namespace Org\Util;
* 日期时间操作类
* @category ORG
* @package ORG
* @subpackage Date
* @author liu21st <liu21st@gmail.com>
* @version $Id: Date.class.php 2662 2012-01-26 06:32:50Z liu21st $
class Date {
* 日期的时间戳
* @var integer
* @access protected
protected $date;
* 时区
* @var integer
* @access protected
protected $timezone;
* 年
* @var integer
* @access protected
protected $year;
* 月
* @var integer
* @access protected
protected $month;
* 日
* @var integer
* @access protected
protected $day;
* 时
* @var integer
* @access protected
protected $hour;
* 分
* @var integer
* @access protected
protected $minute;
* 秒
* @var integer
* @access protected
protected $second;
* 星期的数字表示
* @var integer
* @access protected
protected $weekday;
* 星期的完整表示
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $cWeekday;
* 一年中的天数 0-365
* @var integer
* @access protected
protected $yDay;
* 月份的完整表示
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $cMonth;
* 日期CDATE表示
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $CDATE;
* 日期的YMD表示
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $YMD;
* 时间的输出表示
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $CTIME;
// 星期的输出
protected $Week = array("日","一","二","三","四","五","六");
* 架构函数
* 创建一个Date对象
* @param mixed $date 日期
* @static
* @access public
public function __construct($date='') {
$this->date = $this->parse($date);
* 日期分析
* 返回时间戳
* @static
* @access public
* @param mixed $date 日期
* @return string
public function parse($date) {
if (is_string($date)) {
if (($date == "") || strtotime($date) == -1) {
$tmpdate = time();
} else {
$tmpdate = strtotime($date);
} elseif (is_null($date)) {
$tmpdate = time();
} elseif (is_numeric($date)) {
$tmpdate = $date;
} else {
if (get_class($date) == "Date") {
$tmpdate = $date->date;
} else {
$tmpdate = time();
return $tmpdate;
* 验证日期数据是否有效
* @access public
* @param mixed $date 日期数据
* @return string
public function valid($date) {
* 日期参数设置
* @static
* @access public
* @param integer $date 日期时间戳
* @return void
public function setDate($date) {
$dateArray = getdate($date);
$this->date = $dateArray[0]; //时间戳
$this->second = $dateArray["seconds"]; //秒
$this->minute = $dateArray["minutes"]; //分
$this->hour = $dateArray["hours"]; //时
$this->day = $dateArray["mday"]; //日
$this->month = $dateArray["mon"]; //月
$this->year = $dateArray["year"]; //年
$this->weekday = $dateArray["wday"]; //星期 0~6
$this->cWeekday = '星期'.$this->Week[$this->weekday];//$dateArray["weekday"]; //星期完整表示
$this->yDay = $dateArray["yday"]; //一年中的天数 0-365
$this->cMonth = $dateArray["month"]; //月份的完整表示
$this->CDATE = $this->format("%Y-%m-%d");//日期表示
$this->YMD = $this->format("%Y%m%d"); //简单日期
$this->CTIME = $this->format("%H:%M:%S");//时间表示
return ;
* 日期格式化
* 默认返回 1970-01-01 11:30:45 格式
* @access public
* @param string $format 格式化参数
* @return string
public function format($format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") {
return strftime($format, $this->date);
* 是否为闰年
* @static
* @access public
* @return string
public function isLeapYear($year='') {
if(empty($year)) {
$year = $this->year;
return ((($year % 4) == 0) && (($year % 100) != 0) || (($year % 400) == 0));
* 计算日期差
* w - weeks
* d - days
* h - hours
* m - minutes
* s - seconds
* @static
* @access public
* @param mixed $date 要比较的日期
* @param string $elaps 比较跨度
* @return integer
public function dateDiff($date, $elaps = "d") {
$__DAYS_PER_WEEK__ = (7);
$__DAYS_PER_MONTH__ = (30);
$__DAYS_PER_YEAR__ = (365);
$__HOURS_IN_A_DAY__ = (24);
$__MINUTES_IN_A_DAY__ = (1440);
$__SECONDS_IN_A_DAY__ = (86400);
$__DAYSELAPS = ($this->parse($date) - $this->date) / $__SECONDS_IN_A_DAY__ ;
switch ($elaps) {
case "y"://转换成年
case "M"://转换成月
case "w"://转换成星期
case "h"://转换成小时
case "m"://转换成分钟
case "s"://转换成秒
return $__DAYSELAPS;
* 人性化的计算日期差
* @static
* @access public
* @param mixed $time 要比较的时间
* @param mixed $precision 返回的精度
* @return string
public function timeDiff( $time ,$precision=false) {
if(!is_numeric($precision) && !is_bool($precision)) {
static $_diff = array('y'=>'年','M'=>'个月','d'=>'天','w'=>'周','s'=>'秒','h'=>'小时','m'=>'分钟');
return ceil($this->dateDiff($time,$precision)).$_diff[$precision].'前';
$diff = abs($this->parse($time) - $this->date);
