## FormGroup
### 使用方式
const form = new FormGroup({
first: new FormControl('Nancy', Validators.minLength(2)),
last: new FormControl('Drew'),
console.log(form.value); // {first: 'Nancy', last; 'Drew'}
console.log(form.status); // 'VALID'
You can also include group-level validators as the second arg, or group-level async validators as the third arg. These come in handy when you want to perform validation that considers the value of more than one child control.
const form = new FormGroup({
password: new FormControl('', Validators.minLength(2)),
passwordConfirm: new FormControl('', Validators.minLength(2)),
}, passwordMatchValidator);
function passwordMatchValidator(g: FormGroup) {
return g.get('password').value === g.get('passwordConfirm').value
? null : {'mismatch': true};
### 添加或者移除控件
可以通过调用`FormArray`本身的`push`, `insert`或者`removeAt`方法来改变数组中的控件。这些方法能够保证在表单层级树中控件状态能够合理的被跟踪到。不建议直接修改`FormArray`中的`AbstractControl`实例,因为它会导致一些奇怪和无法预期的行为,例如打断Angular的值检测。
### Class
class FormGroup {
constructor(controls: {[key: string]: AbstractControl}, validator?: ValidatorFn, asyncValidator?: AsyncValidatorFn)
controls : {[key: string]: AbstractControl}
registerControl(name: string, control: AbstractControl) : AbstractControl
addControl(name: string, control: AbstractControl) : void
removeControl(name: string) : void
setControl(name: string, control: AbstractControl) : void
contains(controlName: string) : boolean
setValue(value: {[key: string]: any}, {onlySelf}?: {onlySelf?: boolean}) : void
patchValue(value: {[key: string]: any}, {onlySelf}?: {onlySelf?: boolean}) : void
reset(value?: any, {onlySelf}?: {onlySelf?: boolean}) : void
getRawValue() : Object
### 属性
- controls : `AbstractControl[]` 包含的控件集合
- registerControl(name: `string`, control: `AbstractControl`) : `AbstractControl` 在当前控件所属对象中注册一个新的控件。该方法并不会更新控件的值和验证状态,因此大多数情况下最好使用`addControl`来创建新的控件。
- addControl(name: `string`, control: `AbstractControl`) : `void` 在当前对象中添加一个新的控件。
- removeControl(name: `string`) : `void` 从当前对象中移除一个控件。
- setControl(controlName: `string`, control: `AbstractControl`) : `void` 替换已存在的控件
- contains(controlName: `string`) : `boolean` 在当前对象中检查是否存在给定名称的已激活控件。对于禁用的控件它将返回`false`, 如果需要检查控件是否存在,请使用`get`方法。
- setValue(value: {[key: `stirng`]: `any`}, {onlySelf}?: {onlySelf?: `boolean`}) : `void` 设置`FormGroup`的值。接收一个以控件名为属性,并且满足group格式的对象。
const form = new FormGroup({
first: new FormControl(),
last: new FormControl()
console.log(form.value); // {first: null, last: null}
form.setValue({first: 'Nancy', last: 'Drew'});
console.log(form.value); // {first: 'Nancy', last: 'Drew'}
- patchValue(value: {[key: `stirng`]: `any`}, {onlySelf}?: {onlySelf?: `boolean`}) : `void` 填充`FormGroup`对象的值,同样接收一个以控件名为属性,并且满足group格式的对象,不同的是它会尽量把传入的参数匹配到正确控件。它可以接收上一级或者子集对象,而不会报错。
const form = new FormGroup({
first: new FormControl(),
last: new FormControl()
console.log(form.value); // {first: null, last: null}
form.patchValue({first: 'Nancy'});
console.log(form.value); // {first: 'Nancy', last: null}
- reset(value?: `any`, {onlySelf?}: {onlySelf?: `boolean`}) : `void` 重置`FormGroup`值。
You can also reset to a specific form state by passing in a map of states that matches the structure of your form, with control names as keys. The state can be a standalone value or a form state object with both a value and a disabled status.
this.form.reset({first: 'name', last; 'last name'});
console.log(this.form.value); // {first: 'name', last: 'last name'}
first: {value: 'name', disabled: true},
last: 'last'
console.log(this.form.value); // {first: 'name', last: 'last name'}
console.log(this.form.get('first').status); // 'DISABLED'
- getRawValue() : `any[]` 获取`FormGroup`数组的聚合值,包含任何被禁用的控件。
- 说明
- angular 1.x
- ngModelController
- ngOptions
- ngModelOptions
- lifecycle
- directive
- angular 2
- @angular/forms
- 类
- AbstractControl
- AbstractControlDirective
- AbstractFormGroupDirective
- FormControl
- FormArray
- FormBuilder
- FormGroup
- NgControl
- 接口
- controlValueAccessor
- 指令
- DefaultValueAccessor
- Angular 2 生命周期
- OnInit
- DoCheck
- @angular/router
- 配置
- Routes
- 指令
- RouterOutlet
- RouterLink
- 接口
- ActivatedRoute
- UrlTree
- NavigationExtras
- ActivatedRouteSnapshot
- RouterStateSnapshot
- 类
- UrlSegment
- UrlSegmentGroup
- UrlSerializer
- DefaultUrlSerializer
- Router
- bug记得
- @angular/http
- 类
- Http
- Body
- Response
- ResponseOptions
- Header
- Request
- RequestOptions
- URLSearchParams
- @angular/core
- decorator
- Component-decorator
- animation
- DI
- linker
- TemplateRef
- ElementRef
- EmbeddedViewRef
- ViewRef
- ViewContainerRef
- Query
- ComponentFactory
- ComponentRef
- Renderer
- change_detection
- KeyValueDiffers
- IterableDiffers
- ChangeDetectorRef
- ChangeDetectionStrategy
- Zone
- ngZone
- @angular/common
- 指令
- NgTemplateOutlet
- QueryList
- bootstrap4
- card
- form
- 重点关注博客
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- 笔记
- Angular 2 双向绑定
- 将字符串解析成DOM
- rx相关
- operators
- combineLatest
- combineAll
- concat(All, Map, *MapTo)
- 背压(backpressure)
- js事件keycode对应表
- 装饰器
- 有用的代码摘录
- 日期操作
- 数量操作
- 字符操作
- rxjs问题
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- react
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