ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
Evernote是个强大的工具, 这个伴随了我快4年的工具让我积累好多笔记。但是,如何把evernote(印象笔记)中的笔记发布到博客中呢? 自己空闲时候用python 3写了个工具[Evernote2Blog](, 现在开放给大家。大家到githb上可以把源码拿下来直接使用, 目前支持发布到csdn和metaweblog类型博客,后续计划支持附件上传及外链。 源码下载地址:[点击打开链接]( 绿色免安装版本的下载地址: [点击打开链接]( []( I create Evernote2Blog utility to convert my evernote's notes to blog of metaweblog type. This utility use evernote's dev token and noteStore url (these information you can get from evernote dev site. []( to access your evernote account, and get your notebooks' notes. After got that data, use metaweblog api to publish new blog according your blog configuration. > **Note:**The developer token have 1 year valid period. Before use this utility, you need get evernote-sdk-python3 source code from []( first. # []( This utility use three config files. **"config"**config your auth token, notestoreUrl, username, password, and so on. May be like this: > "authToken":"your evernote dev auth token", "noteStoreUrl":"your evernote store", "blogServer":"http://your blog api url", "blogName":"your blog name", "blogUrl":"your blog url", "blogNewPostUrl":"your new post need to ping", "blogRSS":"your rss url", "username":"", "password":"", **"existedBlog"**config you do not want to synced notes' title. If you add notes' title to this file, those notes can not be published to blog. After every note published successfully, utility will add note's title to this config file. **"pingcfg"**config your ping service after publish new blog.