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escape可用于将变量编码或转换成 html, url, 单引号, 十六进制, 十六进制实体,javascript 和 电邮地址。 默认是:html。 | 参数顺序 | 类型 | 必选参数 | 允许取值 | 默认值 |说明 | | --- | --- |--- |--- |--- |--- | | 1| string | No | html, htmlall, url, urlpathinfo, 单引号, 十六进制, 十六进制实体, javascript, 电邮地址 | html | 这是escape转换后的格式 | | 2| string | No | ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, 和其他 htmlentities()支持的字符集 | UTF-8 | 传递给htmlentities()的字符集类型 | | 3| boolean | No | FALSE | TRUE | 两次转换实体,&amp; 到 &amp;amp; (仅在 html 和 htmlall 使用) | escape例子 articleTitle:`'Stiff Opposition Expected to Casketless Funeral Plan'` EmailAddress:`smarty@example.com` 下面是escape的例子和输出: ``` _{$articleTitle}_ 输出:'Stiff Opposition Expected to Casketless Funeral Plan' _{$articleTitle|escape}_ 输出:&#039;Stiff Opposition Expected to Casketless Funeral Plan&#039; _{$articleTitle|escape:'html'}_ 输出:&#039;Stiff Opposition Expected to Casketless Funeral Plan&#039; _{$articleTitle|escape:'htmlall'}_ 输出:&#039;Stiff Opposition Expected to Casketless Funeral Plan&#039; <a href="?title=_{$articleTitle|escape:'url'}_">click here</a> 输出:<a href="?title=%27Stiff%20Opposition%20Expected%20to%20Casketless%20Funeral%20Plan%27">click here</a> _{$articleTitle|escape:'quotes'}_ 输出:\'Stiff Opposition Expected to Casketless Funeral Plan\' <a href="mailto:_{$EmailAddress|escape:"hex"}_">_{$EmailAddress|escape:"hexentity"}_</a> _{$EmailAddress|escape:'mail'}_ 输出:<a href="mailto:%62%6f%..snip..%65%74">&#x62;&#x6f;&#x62..snip..&#x65;&#x74;</a> _{'mail@example.com'|escape:'mail'}_ 输出:smarty [AT] example [DOT] com ```