static $chunks = array(array(31536000,'年'),array(2592000,'个月'),array(604800,'周'),array(86400,'天'),array(3600 ,'小时'),array(60,'分钟'),array(1,'秒'));
$count =0;
$since = '';
for($i=0;$i<count($chunks);$i++) {
if($diff>=$chunks[$i][0]) {
$num = floor($diff/$chunks[$i][0]);
$since .= sprintf('%d'.$chunks[$i][1],$num);
$diff = (int)($diff-$chunks[$i][0]*$num);
if(!$precision || $count>=$precision) {
return $since.'前';
* 返回周的某一天 返回Date对象
* @access public
* @return Date
public function getDayOfWeek($n){
$week = array(0=>'sunday',1=>'monday',2=>'tuesday',3=>'wednesday',4=>'thursday',5=>'friday',6=>'saturday');
return (new Date($week[$n]));
* 计算周的第一天 返回Date对象
* @access public
* @return Date
public function firstDayOfWeek() {
return $this->getDayOfWeek(1);
* 计算月份的第一天 返回Date对象
* @access public
* @return Date
public function firstDayOfMonth() {
return (new Date(mktime(0, 0, 0,$this->month,1,$this->year )));
* 计算年份的第一天 返回Date对象
* @access public
* @return Date
public function firstDayOfYear() {
return (new Date(mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $this->year)));
* 计算周的最后一天 返回Date对象
* @access public
* @return Date
public function lastDayOfWeek() {
return $this->getDayOfWeek(0);
* 计算月份的最后一天 返回Date对象
* @access public
* @return Date
public function lastDayOfMonth() {
return (new Date(mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month + 1, 0, $this->year )));
* 计算年份的最后一天 返回Date对象
* @access public
* @return Date
public function lastDayOfYear() {
return (new Date(mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, $this->year + 1)));
* 计算月份的最大天数
* @access public
* @return integer
public function maxDayOfMonth() {
$result = $this->dateDiff(strtotime($this->dateAdd(1,'m')),'d');
return $result;
* 取得指定间隔日期
* yyyy - 年
* q - 季度
* m - 月
* y - day of year
* d - 日
* w - 周
* ww - week of year
* h - 小时
* n - 分钟
* s - 秒
* @access public
* @param integer $number 间隔数目
* @param string $interval 比较类型
* @return Date
public function dateAdd($number = 0, $interval = "d") {
$hours = $this->hour;
$minutes = $this->minute;
$seconds = $this->second;
$month = $this->month;
$day = $this->day;
$year = $this->year;
switch ($interval) {
case "yyyy":
//---Add $number to year
$year += $number;
case "q":
//---Add $number to quarter
$month += ($number*3);
case "m":
//---Add $number to month
$month += $number;
case "y":
case "d":
case "w":
//---Add $number to day of year, day, day of week
$day += $number;
case "ww":
//---Add $number to week
$day += ($number*7);
case "h":
//---Add $number to hours
$hours += $number;
case "n":
//---Add $number to minutes
$minutes += $number;
case "s":
//---Add $number to seconds
$seconds += $number;
return (new Date(mktime($hours,
* 日期数字转中文
* 用于日和月、周
* @static
* @access public
* @param integer $number 日期数字
* @return string
public function numberToCh($number) {
$number = intval($number);
$array = array('一','二','三','四','五','六','七','八','九','十');
$str = '';
if($number ==0) { $str .= "十" ;}
if($number < 10){
$str .= $array[$number-1] ;
elseif($number < 20 ){
$str .= "十".$array[$number-11];
elseif($number < 30 ){
$str .= "二十".$array[$number-21];
$str .= "三十".$array[$number-31];
return $str;
* 年份数字转中文
* @static
* @access public
* @param integer $yearStr 年份数字
* @param boolean $flag 是否显示公元
* @return string
public function yearToCh( $yearStr ,$flag=false ) {
$array = array('零','一','二','三','四','五','六','七','八','九');
$str = $flag? '公元' : '';
$str .= $array[substr($yearStr,$i,1)];
return $str;
* 判断日期 所属 干支 生肖 星座
* type 参数:XZ 星座 GZ 干支 SX 生肖
* @static
* @access public
* @param string $type 获取信息类型
* @return string
public function magicInfo($type) {
$result = '';
$m = $this->month;
$y = $this->year;
$d = $this->day;
switch ($type) {
case 'XZ'://星座
$XZDict = array('摩羯','宝瓶','双鱼','白羊','金牛','双子','巨蟹','狮子','处女','天秤','天蝎','射手');
$Zone = array(1222,122,222,321,421,522,622,722,822,922,1022,1122,1222);
$result = $XZDict[$i].'座';
case 'GZ'://干支
$GZDict = array(
$i= $y -1900+36 ;
$result = $GZDict[0][$i%10].$GZDict[1][$i%12];
case 'SX'://生肖
$SXDict = array('鼠','牛','虎','兔','龙','蛇','马','羊','猴','鸡','狗','猪');
$result = $SXDict[($y-4)%12];
return $result;
public function __toString() {
return $this->format();
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