> Semantic versioning is a standard that a lot of projects use to communicate what kinds of changes are in this release. It's important to communicate what kinds of changes are in a release because sometimes those changes will break the code that depends on the package.
## 语义化版本对于发布者
> If a project is going to be shared with others, it should start at **1.0.0**, though some projects on npm don't follow this rule.
> After this, changes should be handled as follows:
> Bug fixes and other minor changes: Patch release, increment the last number, e.g. 1.0.1
New features which don't break existing features: Minor release, increment the middle number, e.g. 1.1.0
Changes which break backwards compatibility: Major release, increment the first number, e.g. 2.0.0
* Bug修复和其他小版本修改:用Patch版本,增加最后的版本数,如:1.0.1;
* 不会破坏已有特性的新特性:用Minor版本,增加中间的版本数,如:1.1.0;
* 会破坏向后兼容的更改:用Majo版本,增加第一个版本数,如:2.0.0.
## 语义化版本对于使用者
> As a consumer, you can specify which kinds of updates your app can accept in the **package.json** file.
> If you were starting with a package 1.0.4, this is how you would specify the ranges:
* 补丁版本(Patch releases): 1.0 or 1.0.x or ~1.0.4
* 次版本(Minor releases): 1 or 1.x or ^1.0.4
* 主版本(Major releases): * or x
> You can also specify more granular semver ranges.