(The viewDidLoad of the video call interface calls the following method)
- (void)initCapturer {
#pragma mark Capturer
self.videoConfig = [AGMCapturerVideoConfig defaultConfig];
self.videoConfig.videoSize = CGSizeMake(480, 640);
self.videoConfig.sessionPreset = AGMCaptureSessionPreset480x640;
self.videoConfig.fps = 15;
self.cameraCapturer = [[AGMCameraCapturer alloc] initWithConfig:self.videoConfig];
self.videoAdapterFilter = [[AGMVideoAdapterFilter alloc] init];
self.videoAdapterFilter.ignoreAspectRatio = YES;
self.videoAdapterFilter.isMirror = NO;
#pragma mark push pixelBuffer
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
[self.cameraCapturer addVideoSink:self.videoAdapterFilter];
#define DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(x) (x * M_PI/180.0)
CGAffineTransform rotation = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation( DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(90));
self.videoAdapterFilter.affineTransform = rotation;
[self.videoAdapterFilter setFrameProcessingCompletionBlock:^(AGMVideoSource * _Nonnull videoSource, CMTime time) {
CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer = videoSource.framebufferForOutput.pixelBuffer;
[weakSelf.beautyManager processAgoraWithPixelBuffer:pixelBuffer];
[weakSelf.consumer consumePixelBuffer:pixelBuffer withTimestamp:time rotation:AgoraVideoRotationNone];
- 美狐SDK接入文档
- Meihu SDK Access Document
- (Untitled)
- 一、基础描述(Basic description)
- 1. 最新特性 (Latest features)
- 2. 支持平台 (Support platform)
- 二、集成步骤 (Integration steps)
- 3. 配置工程(Configuration Engineering)
- 4. 使用 MHUI (Use MHUI)
- 5. 腾讯直播 SDK/短视频SDK (Tencent live SDK / short video SDK)
- 6. 金山直播SDK (Jinshan)
- 7. 七牛直播SDK (Qiniu Live)
- 8. 七牛短视频SDK (Qiniu ShortVideo)
- 9. Movieous短视频 (Movieous short Video)
- 10. 即构直播SDK (Zego live)
- 11. 即构实时音视频SDK(Zego Real time audio and video)
- 12. 新版Zego(即构)实时音视频(New Zego Real time audio and video)
- 13. 网易直播 (NetEase live)
- 14. 腾讯互动直播 (Tencent interactive live broadcast)
- 15. 腾讯实时音视频(Tencent real-time audio and video)
- 16. 融云实时音视频 (SealRTC)
- 17. 声网视频通话 (Agora video call)
- 18. 声网直播 (Agora Live)
- 19. 阿里直播 (Ali Live)
- 20. 阿里音视频 SDK美颜
- 三、对接说明 (Docking instructions)
- 四、常见问题(common problem)
- 2. 美颜无效果(Beauty has no effect)
- 3. 贴纸下载失败(Sticker download failed)
- 4. 点击无法出现美颜菜单页(The beauty menu page cannot appear after clicking)
- 5. 英文版显示中文(The beauty menu page cannot appear after clicking)
- 6. 语言切换功能(Language switching function)