💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、星火、月之暗面及文生图 广告
**MySQL 创建用户与授权方法** [TOC] #### 一、 创建用户: 命令: `CREATE USER 'username'@'host' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; ` 说明: * username - 你将创建的用户名; * host - 指定该用户在哪个主机上可以登陆,如果是本地用户可用localhost, 如果想让该用户可以从任意远程主机登陆,可以使用通配符%. * password - 该用户的登陆密码,密码可以为空,如果为空,则用户可以不需要密码登陆服务器. 例子: ~~~ CREATE USER 'dog'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456'; CREATE USER 'pig'@'' IDENDIFIED BY '123456'; CREATE USER 'pig'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123456'; CREATE USER 'pig'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY ''; CREATE USER 'pig'@'%'; ~~~ #### 二、授权: 命令:`GRANT privileges ON databasename.tablename TO 'username'@'host' ` 说明: * privileges - 用户的操作权限,如SELECT , INSERT , UPDATE 等(详细列表见该文最后面).如果要授予所的权限则使用ALL.; * databasename - 数据库名; * tablename-表名,如果要授予该用户对所有数据库和表的相应操作权限则可用*表示, 如*.*. 例子: ~~~ GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON test.user TO 'pig'@'%'; GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'pig'@'%'; ~~~ 注意: A. 用以上命令授权的用户不能给其它用户授权,如果想让该用户可以授权,用以下命令: `GRANT privileges ON databasename.tablename TO 'username'@'host' WITH GRANT OPTION; ` B. 设置权限时必须给出以下信息: 1. 要授予的权限 2. 被授予访问权限的数据库或表 3. 用户名 grant和revoke可以在几个层次上控制访问权限 1. 整个服务器,使用 grant ALL 和revoke ALL 2. 整个数据库,使用 on database.* 3. 特定的表,使用 on database.table 4. 特定的列 5. 特定的存储过程 命令中的 host 列的值的意义 |值|含义| |---|---| | % | 匹配所有主机| |localhost |localhost不会被解析成IP地址,直接通过UNIXsocket连接| | |会通过TCP/IP协议连接,并且只能在本机访问;| |::1 | ::1就是兼容支持ipv6的,表示同ipv4的127.0.0.1| grant 普通数据用户,查询、插入、更新、删除 数据库中所有表数据的权利。 ~~~ grant select on testdb.* to common_user@'%' grant insert on testdb.* to common_user@'%' grant update on testdb.* to common_user@'%' grant delete on testdb.* to common_user@'%' ~~~ 或者,用一条 MySQL 命令来替代: ~~~ grant select, insert, update, delete on testdb.* to common_user@’%’ ~~~ #### 三、设置与更改用户密码 命令:`SET PASSWORD FOR 'username'@'host' = PASSWORD('newpassword');` 如果是当前登陆用户用 ~~~ SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD("newpassword"); ~~~ 例子: `SET PASSWORD FOR 'pig'@'%' = PASSWORD("123456"); ` #### 四、撤销用户权限 命令: `REVOKE privilege ON databasename.tablename FROM 'username'@'host'; ` 说明: privilege, databasename, tablename - 同授权部分. 例子: `REVOKE SELECT ON *.* FROM 'pig'@'%'; ` 注意: 假如你在给用户'pig'@'%'授权的时候是这样的(或类似的):GRANT SELECT ON test.user TO 'pig'@'%', 则在使用REVOKE SELECT ON *.* FROM 'pig'@'%';命令并不能撤销该用户对test数据库中user表的SELECT 操作.相反,如果授权使用的是GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO 'pig'@'%';则REVOKE SELECT ON test.user FROM 'pig'@'%';命令也不能撤销该用户对test数据库中user表的Select 权限. 具体信息可以用命令SHOW GRANTS FOR 'pig'@'%'; 查看. #### 五、删除用户 命令: `DROP USER 'username'@'host'; ` 附表:MySQL中的操作权限 |操作名称|说明| |----|----| |ALTER| Allows use of ALTER TABLE.| |ALTER ROUTINE| Alters or drops stored routines.| |CREATE| Allows use of CREATE TABLE.| |CREATE ROUTINE |Creates stored routines.| |CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE| Allows use of CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE.| |CREATE USER| Allows use of CREATE USER, DROP USER, RENAME USER, and REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES.| |CREATE VIEW| Allows use of CREATE VIEW.| |DELETE| Allows use of DELETE.| |DROP| Allows use of DROP TABLE.| |EXECUTE| Allows the user to run stored routines.| |FILE| Allows use of SELECT... INTO OUTFILE and LOAD DATA INFILE.| |INDEX| Allows use of CREATE INDEX and DROP INDEX.| |INSERT |Allows use of INSERT.| |LOCK TABLES| Allows use of LOCK TABLES on tables for which the user also has SELECT privileges.| |PROCESS |Allows use of SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST.| |RELOAD |Allows use of FLUSH.| | REPLICATION | Allows the user to ask where slave or master CLIENT servers are. | |REPLICATION SLAVE| Needed for replication slaves.| |SELECT| Allows use of SELECT.| |SHOW DATABASES| Allows use of SHOW DATABASES.| |SHOW VIEW| Allows use of SHOW CREATE VIEW.| |SHUTDOWN| Allows use of mysqladmin shutdown.| |SUPER| Allows use of CHANGE MASTER, KILL, PURGE MASTER LOGS, and SET GLOBAL SQL statements. Allows mysqladmin debug command. Allows one extra connection to be made if maximum connections are reached.| |UPDATE| Allows use of UPDATE.| |USAGE| Allows connection without any specific privileges.| * * * * * 参考资料:http://www.jb51.net/article/31850.htm http://www.cnblogs.com/fslnet/p/3143344.html