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Run **POSManager** ———— **Shop** ———— **Tax Settings** to set tax. ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/3a/57/3a57dc6b1f7a94fc4099be61eedd9d7e_797x579.png) ## Primary Tax **Primary Tax** is charged automatically for all goods items. You can set the tax rate and round type for it. ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/b8/11/b8114bc4b3685591ec43749a9ec5288f_1007x721.png) * * * * * **Ratio Tax** 1. If you want to charge aother tax for certain goods items, run **POSManager** ———— **Shop** ———— **Tax Settings**. 2. ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/3a/57/3a57dc6b1f7a94fc4099be61eedd9d7e_797x579.png) 2. Click "+ Tax Group" on the left bottom to add a tax group, name it "Tax 1", for instance. 3. Click "+ Tax" to add a tax solution, name it "Women", for instance, and set the value for the ratio. If you want to charge 5% for this tax, just enter "0.05". 4. Save it and restart **Pudding Orders** to activate the modification. ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/77/05/7705c104e7e0b776378d638325b6d8a3_1002x715.png)