# Flask-Testing
**Flask-Testing** 扩展为 Flask 提供了单元测试的工具。
## 安装 Flask-Testing
使用 **pip** 或者 **easy_install** 安装:
pip install Flask-Testing
git clone https://github.com/jarus/flask-testing.git
cd flask-testing
python setup.py develop
如果你正在使用 **virtualenv**,假设你会安装 **Flask-Testing** 在运行你的 Flask 应用程序的同一个 virtualenv 上。
## 编写测试用例
简单地继承 `TestCase` 的 MyTest:
from flask.ext.testing import TestCase
class MyTest(TestCase):
你必须定义 `create_app` 方法,该方法返回一个 Flask 实例:
from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.testing import TestCase
class MyTest(TestCase):
def create_app(self):
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['TESTING'] = True
return app
如果不定义 `create_app`,`NotImplementedError` 异常将会抛出。
### 使用 LiveServer 测试
如果你想要你的测试通过 Selenium 或者 无头浏览器(无头浏览器的意思就是无外设的意思,可以在命令行下运行的浏览器)运行,你可以使用 LiveServerTestCase:
import urllib2
from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.testing import LiveServerTestCase
class MyTest(LiveServerTestCase):
def create_app(self):
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['TESTING'] = True
# Default port is 5000
app.config['LIVESERVER_PORT'] = 8943
return app
def test_server_is_up_and_running(self):
response = urllib2.urlopen(self.get_server_url())
self.assertEqual(response.code, 200)
在这个例子中 `get_server_url` 方法将会返回 [http://localhost:8943](http://localhost:8943)。
### 测试 JSON 响应
如果你正在测试一个返回 JSON 的视图函数的话,你可以使用 `Response` 对象的特殊的属性 `json` 来测试输出:
def some_json():
return jsonify(success=True)
class TestViews(TestCase):
def test_some_json(self):
response = self.client.get("/ajax/")
self.assertEquals(response.json, dict(success=True))
### 选择不渲染模板
当测试需要处理模板渲染的时候可能是一个大问题。如果在测试中你不想要渲染模板的话可以设置 `render_templates` 属性:
class TestNotRenderTemplates(TestCase):
render_templates = False
def test_assert_not_process_the_template(self):
response = self.client.get("/template/")
assert "" == response.data
尽管可以设置不想渲染模板,但是渲染模板的信号在任何时候都会发送,你也可以使用 `assert_template_used` 方法来检查模板是否被渲染:
class TestNotRenderTemplates(TestCase):
render_templates = False
def test_assert_mytemplate_used(self):
response = self.client.get("/template/")
### 使用 Twill
[Twill](http://twill.idyll.org/) 是一个用来通过使用命令行界面浏览网页的简单的语言。
请注意 Twill 只支持 Python 2.x,不能在 Python 3 或者以上版本上使用。
`Flask-Testing` 拥有一个辅助类用来创建使用 Twill 的功能测试用例:
def test_something_with_twill(self):
with Twill(self.app, port=3000) as t:
旧的 `TwillTestCase` 类已经被弃用。
### 测试 SQLAlchemy
这部分将会涉及使用 **Flask-Testing** 测试 [SQLAlchemy](http://sqlalchemy.org) 的一部分内容。这里假设你使用的是 [Flask-SQLAlchemy](http://packages.python.org/Flask-SQLAlchemy/) 扩展,并且这里的例子也不是太难,可以适用于用户自己的配置。
首先,先确保数据库的 URI 是设置成开发环境而不是生产环境!其次,一个好的测试习惯就是在每一次测试执行的时候先创建表,在结束的时候删除表,这样保证干净的测试环境:
from flask.ext.testing import TestCase
from myapp import create_app, db
class MyTest(TestCase):
def create_app(self):
# pass in test configuration
return create_app(self)
def setUp(self):
def tearDown(self):
同样需要注意地是每一个新的 SQLAlchemy 会话在测试用例运行的时候就被创建, `db.session.remove()` 在每一个测试用例的结尾被调用(这是为了确保 SQLAlchemy 会话及时被删除) - 这是一种常见的 “陷阱”。
另外一个 “陷阱” 就是 Flask-SQLAlchemy 会在每一个请求结束的时候删除 SQLAlchemy 会话(session)。因此每次调用 `client.get()` 或者其它客户端方法的后,SQLAlchemy 会话(session)连同添加到它的任何对象都会被删除。
class SomeTest(MyTest):
def test_something(self):
user = User()
# this works
assert user in db.session
response = self.client.get("/")
# this raises an AssertionError
assert user in db.session
你现在必须重新添加 “user” 实例回 SQLAlchemy 会话(session)使用 `db.session.add(user)`,如果你想要在数据库上做进一步的操作。
同样需要注意地是在这个例子中内存数据库 SQLite 是被使用:尽管它是十分的快,但是你要是使用其它类型的数据库(例如 MySQL 或者 PostgreSQL),可能上述代码就不适用。
你也可能想要在 `setUp()` 里为你的数据库增加一组实例一旦你的数据库的表已经创建。如果你想要使用数据集的话,请参看 [Fixture](http://farmdev.com/projects/fixture/index.html),它包含了对 SQLAlchemy 的支持。
## 运行测试用例
### 使用 unittest
一开始我建议把所有的测试放在一个文件里面,这样你可以使用 `unittest.main()` 函数。这个函数将会发现在你的 `TestCase` 类里面的所有的测试方法。请记住,所有的测试方法和类请以 `test` 开头(不区分大小写),这样才能被自动识别出来。
import unittest
import flask.ext.testing
# your test cases
if __name__ == '__main__':
现在你可以用 `python tests.py` 命令执行你的测试。
### 使用 nose
同样 [nose](http://nose.readthedocs.org/en/latest/) 也与 Flask-Testing 能够很好的融合在一起。
## 更新历史
### 0.4.2 (24.07.2014)
> * Improved teardown to be more graceful.
