[Open API Messages .proto file](https://github.com/spotware/Open-API-2.0-protobuf-messages/blob/master/OpenApiMessages.proto)
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | string | clientId | The unique Client ID provided during the registration. |
| required | string | clientSecret | The unique Client Secret provided during the registration. |
*对 ProtoOAApplicationAuthReq 请求的响应。*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
*要求授权交易账户会话。 需要与客户端应用程序建立授权连接。*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique identifier of the Trader's Account in cTrader platform. |
| required | string | accessToken | The Access Token issued for providing access to the Trader's Account. |
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique identifier of the Trader's Account in cTrader platform. |
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| optional | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique identifier of the Trader's Account in cTrader platform. Used to match responses to the Trader's Accounts. |
| required | string | errorCode | The name of the ProtoErrorCode or the other custom ErrorCodes (e.g. ProtoCHErrorCode). |
| optional | string | description | The error description. |
*服务器取消与客户端应用程序的连接时发送的事件。 交易者账户的所有会话将被终止。*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| optional | string | reason | The disconnection reason explained. For example: The application access was blocked by cTrader Administrator. |
*服务器取消与特定交易者帐户的连接时发生的事件。 将保留与其他交易者账户的现有联系。*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| repeated | int64 | ctidTraderAccountIds | Unique identifier of the Trader's Account. Used to match Responses to Trader's Accounts. |
| optional | string | reason | The disconnection reason explained. For example: Access Token is expired or recalled. |
*代理版本请求。 可用于检查.proto文件是否过时。*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | string | version | The current version of the server application. |
*发送新交易订单的请求。 仅当accessToken字段具有交易账户的“交易”权限时才允许。*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | A unique identifier of the Trader Account. Used to match responses to the Trader’s Accounts |
| required | int64 | symbolId | The unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform. |
| required | ProtoOAOrderType | orderType | The type of order - MARKET, LIMIT, STOP, MARKET\_RANGE, STOP\_LIMIT. |
| required | ProtoOATradeSide | tradeSide | Trading direction - BUY or SELL. |
| required | int64 | volume | The volume represented in 0.01 of a unit (e.g. US\\$ 10.00 = 1000). |
| optional | double | limitPrice | The limit price, can be specified for the LIMIT order only. |
| optional | double | stopPrice | Stop Price, can be specified for the STOP and the STOP\_LIMIT orders only. |
| optional | ProtoOATimeInForce | timeInForce | The specific order execution or expiration instruction - GOOD\_TILL\_DATE, GOOD\_TILL\_CANCEL, IMMEDIATE\_OR\_CANCEL, FILL\_OR\_KILL, MARKET\_ON\_OPEN. |
| optional | int64 | expirationTimestamp | The exact order expiration time. Should be set for the Good Till Date orders. |
| optional | double | stopLoss | The absolute Stop Loss price (1.23456 for example). Not supported for the MARKER orders. |
| optional | double | takeProfit | The absolute Take Profit price (1.23456 for example). Unsupported for the MARKER orders. |
| optional | string | comment | User-specified comment. MaxLength = 512. |
| optional | double | baseSlippagePrice | Base price to calculate relative slippage price for MARKET\_RANGE order. |
| optional | int32 | slippageInPoints | Slippage distance for MARKET\_RANGE and STOP\_LIMIT order. |
| optional | string | label | User-specified label. MaxLength = 100. |
| optional | int64 | positionId | Reference to the existing position if the Order is intended to modify it. |
| optional | string | clientOrderId | Optional user-specific clientOrderId (similar to FIX ClOrderID). MaxLength=50. |
| optional | int64 | relativeStopLoss | Relative Stop Loss that can be specified instead of the absolute as one. Specified in 1/100'000 of unit of a price. For BUY stopLoss = entryPrice - relativeStopLoss, for SELL stopLoss = entryPrice + relativeStopLoss. |
