企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
[TOC] ** 1) 确定初始化key是否正确。确保没有空格,包名和key需要一一对应。如果更改包名,请重新申请key。(confirm whether the initialization key is correct. Make sure there are no spaces. The package name and key need to correspond one by one. If you change the package name, please apply for the key.) 2) server证书是否添加在Build Phases —>Copy Bundle Resources中。如果仍然报错,请删除证书重新添加。(报错Error Domain的时候)(whether the server certificate is added in Build Phases —>Copy Bundle Resources. If the error is still reported, please delete the certificate and add it again. (when error domain is reported)) 3) 关闭手机代理。( turn off the mobile agent) - 确认MHBeautyManager是否初始化,key是否在有效期(confirm whether the mhbeautymanager is initialized and whether the key is valid) - 腾讯直播SDK的话需要实现美颜代理方法(Tencent live SDK needs to implement the beauty agent method) ``` - (void)beautyEffectWithLevel:(NSInteger)beauty whitenessLevel:(NSInteger)white ruddinessLevel:(NSInteger)ruddiness { //用腾讯的美颜 TXBeautyManager *manager = [_pusher getBeautyManager]; [manager setBeautyStyle:TXBeautyStyleSmooth]; [manager setBeautyLevel:beauty]; [manager setWhitenessLevel:white]; [manager setRuddyLevel:ruddiness]; } ``` - 调用MHBeautyManager对美型效果赋值(大眼瘦脸等)时,一定要在下面等方法之后进行(when calling mhbeautymanager to assign the beauty effect (big eyes, thin face, etc.), it must be carried out after the following methods:): ``` [self.beautyManager processWithTexture:texture width:width height:height]; ```