## info
##### *Description*
Returns an associative array from REDIS that provides information about the server. Passing no arguments to INFO will call the standard REDIS INFO command, which returns information such as the following:
- redis\_version
- arch\_bits
- uptime\_in\_seconds
- uptime\_in\_days
- connected\_clients
- connected\_slaves
- used\_memory
- changes\_since\_last\_save
- bgsave\_in\_progress
- last\_save\_time
- total\_connections\_received
- total\_commands\_processed
- role
You can pass a variety of options to INFO (per the Redis documentation), which will modify what is returned.
##### *Parameters*
*option*: The option to provide redis (e.g. "COMMANDSTATS", "CPU")
##### *Example*
<pre class="calibre16">$redis->info(); /* standard redis INFO command */
$redis->info("COMMANDSTATS"); /* Information on the commands that have been run (>=2.6 only)
$redis->info("CPU"); /* just CPU information from Redis INFO */
- php-redis中文帮助手册
- 系统及通用函数
- construct
- connect,open
- pconnect, popen
- close
- setOption
- getOption
- ping
- echo
- randomKey
- select
- move
- rename, renameKey
- renameNx
- setTimeout,expire,pexpire
- expireAt,pexpireAt
- keys,getKeys
- dbSize
- auth
- bgrewriteaof
- slaveof
- object
- save
- bgsave
- lastSave
- type
- flushDB
- flushAll
- sort
- info
- resetStat
- ttl, pttl
- persist
- config
- eval
- evalSha
- script
- getLastError
- _prefix
- _unserialize
- dump
- restore
- migrate
- time
- String数据类型函数
- get
- set
- setex, psetex
- setnx
- del, delete
- getSet
- multi, exec, discard
- watch, unwatch
- subscribe
- publish
- exists
- incr, incrBy
- incrByFloat
- decr, decrBy
- mGet, getMultiple
- append
- getRange
- setRange
- strlen
- getBit
- setBit
- bitop
- bitcount
- mset, msetnx
- List数据类型相关函数
- lPush
- rPush
- lPushx
- rPushx
- lPop
- rPop
- blPop, brPop
- lSize
- lIndex, lGet
- lSet
- IRange,IGetRange
- lTrim,listTrim
- lRem,lRemove
- lInsert
- rpoplpush
- brpoplpush
- Set数据类型相关函数
- sAdd
- sRem, sRemove
- sMove
- sIsMember, sContains
- sCard, sSize
- sPop
- sRandMember
- sInter
- sInterStore
- sUnion
- sUnionStore
- sDiff
- sDiffStore
- sMembers, sGetMembers
- zSet数据类型相关函数
- zAdd
- zRange
- zDelete,zRem
- zRevRange
- zRangeByScore, zRevRangeByScore
- zCount
- zRemRangeByScore,zDeleteRangeByScore
- zRemByRank,zDeleteRangeByRank
- zSize,zCard
- zScore
- zRank,zRevRank
- zIncrBy
- zUnion
- zInter
- Hash数据类型相关函数
- hSet
- hSetNx
- hGet
- hLen
- hDel
- hKeys
- hVals
- hGetAll
- hExists
- hIncrBy
- hIncrByFloat
- hMset
- hMGet