| optional | int64 | relativeTakeProfit | Relative Take Profit that can be specified instead of the absolute one. Specified in 1/100'000 of unit of a price. For BUY takeProfit = entryPrice + relativeTakeProfit, for SELL takeProfit = entryPrice - relativeTakeProfit. |
| optional | bool | guaranteedStopLoss | If TRUE then stopLoss is guaranteed. Avalible for the French Risk or the Guaranteed Stop Loss Accounts. |
| optional | bool | trailingStopLoss | If TRUE, then the Stop Loss is Trailing. |
| optional | ProtoOAOrderTriggerMethod | stopTriggerMethod | The trigger method for the STOP or the STOP\_LIMIT pending orders. |
*在成功获得订单或服务器执行后发送的事件。 作为对ProtoOANewOrderReq,ProtoOACancelOrderReq,ProtoOAAmendOrderReq,ProtoOAAmendPositionSLTPReq,ProtoOAClosePositionReq请求的响应。 此外,该事件是在存款/借款发生时发送的。*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | Unique identifier of the Trader's Account. Used to match Responses to Trader's Accounts. |
| required | ProtoOAExecutionType | executionType | Type of the order operation. For example: ACCEPTED, FILLED, etc. |
| optional | ProtoOAPosition | position | Reference to the position linked with the execution. |
| optional | ProtoOAOrder | order | Reference to the initial order. |
| optional | ProtoOADeal | deal | Reference to the deal (execution). |
| optional | ProtoOABonusDepositWithdraw | bonusDepositWithdraw | Reference to the Bonus Deposit or Withdrawal operation. |
| optional | ProtoOADepositWithdraw | depositWithdraw | Reference to the Deposit or Withdrawal operation. |
| optional | string | errorCode | The name of the ProtoErrorCode or the other custom ErrorCodes (e.g. ProtoCHErrorCode). |
| optional | bool | isServerEvent | If TRUE, then the event is generated as a result of Server logic instead of the Trader's request (e.g. Stop-out). |
*要求取消现有挂单。 仅当accessToken字段具有交易账户的“交易”权限时才允许。*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | Unique identifier of the Trader's Account. Used to match Responses to Trader's Accounts. |
| required | int64 | orderId | The unique ID of an order to be canceled. |
*要求修改现有挂单。 仅当accessToken具有交易账户的“交易”权限时才允许。*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| required | int64 | orderId | The ID of the order to amend. |
| optional | int64 | volume | Volume represented in 0.01 of a unit (e.g. cents). |
| optional | double | limitPrice | The Limit Price, can be specified for the LIMIT order only. |
| optional | double | stopPrice | The Stop Price, can be specified for the STOP and the STOP\_LIMIT orders. |
| optional | int64 | expirationTimestamp | The exact Order expiration time. Should be set for the Good Till Date orders. |
| optional | double | stopLoss | The absolute Stop Loss price (1.23456 for example). Not supported for the MARKER orders. |
| optional | double | takeProfit | The absolute Take Profit price (1.23456 for example). Not supported for the MARKER orders. |
| optional | int32 | slippageInPoints | Slippage distance for the MARKET\_RANGE and the STOP\_LIMIT orders. |
| optional | int64 | relativeStopLoss | The relative Stop Loss can be specified instead of the absolute one. Sepcified in 1/100'000 of a unit of price. For BUY stopLoss = entryPrice - relativeStopLoss, for SELL stopLoss = entryPrice + relativeStopLoss. |
| optional | int64 | relativeTakeProfit | The relative Take Profit can be specified instead of the absolute one. Specified in 1/100'000 of a unit of price. For BUY takeProfit = entryPrice + relativeTakeProfit, for SELL takeProfit = entryPrice - relativeTakeProfit. |
| optional | bool | guaranteedStopLoss | If TRUE then the Stop Loss is guaranteed. Available for the French Risk or the Guaranteed Stop Loss Accounts. |
| optional | bool | trailingStopLoss | If TRUE then the Trailing Stop Loss is applied. |
| optional | ProtoOAOrderTriggerMethod | stopTriggerMethod | Trigger method for the STOP or the STOP\_LIMIT pending orders. |
*要求修改现有头寸的StopLoss和TakeProfit。 仅当accessToken具有交易账户的“交易”权限时才允许。*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | Unique identifier of the Trader's Account. Used to match Responses to Trader's Accounts. |
| required | int64 | positionId | The unique ID of the position to amend. |
| optional | double | stopLoss | The absolute Stop Loss price (e.g.: 1.23456). |
| optional | double | takeProfit | The absolute Take Profit price (e.g.: 1.26543). |
| optional | bool | guaranteedStopLoss | If TRUE, then the Stop Loss is guaranteed. Available for the French Risk or the Guaranteed Stop Loss Accounts. |