> * Add `message` argument to `assertStatus` respectively all assertion methods with fixed status like `assert404`.
### 0.4.1 (27.02.2014)
This release is dedicated to every contributer who made this release possible. Thank you very much.
> * Python 3 compatibility (without twill)
> * Add `LiveServerTestCase`
> * Use unittest2 backports if available in python 2.6
> * Install multiprocessing for python versions earlier than 2.6
### 0.4 (06.07.2012)
> * Use of the new introduced import way for flask extensions. Use `import flask.ext.testing` instead of `import flaskext.testing`.
> * Replace all `assert` with `self.assert*` methods for better output with unittest.
> * Improved Python 2.5 support.
> * Use Flask’s preferred JSON module.
## API
`class flask.ext.testing.TestCase(methodName='runTest')`
Checks if response status code is 200
Parameters: **response** – Flask response
Checks if response status code is 400
Versionadded: 0.2.5
Parameters: **response** – Flask response
Checks if response status code is 401
Versionadded: 0.2.1
Parameters: **response** – Flask response
Checks if response status code is 403
Versionadded: 0.2
Parameters: **response** – Flask response
Checks if response status code is 404
Parameters: **response** – Flask response
Checks if response status code is 405
Versionadded: 0.2
Parameters: **response** – Flask response
Checks if response status code is 500
Versionadded: 0.4.1
Parameters: **response** – Flask response
`assertContext(name, value)`
Checks if given name exists in the template context and equals the given value.
* **name** – name of context variable
* **value** – value to check against
`assertRedirects(response, location)`
Checks if response is an HTTP redirect to the given location.
* **response** – Flask response
* **location** – relative URL (i.e. without **http://localhost**)
`assertStatus(response, status_code)`
Helper method to check matching response status.
* **response** – Flask response
* **status_code** – response status code (e.g. 200)
`assertTemplateUsed(name, tmpl_name_attribute='name')`
Checks if a given template is used in the request. Only works if your version of Flask has signals support (0.6+) and blinker is installed. If the template engine used is not Jinja2, provide `tmpl_name_attribute` with a value of its `Template` class attribute name which contains the provided `name` value.
* **name** – template name
* **tmpl_name_attribute** – template engine specific attribute name
Checks if response status code is 200
Parameters: **response** – Flask response
Checks if response status code is 400
Versionadded: 0.2.5
Parameters: **response** – Flask response
Checks if response status code is 401
Versionadded: 0.2.1
Parameters: **response** – Flask response
Checks if response status code is 403
Versionadded: 0.2
Parameters: **response** – Flask response
Checks if response status code is 404
Parameters: **response** – Flask response
Checks if response status code is 405
Versionadded: 0.2
Parameters: **response** – Flask response
Checks if response status code is 500
Versionadded: 0.4.1
Parameters: **response** – Flask response
`assert_context(name, value)`
Checks if given name exists in the template context and equals the given value.
* **name** – name of context variable
* **value** – value to check against
`assert_redirects(response, location)`
Checks if response is an HTTP redirect to the given location.
* **response** – Flask response
* **location** – relative URL (i.e. without **http://localhost**)
`assert_status(response, status_code)`
Helper method to check matching response status.
* **response** – Flask response
* **status_code** – response status code (e.g. 200)
`assert_template_used(name, tmpl_name_attribute='name')`
Checks if a given template is used in the request. Only works if your version of Flask has signals support (0.6+) and blinker is installed. If the template engine used is not Jinja2, provide `tmpl_name_attribute` with a value of its `Template` class attribute name which contains the provided `name` value.
* **name** – template name
* **tmpl_name_attribute** – template engine specific attribute name
Create your Flask app here, with any configuration you need.
Returns a variable from the context passed to the template. Only works if your version of Flask has signals support (0.6+) and blinker is installed.
Raises a ContextVariableDoesNotExist exception if does not exist in context.
Versionadded: 0.2
Parameters: **name** – name of variable
`class flask.ext.testing.Twill(app, host='', port=5000, scheme='http')`
Versionadded: 0.3
Twill wrapper utility class.
Creates a Twill `browser` instance and handles WSGI intercept.
t = Twill(self.app)
with t:
Makes complete URL based on host, port and scheme Twill settings.
Parameters: **url** – relative URL
`class flask.ext.testing.TwillTestCase(methodName='runTest')`
Deprecated: use Twill helper class instead.
Creates a Twill `browser` instance and handles WSGI intercept.
Makes complete URL based on host, port and scheme Twill settings.
Parameters: **url** – relative URL