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# Learn general front-end development ##### General Learning: - [Front End Web Development Career Kickstart]( [watch][$] - [Front End Web Development: Get Started]( [watch][$] - [Front-End Web Development Quick Start With HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript]( [watch][$] - [Introduction to Web Development]( [watch][$] - [Foundations of Front-End Web Development]( [watch][$] - [Lean Front-End Engineering]( [watch][$] - [Planning a Front-end JS Application]( [watch] - [A Baseline for Front-End [JS] Developers: 2015]( [read] - [So, You Want to be a Front-End Engineer]( [watch] - [Learn Front End Web Development]( [watch][$] - [Front-End Dev Mastery]( [watch][$] - [Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree]( [watch][$] - [Frontend Guidelines]( [read] - [BEING A WEB DEVELOPER]( [read] - [Isobar Front-end Code Standards]( [read] - [Web Fundamentals]( [read] - [Front-end Curriculum]( [read] ##### General front-end newsletters, news outlets, & podcasts: - []( - []( - []( - [O'Reilly Web Platform Radar]( - [The Wdb Platform Podcast]( - [The Web Ahead]( - [The Big Web Show]( - [Fresh Brewed Frontend]( - [Mobile Web Weekly]( - [Open Web Platform Daily Digest]( - [FRONT-END DEV weekly](