| optional | bool | trailingStopLoss | If TRUE, then the Trailing Stop Loss is applied. |
| optional | ProtoOAOrderTriggerMethod | topLossTriggerMethod | The Stop trigger method for the Stop Loss or the Take Profit orders. |
*要求关闭现有职位。 仅当accessToken具有交易账户的“交易”权限时才允许。*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| required | int64 | positionId | The unique ID of the position to close. |
| required | int64 | volume | Volume to close, represented in 0.01 of a unit (e.g. cents). |
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | Unique identifier of the Trader's Account. Used to match Responses to Trader's Accounts. |
| required | int64 | positionId | The unique ID of the position to close. |
| required | int64 | orderId | The unique ID of the order. |
| required | double | stopPrice | New value of the Stop Loss price. |
| required | int64 | utcLastUpdateTimestamp | The exact UTC time when the Stop Loss was updated. |
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | Unique identifier of the Trader's Account. Used to match Responses to Trader's Accounts. |
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | Unique identifier of the Trader's Account. Used to match Responses to Trader's Accounts. |
| repeated | ProtoOAAsset | asset | The list of assets. |
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | Unique identifier of the Trader's Account. Used to match Responses to Trader's Accounts. |
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | Unique identifier of the Trader's Account. Used to match Responses to Trader's Accounts. |
| repeated | ProtoOALightSymbol | symbol | The list of symbols. |
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | Unique identifier of the Trader's Account. Used to match Responses to Trader's Accounts. |
| repeated | int64 | symbolId | Unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform. |
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | Unique identifier of the Trader's Account. Used to match Responses to Trader's Accounts. |
| repeated | ProtoOASymbol | symbol | Symbol entity with the full set of fields. |
*请求获取由多个符号组成的两个资产之间的转换链。 在没有直接报价的情况下使用。*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | Unique identifier of the Trader's Account. Used to match Responses to Trader's Accounts. |
| required | int64 | firstAssetId | The ID of the first asset in the conversation chain. |
| required | int64 | lastAssetId | The ID of the last asset in the conversation chain. |
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | Unique identifier of the Trader's Account. Used to match Responses to Trader's Accounts. |
| repeated | ProtoOALightSymbol | symbol | Conversion chain of the symbols (e.g. EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/JPY -> EUR/GBP). |
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| repeated | int64 | symbolId | A unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform. |
*Request for a list of asset classes available for the trader's account.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | A unique identifier of the Trader's Account. Used to match responses to Trader's Accounts. |
*The response to the ProtoOAAssetListReq request.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| repeated | ProtoOAAssetClass | assetClass | List of the asset classes. |
*Request for getting data of Trader's Account.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
*Response to the ProtoOATraderReq request.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| required | ProtoOATrader | trader | The Trader account information. |
*Event that is sent when a Trader is updated on Server side.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| required | ProtoOATrader | trader | The Trader account information. |
*Request for getting Trader's current open positions and pending orders data.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
*The response to the ProtoOAReconcileReq request.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| repeated | ProtoOAPosition | position | The list of trader's account open positions. |
| repeated | ProtoOAOrder | order | The list of trader's account pending orders. |
Event that is sent when errors occur during the order requests.
