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## 桌面应用 Clojure 可以创建基于Swing的GUI程序。下面是一个简单的例子, 用户可以输入他们的名字,然后点击“Greet:按钮,然后它会弹出一个对话框显示一个欢迎信息。可以关注一下这里我们使用了 `proxy` 宏来创建一个集成某个指定类 ( `JFrame` )并且实现了一些java接口 (这里只有 `ActionListener` 一个接口)的对象。. ![Swing input frame](https://box.kancloud.cn/2016-05-04_5729b1373ce0e.png) ![Swing output dialog](https://box.kancloud.cn/2016-05-04_5729b13754b11.png) ``` (ns com.ociweb.swing (:import (java.awt BorderLayout) (java.awt.event ActionListener) (javax.swing JButton JFrame JLabel JOptionPane JPanel JTextField))) (defn message "gets the message to display based on the current text in text-field" 1 (str "Hello, " (.getText text-field) "!")) ; Set the initial text in name-field to "World" ; and its visible width to 10. (let [name-field (JTextField. "World" 10) greet-button (JButton. "Greet") panel (JPanel.) frame (proxy [JFrame ActionListener] [] ; superclass constructor arguments (actionPerformed [e] ; nil below is the parent component (JOptionPane/showMessageDialog nil (message name-field))))] (doto panel (.add (JLabel. "Name:")) (.add name-field)) (doto frame (.add panel BorderLayout/CENTER) (.add greet-button BorderLayout/SOUTH) (.pack) (.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE) (.setVisible true)) ; Register frame to listen for greet-button presses. (.addActionListener greet-button frame)) ```