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# Front-end on a team A front-end developer is typically only one player on a team that designs and develops web sites, web applications, or native applications running on web technologies. (Note: A developer who builds everything was once called a "web master" but as of late these rare and mythical developers are called "full-stack developers"). A bare bones team for building professional sites or software on the web will minimally contain the following roles. - Visual Designer (i.e. fonts, colors, spacing, emotion, visuals concepts & themes) - UI/Interaction Designer/Information Architect (i.e. wireframes, specifying all user interactions and UI functionality, structuring information) - Front-end Developer (i.e. writes code that runs in client/on device) - Back-end Developer (i.e. writes code that runs on server) The roles are ordered according to overlapping skills. A front-end developer will typically have a good handle on UI/Interaction design as well as back-end development. It is not uncommon for team members to fill more than one role by taking on the responsibilities of an over-lapping role. It is assumed that the team is being directed by a project lead of some sorts (i.e. stakeholder, project manager, product owner etc...) A larger team might include the following roles not shown above: - Visual Designers - Interface Design/Interaction Designer/Information Design - **SEO strategist** - Front-end Developer - **DevOps Engineers** - Back-end Developer - **API Developer** - **Database Administrator** - **QA Engineer / Testers**