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| required | string | errorCode | The name of the ProtoErrorCode or the other custom ErrorCodes (e.g. ProtoCHErrorCode). |
| optional | int64 | orderId | The unique ID of the order. |
| optional | int64 | positionId | The unique ID of the position. |
| optional | string | description | The error description. |
*Request for getting Trader's deals historical data (execution details).*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| required | int64 | fromTimestamp | The UNIX time from which the search starts >=0 (1-1-1970). Validation: toTimestamp - fromTimestamp \\<= 604800000 (1 week). |
| required | int64 | toTimestamp | The UNIX time where to stop searching \\<= 2147483646000 (19-1-2038). |
| optional | int32 | maxRows | The maximum number of the deals to return. |
*The response to the ProtoOADealListRes request.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| repeated | ProtoOADeal | deal | The list of the deals. |
| repeated | bool | hasMore | If TRUE then the response will provide more than 10000 deals. |
*要求获得保证金估算。 可在发送新订单请求之前使用。*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| required | int64 | symbolId | A unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform. |
| repeated | int64 | volume | Volume represented in 0.01 of a unit (e.g. cents). |
*The response to the ProtoOAExpectedMarginReq request.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| repeated | ProtoOAExpectedMargin | margin | The buy and sell margin estimate. |
*Event that is sent when the margin allocated to a specific position is changed.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| required | uint64 | positionId | The unique ID of the position. |
| required | uint64 | usedMargin | The new value of the margin used. |
*Request for getting Trader's historical data of deposits and withdrawals.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| required | int64 | fromTimestamp | The exact UNIX time from which the search starts >=0 (1-1-1970). Validation: toTimestamp - fromTimestamp \\<= 604800000 (1 week). |
| required | int64 | toTimestamp | The exact UNIX time where to stop searching \\<= 2147483646000 (19-1-2038). |
*Response to the ProtoOACashFlowHistoryListReq request.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| repeated | ProtoOADepositWithdraw | depositWithdraw | The list of deposit and withdrawal operations. |
*Request for getting the list of granted trader's account for the access token.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | string | accessToken | The Access Token issued for providing access to the Trader's Account. |
*Response to the ProtoOAGetAccountListByAccessTokenReq request.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | string | accessToken | The Access Token issued for providing access to the Trader's Account. |
| optional | ProtoOAClientPermissionScope | permissionScope | The sco0pe of permissions - SCOPE\_VIEW or SCOPE\_TRADE. |
| repeated | ProtoOACtidTraderAccount | ctidTraderAccountIds | The list of the accounts IDs. |
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| repeated | int64 | symbolId | The unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform. |
*Response to the ProtoOASubscribeSpotsReq request.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
*Request for unsubscribing from the spot events of the specified symbol.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| repeated | int64 | symbolId | The unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform. |
*Response to the ProtoOASubscribeSpotsRes request.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
*在服务器端生成新的spot事件时发送的事件。 需要订阅现场活动,请参阅ProtoOASubscribeSpotsReq.*
*Event that is sent when a new spot event is generated on the server side. Requires subscription on the spot events, see ProtoOASubscribeSpotsReq.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| required | int64 | symbolId | Unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform. |
| optional | uint64 | bid | Bid price. |
| optional | uint64 | ask | Ask price. |
| repeated | ProtoOATrendbar | trendbar | Returns live trend bar. Requires subscription on the trend bars. |
*请求订阅实时趋势栏。 需要订阅现场活动,请参阅ProtoOASubscribeSpotsReq。*
*Request for subscribing for live trend bars. Requires subscription on the spot events, see ProtoOASubscribeSpotsReq.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| required | ProtoOATrendbarPeriod | period | Specifies period of trend bar series (e.g. M1, M10, etc.). |
| repeated | int64 | symbolId | The unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform. |
*Request for unsubscribing from the live trend bars.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| required | ProtoOATrendbarPeriod | period | Specifies period of trend bar series (e.g. M1, M10, etc.). |
