## 队列(Queue)
$queue = new SplQueue;
$data = $queue->shift();
$n = count($queue);
$queue = array();
$queue[] = $data;
$data = array_shift($queue);
$n = count($queue);
$splq = new SplQueue;
for($i = 0; $i < 1000000; $i++)
$data = "hello $i\n";
if ($i % 100 == 99 and count($splq) > 100)
$popN = rand(10, 99);
for ($j = 0; $j < $popN; $j++)
$popN = count($splq);
for ($j = 0; $j < $popN; $j++)
$arrq = array();
for($i = 0; $i <1000000; $i++)
$data = "hello $i\n";
$arrq[] = $data;
if ($i % 100 == 99 and count($arrq) > 100)
$popN = rand(10, 99);
for ($j = 0; $j < $popN; $j++)
$popN = count($arrq);
for ($j = 0; $j < $popN; $j++)
## 定长数组(SplFixedArray)
测试使用PHP 5.4,64位Linux系统
* small data (1,000):
* write: SplFixedArray is 15 % faster
* read: SplFixedArray is 5 % faster
* larger data (512,000):
* write: SplFixedArray is 33 % faster
* read: SplFixedArray is 10 % faster
$array = new SplFixedArray(5);
$array[1] = 2;
$array[4] = "foo";
var_dump($array[0]); // NULL
var_dump($array[1]); // int(2)
- swoole简介
- swoole功能概述
- 序章
- 开发必读
- 1 环境搭建
- 1.1 环境搭建
- 1.2 搭建Echo服务器
- 2 初识Swoole
- 2.1 Worker进程
- 2.2 TaskWorker进程
- 2.3 Timer定时器
- 2.4 Process进程
- 2.5 Table内存表
- 2.6 多端口监听
- 2.7 sendfile文件支持
- 2.8 SSL支持
- 2.9 热重启
- 2.10 http_server
- 附录*server配置
- 附录*server函数
- 附录*server属性
- 附录*server回调函数
- 附录*server高级特性
- 心跳检测
- 3 Swoole协议
- 3.1 EOF协议
- 3.2 固定包头协议
- 3.3 Http协议
- 3.4 WebSocket协议
- 3.5 MTQQ协议
- 内置http_server
- 内置websocket_server
- Swoole\Redis\Server
- 4 Swoole异步IO
- 4.1 AsyncIO
- 异步文件系统IO
- swoole_async_readfile
- swoole_async_writefile
- swoole_async_read
- swoole_async_write
- 5 swoole异步客户端
- ws_client
- http_client
- mysql_client
- redis_client
- tcp_client
- http2_client
- 6 swoole协程
- Swoole\Coroutine\Http\Client
- Swoole\Coroutine\MySQL
- Swoole\Coroutine\Redis
- Coroutine\PostgreSQL
- Swoole\Coroutine\Client
- Swoole\Coroutine\Socket
- Swoole\Coroutine\Channel
- Coroutine
- Swoole\Coroutine::create
- Swoole\Coroutine::resume
- Swoole\Coroutine::suspend
- Swoole\Coroutine::sleep
- Coroutine::getaddrinfo
- Coroutine::gethostbyname
- swoole_async_dns_lookup_coro
- Swoole\Coroutine::getuid
- getDefer
- setDefer
- recv
- Coroutine::stats
- Coroutine::fread
- Coroutine::fget
- Coroutine::fwrite
- Coroutine::readFIle
- Coroutine::writeFIle
- Coroutine::exec
- 7 swoole_process
- process::construct
- process::start
- process::name
- process::signal
- process::setaffinity
- process::exit
- process::kill
- process::daemon
- process->exec
- process::wait
- process::alarm
- 8 swoole定时器
- swoole_timer_tick
- swoole_timer_after
- swoole_timer_clear
- 9 swoole_event
- swoole_event_add
- swoole_event_set
- swoole_event_del
- swoole_event_wait
- swoole_event_defer
- swoole_event_write
- swoole_event_exit
- swoole提供的function
- 常见问题
- 客户端链接失败原因
- 如何设置进程数
- 如何实现异步任务
- 如何选择swoole三种模式
- php中哪些函数是阻塞的
- 是否可以共用1个redis或mysql连接
- 如何在回调函数中访问外部的变量
- 为什么不要send完后立即close
- 不同的Server程序实例间如何通信
- MySQL的连接池、异步、断线重连
- 在php-fpm或apache中使用swoole
- 学习Swoole需要掌握哪些基础知识
- 在phpinfo中有在php-m中没有
- 同步阻塞与异步非阻塞选择
- CURL发送POST请求服务器端超时
- 附录
- 预定义常量
- 内核参数调优
- php四种回调写法
- 守护进程程序常用数据结构
- swoole生命周期
- swoole_server中内存管理机制
- 使用jemalloc优化swoole内存分配性能
- Reactor、Worker、Task的关系
- Manager进程
- Swoole的实现
- Reactor线程
- 安装扩展
- swoole-worker手册
- swoole相关开源项目
- 写在后面的话
- 版本更新记录
- 4.0