D:\phpStudy>cd D:\phpStudy\WWW\20210421\
D:\phpStudy\WWW\20210421>composer require hg/apidoc
Search for a package: apidoc
Found 15 packages matching apidoc
[0] nelmio/api-doc-bundle
[1] mpociot/laravel-apidoc-generator
[2] yiisoft/yii2-apidoc
[3] crada/php-apidoc
[4] hg/apidoc
[5] weiwei/api-doc
[6] nostop8/rest-api-doc
[7] f2m2/apidocs
[8] bear/api-doc
[9] gohiei/api-doc-bundle
[10] facebook/hh-apidoc
[11] baraja-core/structured-api-doc
[12] contributte/api-docu
[13] ublaboo/api-docu
[14] weiwei2012holy/eolinker-doc
Enter package # to add, or the complete package name if it is not listed: ^C终止
批处理操作吗(Y/N)? y
D:\phpStudy\WWW\20210421>composer require "hg/apidoc"
Search for a package: thinkphp-apidoc
Found 15 packages matching thinkphp-apidoc
[0] yunbuye/thinkphp-apidoc-generator
[1] xwpd/thinkphp-apidoc-generator
[2] ascwh/thinkphp-apidoc
[3] liaosp/think-swagger
[4] weiwei/api-doc
[5] ric/thinkphp6-apidoc
[6] hao/api-doc
[7] cyzonetech/api-doc
[8] shuxian/tp5-apidoc
[9] yiran/yr-api-doc
[10] widuu/think-api
[11] oswell/api-doc
[12] kyle/yapi
[13] gzhantao/api-doc
[14] cck/api-doc
Enter package # to add, or the complete package name if it is not listed: 8
Enter the version constraint to require (or leave blank to use the latest versio
Using version ^2.0 for shuxian/tp5-apidoc
Search for a package:
./composer.json has been updated
Running composer update shuxian/tp5-apidoc
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Lock file operations: 2 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Locking shuxian/tp5-apidoc (v2.0)
- Locking topthink/think-helper (v3.1.1)
Writing lock file
Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)
Package operations: 2 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Downloading topthink/think-helper (v3.1.1)
- Downloading shuxian/tp5-apidoc (v2.0)
0/2 [>---------------------------] 0%
1/2 [==============>-------------] 50%
2/2 [============================] 100%
- Installing topthink/think-helper (v3.1.1): Extracting archive
- Installing shuxian/tp5-apidoc (v2.0): Extracting archive
0 [>---------------------------] 0 [>---------------------------]
Generating autoload files
5 packages you are using are looking for funding.
Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!
- extend加入模块
- array_column() expects parameter 1 to be array, object given
- tp5.1安装No input file specified.
- wechatDeveloper
- ThinkLibrary
- 语法错误: unexpected '?'
- Cannot use object of type stdClass as array
- Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
- 常量上传
- 命名空间extend_email_Aindex
- Validate
- 'cross-env' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序
- 内置规则
- composer self-update
- cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem
- GuzzleHttp_Client_cookie_true
- cookies原始字符串转换为数组
- 设置cookie
- apidoc
- 原生安装tp5
- array_unique
- explode
- tp3修改密码
- tp打印SQL
- tp5一对一关联
- allowField
- array_column
- array_key_exists
- array_search
- tp5如何引入自定义函数
- with
- with闭包
- 绑定类
- composer A
- array_filter用回调函数过滤数组中的元素
- array_keys
- array_slice截取前两个
- fetch_assoc
- in_array是否存在指定的值
- is_null
- join
- krsort对数组排序
- array-udiff
- shuffle
- substr
- unset删除多维数组key
- 多维转一维函数
- 数组变成字符串implode
- 数组分割
- 数组取差集
- 随机函数array_rand
- 一维变二维
- 字符串包裹变量
- 字符串汉字截取mb_substr
- 直接使用composer命令
- 安装vendor
- composer命令
- 复制安装
- 空目录安装
- tp5cms
- tp5调试
- tp3调试
- TP5一对一关联
- SQL语句
- 清空数据
- 去重
- 去重保留最小id
- 去重匹配除数字外数据
- 事务
- tp5pdf乱码
- tp5column_tp3getFieldtrue
- php代码在线测试,php在线执行
- parent::_initialize