# Images
[Phalcon\\Image](http://docs.iphalcon.cn/api/Phalcon_Image.html)is the component that allows you to manipulate image files. Multiple operations can be performed on the same image object.
> This guide is not intended to be a complete documentation of available methods and their arguments. Please visit the[API](http://docs.iphalcon.cn/api/index.html)for a complete reference.
## Adapters
This component makes use of adapters to encapsulate specific image manipulator programs. The following image manipulator programs are supported:
| Class | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter\\Gd](http://docs.iphalcon.cn/api/Phalcon_Image_Adapter_Gd.html) | Requires the[GD PHP extension](http://php.net/manual/en/book.image.php). |
| [Phalcon\\Image\\Adapter\\Imagick](http://docs.iphalcon.cn/api/Phalcon_Image_Adapter_Imagick.html) | Requires the[ImageMagick PHP extension](http://php.net/manual/en/book.imagick.php). |
### Implementing your own adapters
The[Phalcon\\Image\\AdapterInterface](http://docs.iphalcon.cn/api/Phalcon_Image_AdapterInterface.html)interface must be implemented in order to create your own image adapters or extend the existing ones.
## Saving and rendering images
Before we begin with the various features of the image component, it’s worth understanding how to save and render these images.
$image = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd("image.jpg");
// ...
// Overwrite the original image
$image = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd("image.jpg");
// ...
// Save to 'new-image.jpg'
You can also change the format of the image:
$image = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd("image.jpg");
// ...
// Save as a PNG file
When saving as a JPEG, you can also specify the quality as the second parameter:
$image = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd("image.jpg");
// ...
// Save as a JPEG with 80% quality
$image->save("image.jpg", 80);
## Resizing images
There are several modes of resizing:
* `\Phalcon\Image::WIDTH`
* `\Phalcon\Image::HEIGHT`
* `\Phalcon\Image::NONE`
* `\Phalcon\Image::TENSILE`
* `\Phalcon\Image::AUTO`
* `\Phalcon\Image::INVERSE`
* `\Phalcon\Image::PRECISE`
### `\Phalcon\Image::WIDTH`
The height will automatically be generated to keep the proportions the same; if you specify a height, it will be ignored.
$image = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd("image.jpg");
### `\Phalcon\Image::HEIGHT`
The width will automatically be generated to keep the proportions the same; if you specify a width, it will be ignored.
$image = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd("image.jpg");
### `\Phalcon\Image::NONE`
The`NONE`constant ignores the original image’s ratio. Neither width and height are required. If a dimension is not specified, the original dimension will be used. If the new proportions differ from the original proportions, the image may be distorted and stretched.
$image = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd("image.jpg");
### `\Phalcon\Image::TENSILE`
Similar to the`NONE`constant, the`TENSILE`constant ignores the original image’s ratio. Both width and height are required. If the new proportions differ from the original proportions, the image may be distorted and stretched.
$image = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd("image.jpg");
## Cropping images
For example, to get a 100px by 100px square from the centre of the image:
$image = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd("image.jpg");
$width = 100;
$height = 100;
$offsetX = (($image->getWidth() - $width) / 2);
$offsetY = (($image->getHeight() - $height) / 2);
$image->crop($width, $height, $offsetX, $offsetY);
## Rotating images
$image = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd("image.jpg");
// Rotate an image by 90 degrees clockwise
## Flipping images
You can flip an image horizontally (using the`\Phalcon\Image::HORIZONTAL`constant) and vertically (using the`\Phalcon\Image::VERTICAL`constant):
$image = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd("image.jpg");
// Flip an image horizontally
## Sharpening images
The`sharpen()`method takes a single parameter - an integer between 0 (no effect) and 100 (very sharp):
$image = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd("image.jpg");
## Adding watermarks to images
$image = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd("image.jpg");
$watermark = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd("me.jpg");
// Put the watermark in the top left corner
$offsetX = 10;
$offsetY = 10;
$opacity = 70;
Of course, you can also manipulate the watermarked image before applying it to the main image:
$image = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd("image.jpg");
$watermark = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd("me.jpg");
$watermark->resize(100, 100);
// Put the watermark in the bottom right corner with a 10px margin
$offsetX = ($image->getWidth() - $watermark->getWidth() - 10);
$offsetY = ($image->getHeight() - $watermark->getHeight() - 10);
$opacity = 70;
## Blurring images
The`blur()`method takes a single parameter - an integer between 0 (no effect) and 100 (very blurry):
$image = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd("image.jpg");
## Pixelating images
The`pixelate()`method takes a single parameter - the higher the integer, the more pixelated the image becomes:
$image = new \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd("image.jpg");
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- Windows 系统下使用 Phalcon 开发工具
- 教程
- 教程 1:让我们通过例子来学习
- 教程 2:INVO简介
- 教程 3: 保护INVO
- 教程4: 使用CRUD
- 教程5: 定制INVO
- 教程 6: Vökuró
- 教程 7:创建简单的 REST API
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- Workingwith Models
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- 日志记录_Logging
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- 命令行应用 Command Line Applications
- Images
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- 进阶技巧与延伸阅读
- 提高性能:下一步该做什么?
- Dependency Injection Explained
- Understanding How Phalcon Applications Work
- Api
- Abstract class Phalcon\Acl