# 分页(Pagination)
The process of pagination takes place when we need to present big groups of arbitrary data gradually.`Phalcon\Paginator`offers a fast and convenient way to split these sets of data into browsable pages.
## 数据适配器(Data Adapters)
This component makes use of adapters to encapsulate different sources of data:
| Adapter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [Phalcon\\Paginator\\Adapter\\NativeArray](http://docs.iphalcon.cn/api/Phalcon_Paginator_Adapter_NativeArray.html) | Use a PHP array as source data |
| [Phalcon\\Paginator\\Adapter\\Model](http://docs.iphalcon.cn/api/Phalcon_Paginator_Adapter_Model.html) | Use a[Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Resultset](http://docs.iphalcon.cn/api/Phalcon_Mvc_Model_Resultset.html)object as source data. Since PDO doesn’t support scrollable cursors this adapter shouldn’t be used to paginate a large number of records |
| [Phalcon\\Paginator\\Adapter\\QueryBuilder](http://docs.iphalcon.cn/api/Phalcon_Paginator_Adapter_QueryBuilder.html) | Use a[Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query\\Builder](http://docs.iphalcon.cn/api/Phalcon_Mvc_Model_Query_Builder.html)object as source data |
## 示例(Examples)
In the example below, the paginator will use the result of a query from a model as its source data, and limit the displayed data to 10 records per page:
use Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter\Model as PaginatorModel;
// Current page to show
// In a controller/component this can be:
// $this->request->getQuery("page", "int"); // GET
// $this->request->getPost("page", "int"); // POST
$currentPage = (int) $_GET["page"];
// The data set to paginate
$robots = Robots::find();
// Create a Model paginator, show 10 rows by page starting from $currentPage
$paginator = new PaginatorModel(
"data" => $robots,
"limit" => 10,
"page" => $currentPage,
// Get the paginated results
$page = $paginator->getPaginate();
The`$currentPage`variable controls the page to be displayed. The`$paginator->getPaginate()`returns a`$page`object that contains the paginated data. It can be used for generating the pagination:
<?php foreach ($page->items as $item) { ?>
<td><?php echo $item->id; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $item->name; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $item->type; ?></td>
<?php } ?>
The`$page`object also contains navigation data:
<a href="/robots/search">First</a>
<a href="/robots/search?page=<?= $page->before; ?>">Previous</a>
<a href="/robots/search?page=<?= $page->next; ?>">Next</a>
<a href="/robots/search?page=<?= $page->last; ?>">Last</a>
<?php echo "You are in page ", $page->current, " of ", $page->total_pages; ?>
## 适配器使用(Adapters Usage)
An example of the source data that must be used for each adapter:
use Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter\Model as PaginatorModel;
use Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter\NativeArray as PaginatorArray;
use Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter\QueryBuilder as PaginatorQueryBuilder;
// Passing a resultset as data
$paginator = new PaginatorModel(
"data" => Products::find(),
"limit" => 10,
"page" => $currentPage,
// Passing an array as data
$paginator = new PaginatorArray(
"data" => [
["id" => 1, "name" => "Artichoke"],
["id" => 2, "name" => "Carrots"],
["id" => 3, "name" => "Beet"],
["id" => 4, "name" => "Lettuce"],
["id" => 5, "name" => ""],
"limit" => 2,
"page" => $currentPage,
// Passing a QueryBuilder as data
$builder = $this->modelsManager->createBuilder()
->columns("id, name")
$paginator = new PaginatorQueryBuilder(
"builder" => $builder,
"limit" => 20,
"page" => 1,
## 页面属性(Page Attributes)
The`$page`object has the following attributes:
| Attribute | Description |
| --- | --- |
| items | The set of records to be displayed at the current page |
| current | The current page |
| before | The previous page to the current one |
| next | The next page to the current one |
| last | The last page in the set of records |
| total\_pages | The number of pages |
| total\_items | The number of items in the source data |
## 自定义适配器(Implementing your own adapters)
The[Phalcon\\Paginator\\AdapterInterface](http://docs.iphalcon.cn/api/Phalcon_Paginator_AdapterInterface.html)interface must be implemented in order to create your own paginator adapters or extend the existing ones:
use Phalcon\Paginator\AdapterInterface as PaginatorInterface;
class MyPaginator implements PaginatorInterface
* Adapter constructor
* @param array $config
public function __construct($config);
* Set the current page number
* @param int $page
public function setCurrentPage($page);
* Returns a slice of the resultset to show in the pagination
* @return stdClass
public function getPaginate();
- 简介
- 安装
- 安装(installlation)
- XAMPP下的安装
- WAMP下安装
- Nginx安装说明
- Apache安装说明
- Cherokee 安装说明
- 使用 PHP 内置 web 服务器
- Phalcon 开发工具
- Linux 系统下使用 Phalcon 开发工具
- Mac OS X 系统下使用 Phalcon 开发工具
- Windows 系统下使用 Phalcon 开发工具
- 教程
- 教程 1:让我们通过例子来学习
- 教程 2:INVO简介
- 教程 3: 保护INVO
- 教程4: 使用CRUD
- 教程5: 定制INVO
- 教程 6: Vökuró
- 教程 7:创建简单的 REST API
- 组件
- 依赖注入与服务定位器
- MVC架构
- 使用控制器
- 使用模型
- 模型关系
- 事件与事件管理器
- Behaviors
- 模型元数据
- 事务管理
- 验证数据完整性
- Workingwith Models
- Phalcon查询语言
- 缓存对象关系映射
- 对象文档映射 ODM
- 使用视图
- 视图助手
- 资源文件管理
- Volt 模版引擎
- MVC 应用
- 路由
- 调度控制器
- Micro Applications
- 使用命名空间
- 事件管理器
- Request Environmen
- 返回响应
- Cookie 管理
- 生成 URL 和 路径
- 闪存消息
- 使用 Session 存储数据
- 过滤与清理
- 上下文编码
- 验证Validation
- 表单_Forms
- 读取配置
- 分页 Pagination
- 使用缓存提高性能
- 安全
- 加密与解密 Encryption/Decryption
- 访问控制列表
- 多语言支持
- 类加载器 Class Autoloader
- 日志记录_Logging
- 注释解析器 Annotations Parser
- 命令行应用 Command Line Applications
- Images
- 队列 Queueing
- 数据库抽象层
- 国际化
- 数据库迁移
- 调试应用程序
- 单元测试
- 进阶技巧与延伸阅读
- 提高性能:下一步该做什么?
- Dependency Injection Explained
- Understanding How Phalcon Applications Work
- Api
- Abstract class Phalcon\Acl