这些对象是通过 `require("Storage").open` 创建的,并允许对存储项进行读/写操作。 存储库写入闪存(只能按块擦除),并且与普通文件系统不同,它在一个长的连续区域中分配文件,以便可以从 Espruino 轻松访问它们。 这给 `StorageFile` 带来了挑战,因为它允许你向文件追加内容,所以取而代之的是,`StorageFile` 将文件存储在块中。它使用文件名的最后一个字符来表示块编号(例如,"foobar\\1","foobar\\2" 等)。 这意味着虽然 `StorageFile` 文件与来自 `Storage` 的那些文件存在于同一区域中,但它们应该使用 `Storage.open`(而不是 `Storage.read`)来读取。
f = require("Storage").open("foobar","w");
f.write("o World\n");
f.write("World 2\n");
f.write("Hello World 3\n");
// there's no need to call 'close'
// then
f = require("Storage").open("foobar","r");
f.read(13) // "Hello World\nH"
f.read(13) // "ello\nWorld 2\n"
f.read(13) // "Hello World 3"
f.read(13) // "\n"
f.read(13) // undefined
// or
f = require("Storage").open("foobar","r");
f.readLine() // "Hello World\n"
f.readLine() // "Hello\n"
f.readLine() // "World 2\n"
f.readLine() // "Hello World 3\n"
f.readLine() // undefined
// now get rid of file
注意:存储文件利用已擦除的闪存的所有位都是 1 这一事实来检测一个文件的末尾。因此,你不应该向这些文件写入字符代码 255(`"\xFF"`)。
- Espruino简介
- 全局Globals
- acceleration()
- analogRead(pin)
- analogWrite(pin, value, options)
- atob(base64Data)
- btoa(binaryData)
- changeInterval(id, time)
- clearInterval(id)
- clearTimeout(id)
- clearWatch(id)
- compass()
- decodeURIComponent(str)
- digitalPulse(pin, value, time)
- digitalRead(pin)
- digitalWrite(pin, value)
- dump()
- echo(echoOn)
- edit(funcName)
- encodeURIComponent(str)
- eval(code)
- getPinMode(pin)
- getSerial()
- getTime()
- isFinite(x)
- isNaN(x)
- load(filename)
- parseFloat(string)
- parseInt(string, radix)
- peek16(addr, count)
- peek32(addr, count)
- peek8(addr, count)
- pinMode(pin, mode, automatic)
- poke16(addr, value)
- poke32(addr, value)
- poke8(addr,value)
- print(text, ...)
- require(moduleName)
- reset(clearFlash)
- save()
- setBusyIndicator(pin)
- setDeepSleep(sleep)
- setInterval(function, timeout, args, ...)
- setSleepIndicator(pin)
- setTime(time)
- setTimeout(function, timeout, args, ...)
- setWatch(function, pin, options)
- shiftOut(pins, options, data)
- show(image)
- trace()
- ESP8266
- ESP8266.crc32
- ESP8266.deepSleep
- ESP8266.dumpSocketInfo
- ESP8266.getFreeFlash
- ESP8266.getResetInfo
- ESP8266.getState
- ESP8266.logDebug
- ESP8266.neopixelWrite
- ESP8266.ping
- ESP8266.printLog
- ESP8266.readLog
- ESP8266.reboot
- ESP8266.setCPUFreq
- ESP8266.setLog
- ESP32
- ESP32.deepSleep(us)
- ESP32.deepSleepExt0(pin, level)
- ESP32.deepSleepExt1(pinVar, mode)
- ESP32.enableBLE(enable)
- ESP32.enableWifi(enable)
- ESP32.getState()
- ESP32.getWakeupCause()
- ESP32.reboot()
- ESP32.setAtten(pin, atten)
- ESP32.setBLE_Debug(level)
- ESP32.setOTAValid(isValid)
- Wifi
- event associated
- event auth_change
- Wifi.connect(ssid, options, callback)
- event connected
- event dhcp_timeout
- Wifi.disconnect(callback)
- event disconnected
- Wifi.getAPDetails(callback)
- Wifi.getAPIP(callback)
- Wifi.getDetails(callback)
- Wifi.getHostByName(hostname, callback)
- Wifi.getIP(callback)
- Wifi.getStatus(callback)
- Wifi.ping(hostname, callback)
- event probe_recv
- Wifi.restore()
- Wifi.save(what)
- Wifi.scan(callback)
- Wifi.setAPIP(settings, callback)
- Wifi.setConfig(settings)
- Wifi.setHostname(hostname, callback)
- Wifi.setIP(settings, callback)
- Wifi.setSNTP(server, tz_offset)
- event sta_joined
- event sta_left
- Wifi.startAP(ssid, options, callback)
- Wifi.stopAP(callback)
- Wifi.turbo(enable, callback)
- Modules
- Modules.addCached(id, sourcecode)
- Modules.getCached()
- Modules.removeAllCached()
- Modules.removeCached(id)
- Flash
- Flash.erasePage(addr)
- Flash.getFree()
- Flash.getPage(addr)
- Flash.read(length, addr)
- Flash.write(data, addr)
- Storage
- Storage.compact(showMessage)
- Storage.debug()
- Storage.erase(name)
- Storage.eraseAll()
- Storage.getFree(checkInternalFlash)
- Storage.getStats(checkInternalFlash)
- Storage.hash(regex)
- Storage.list(regex, filter)
- Storage.open(name, mode)
- Storage.optimise()
- Storage.read(name, offset, length)
- Storage.readArrayBuffer(name)
- Storage.readJSON(name, noExceptions)
- Storage.write(name, data, offset, size)
- Storage.writeJSON(name, data)
- StorageFile
- StorageFile.erase()
- StorageFile.getLength()
- StorageFile.pipe(destination, options)
- StorageFile.read(len)
- StorageFile.readLine()
- StorageFile.write(data)
- 模块 Modules
- 使用模块进行工作
- 内置模块
- Espruino 模块
- 来自 Github(或互联网上的任何地方)
- 从 Storage 加载模块
- 从 NPM 加载模块
- 从一个本地文件夹
- 从 SD 卡 加载模块
- 从互联网加载模块
- 已有模块
- 常见问题
- 编写和提交模块(或更改)