## hDel
##### *Description*
Removes a value from the hash stored at key. If the hash table doesn't exist, or the key doesn't exist, `<span class="calibre12">FALSE</span>` is returned.
##### *Parameters*
##### *Return value*
*BOOL*`<span class="calibre12">TRUE</span>` in case of success, `<span class="calibre12">FALSE</span>` in case of failure
- php-redis中文帮助手册
- 系统及通用函数
- construct
- connect,open
- pconnect, popen
- close
- setOption
- getOption
- ping
- echo
- randomKey
- select
- move
- rename, renameKey
- renameNx
- setTimeout,expire,pexpire
- expireAt,pexpireAt
- keys,getKeys
- dbSize
- auth
- bgrewriteaof
- slaveof
- object
- save
- bgsave
- lastSave
- type
- flushDB
- flushAll
- sort
- info
- resetStat
- ttl, pttl
- persist
- config
- eval
- evalSha
- script
- getLastError
- _prefix
- _unserialize
- dump
- restore
- migrate
- time
- String数据类型函数
- get
- set
- setex, psetex
- setnx
- del, delete
- getSet
- multi, exec, discard
- watch, unwatch
- subscribe
- publish
- exists
- incr, incrBy
- incrByFloat
- decr, decrBy
- mGet, getMultiple
- append
- getRange
- setRange
- strlen
- getBit
- setBit
- bitop
- bitcount
- mset, msetnx
- List数据类型相关函数
- lPush
- rPush
- lPushx
- rPushx
- lPop
- rPop
- blPop, brPop
- lSize
- lIndex, lGet
- lSet
- IRange,IGetRange
- lTrim,listTrim
- lRem,lRemove
- lInsert
- rpoplpush
- brpoplpush
- Set数据类型相关函数
- sAdd
- sRem, sRemove
- sMove
- sIsMember, sContains
- sCard, sSize
- sPop
- sRandMember
- sInter
- sInterStore
- sUnion
- sUnionStore
- sDiff
- sDiffStore
- sMembers, sGetMembers
- zSet数据类型相关函数
- zAdd
- zRange
- zDelete,zRem
- zRevRange
- zRangeByScore, zRevRangeByScore
- zCount
- zRemRangeByScore,zDeleteRangeByScore
- zRemByRank,zDeleteRangeByRank
- zSize,zCard
- zScore
- zRank,zRevRank
- zIncrBy
- zUnion
- zInter
- Hash数据类型相关函数
- hSet
- hSetNx
- hGet
- hLen
- hDel
- hKeys
- hVals
- hGetAll
- hExists
- hIncrBy
- hIncrByFloat
- hMset
- hMGet