符变化
- 调整Tab字符所代表的空格数
- 查看某个用户的Commit历史
- 克隆某个仓库
- 分支
- Gists
- Git.io
- 键盘快捷键
- 整行高亮
- 用commit信息关闭Issue
- 链接其他仓库的Issue
- 设置CI对每条Pull Request都进行构建
- Markdown文件高亮语法
- 表情符
- 静态与动态图片
- 快速引用
- 快速添加许可证
- 任务列表
- 相对链接
- GitHub Pages的元数据与插件支持
- 查看YAML格式的元数据
- 渲染表格数据
- 撤销Pull Request
- Diffs
- Hub
- 贡献内容的自动检查
- 贡献者指南
- GitHub资源
- Git
- 前一个分支
- Stripspace命令
- 检出Pull Requests
- 提交空改动 :trollface:
- 更直观的Git Status
- 更直观的Git Log
- Git查询
- 合并分支
- 使用网页查看本地仓库
- Git配置
- Git资源