| repeated | int64 | symbolId | The unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform. |
*Request for getting historical trend bars for the symbol.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| required | int64 | fromTimestamp | The exact time of starting the search in milliseconds. Must be bigger or equal to zero (1-1-1970). Validation: toTimestamp - fromTimestamp \\<= X, where X depends on series period: M1, M2, M3, M4, M5: 302400000 (5 weeks); M10, M15, M30, H1: 21168000000 (35 weeks), H4, H12, D1: 31622400000 (1 year); W1, MN1: 158112000000 (5 years). |
| required | int64 | toTimestamp | The exact time of finishing the search in milliseconds. Smaller or equal to 2147483646000 (19-1-2038). |
| required | ProtoOATrendbarPeriod | period | Specifies period of trend bar series (e.g. M1, M10, etc.). |
| required | int64 | symbolId | Unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform. |
*Response to the ProtoOAGetTrendbarsReq request.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| required | ProtoOATrendbarPeriod | period | Specifies period of trend bar series (e.g. M1, M10, etc.). |
| required | int64 | timestamp | Equals to toTimestamp from the request. |
| repeated | int64 | imbolId | Unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform. |
*Request for getting historical tick data for the symbol.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| required | int64 | symbolId | The unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform. |
| repeated | ProtoOAQuoteType | type | Bid/Ask (1/2). |
| required | int64 | fromTimestamp | The exact time of starting the search in milliseconds. Must be bigger of equal to zero (1-1-1970). Validation: toTimestamp - fromTimestamp \\<= 604800000 (1 week). |
| required | int64 | toTimestamp | The exact time of finishing the search in milliseconds \\<= 2147483646000 (19-1-2038). |
*Response to the ProtoOAGetTickDataReq request.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| repeated | ProtoOATickData | tickData | The list of ticks. |
| required | bool | hasMore | If TRUE then the number of records by filter is larger than chunkSize, the response contains the number of records that is equal to chunkSize. |
**End Quotes**
*要求获取交易者个人资料的详细信息。 受GDRP要求限制。*
*Request for getting details of Trader's profile. Limited due to GDRP requirements.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | string | accessToken | The Access Token issued for providing access to the Trader's Account. |
*Response to the ProtoOAGetCtidProfileByTokenReq request.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | ProtoOACtidProfile | profile | Trader's profile. |
*市场深度结构发生变化时发送的事件。 需要订阅符号的市场深度,请参阅ProtoOASubscribeDepthQuotesReq。*
*Event that is sent when the structure of the depth of market is changed. Requires subscription on the depth of markets for the symbol, see ProtoOASubscribeDepthQuotesReq.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| required | int64 | symbolId | The unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform. |
| repeated | ProtoOADepthQuote | newQuotes | The list of changes in the depth of market quotes. |
| repeated | uint64 | deletedQuotes | The list of quotes to delete. |
*Request for subscribing on depth of market of the specified symbol.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| required | int64 | symbolId | The unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform. |
*Response to the ProtoOASubscribeDepthQuotesReq request.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
*Request for unsubscribing from the depth of market of the specified symbol.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
| required | int64 | symbolId | The unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform. |
*Response to the ProtoOAUnsubscribeDepthQuotesReq request.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. |
*要求注销交易账户并关闭会话。 需要与客户端应用程序建立授权连接。*
*Request to logout a trading account and close the session. Requires established authorized connection with the client application.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique identifier of the Trader's Account in cTrader platform. |
*Response to the ProtoOATraderLogoutReq request.*
| **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| optional | ProtoOAPayloadType | payloadType | |
| required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique identifier of the Trader's Account in cTrader platform. |
- 空白目录
- API Reference 2.0
- Getting Started
- Open Authentication
- Protocol Buffers
- Protobuf Messages Reference
- Open API Messages
- Open API Model Messages
- Open API Error Codes
- Example Projects .NET
- Spotware Proxy Cloud
- Getting Started in C#
- Test Environment
- Playground
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Lesson 1. Your First App
- Lesson 2. Get Trading Data
- Lesson 3. Get Market Data
- Lesson 4. Using Trading API