// LayerRandomShifter.jsx
// 汉化BY展翅鹰
function RandomLayerShifter(thisObj)
// Globals
var ls_Data = new Object();
ls_Data.scriptName = "选择的层随机时间线偏移";
ls_Data.scriptTitle = ls_Data.scriptName + " v1.1";
ls_Data.minTxt = "最小";
ls_Data.minDef = "-60";
ls_Data.maxTxt = "最大";
ls_Data.maxDef = "30";
ls_Data.strButton = "确定";
ls_Data.strHelp = "帮助";
ls_Data.strMinAE80 = "这个脚本需要 Adobe After Effects CS3 或者更高版本.";
ls_Data.strSelComp = "用这个脚本之前请先激活一个合成.";
ls_Data.strSelProj = "用这个脚本之前请先打开一个工程.";
ls_Data.strSelLayers = "请选择一些层来使其在时间线随机偏移!";
ls_Data.strHelpText = "此脚本来源于http://aescripts.com 汉化BY展翅鹰\n\n" +
"最小值是选择的层随时间线偏移的最小帧数 输入负值可以让选择的层后退 \n" +
"最大值是选择的层随时间线偏移的最大帧数 \n\n" +
"注释: 此版本的脚本需要 After Effects CS3 或者更高版本. 你也可以把这个脚本放在Scripts文件夹下的子文件夹ScriptUI里边,这样你可以在ae的窗口菜单下找到这个插件的图标.\n";
// buildUI()
function RandomLayerShifter_buildUI(thisObj)
var pal = (thisObj instanceof Panel) ? thisObj : new Window("palette", ls_Data.scriptName, undefined, {resizeable:true});
if (pal != null)
var res =
"group { \
orientation:'column', alignment:['left','top'], \
main: Group { \
alignment:['left','top'], \
minTxt: StaticText { text:'" + ls_Data.minTxt + "', alignment:['left','left'] }, \
minVal: EditText { characters:3, alignment:['left','left'] }, \
maxTxt: StaticText { text:'" + ls_Data.maxTxt + "', alignment:['left','left'] }, \
maxVal: EditText { characters:3, alignment:['left','left'] }, \
}, \
footer: Group { \
alignment:['fill','top'], \
help: Button { text:'" + ls_Data.strHelp +"', maximumSize:[40,20], alignment:['left','center'] }, \
gy: Button { text:'" + "关于" +"', maximumSize:[40,20], alignment:['left','center'] }, \
shiftBtn: Button { text:'" + ls_Data.strButton +"', maximumSize:[40,20], alignment:['right','center'] }, \
}, \
} ";
pal.grp = pal.add(res);
// Workaround to ensure the edittext text color is black, even at darker UI brightness levels
var winGfx = pal.graphics;
var darkColorBrush = winGfx.newPen(winGfx.BrushType.SOLID_COLOR, [0,0,0], 1);
pal.grp.main.minVal.graphics.foregroundColor = darkColorBrush;
pal.grp.main.maxVal.graphics.foregroundColor = darkColorBrush;
pal.grp.main.minVal.text = ls_Data.minDef;
pal.grp.main.maxVal.text = ls_Data.maxDef;
pal.grp.minimumSize = pal.grp.size;
pal.onResizing = pal.onResize = function () {this.layout.resize();}
pal.grp.footer.help.onClick = function () {alert(ls_Data.scriptTitle + "\n" + ls_Data.strHelpText, ls_Data.scriptName);}
pal.grp.footer.shiftBtn.onClick = shiftEm;
} //close if pal!=null
return pal;
} // close LayerShift_builtUI
// main function
function shiftEm()
var proj = app.project;
var undoStr = ls_Data.scriptName;
if (proj){
var myComp = app.project.activeItem;
if (myComp != null && (myComp instanceof CompItem)){
var selectedLayers = myComp.selectedLayers;
if (selectedLayers.length != 0) {
for (i = 0; i < selectedLayers.length; ++i) {
var myRandom = min + (max-min)*Math.random()
var currentLayer = selectedLayers[i];
currentLayer.startTime += myRandom;
} // for close
} // if selected layers close
} // if myComp close
} // if proj close
} //shiftem close
// main code:
// Prerequisites check
if (parseFloat(app.version) < 8.0)
alert(rs_Data.strMinAE80, ls_Data.scriptName);
// Build and show the console's floating palette
var myPal = RandomLayerShifter_buildUI(thisObj);
if (myPal != null)
// Update UI values, if saved in the settings
if (app.settings.haveSetting("aescripts", "LayerRandomShifterMin"))
{myPal.grp.main.min.text = parseInt(app.settings.getSetting("aescripts", "LayerRandomShifterMin"));}
if (app.settings.haveSetting("aescripts", "LayerRandomShifterMax"))
{myPal.grp.main.max.text = parseInt(app.settings.getSetting("aescripts", "LayerRandomShifterMax"));}
// Save current UI settings upon closing the palette
myPal.onClose = function()
app.settings.saveSetting("aescripts", "LayerRandomShifterMin", myPal.grp.main.min.text);
app.settings.saveSetting("aescripts", "LayerRandomShifterMax", myPal.grp.main.max.text);
if (myPal instanceof Window)
// Show the palette
} // if myPal close
} // prereq close
} //layer shifter close
} //main close
- 脚本管理器
- 读取文件夹内文件
- 层层时间线偏移Sequencer.jsx
- 层层随机时间偏移
- 文字分离char_separate_1.3
- 分解文字 把一个文字层分成若干个文字层
- 快速导入Smart Import
- 查找与替换字符 Find and Replace Text.jsx
- 层改名Selected_Layers_Renamer.jsx
- 创建灯光为选择的三维层.jsx
- 创建摄像机为选择的三维图层.jsx
- 创建调节图层CreateTrimmedAdjustmentLayer.jsx
- 创建调节图层多个CreateSeveralTrimmedAdjustmentLayers.jsx
- 创建一个空物体到选择的层Add Parented Null to Selected Layers.jsx
- 文字分离DecomposeText
- 修改渲染输出文件位置Change Render Locations
- AE脚本读取txt文档并写入数组
- AE脚本把数组写入到txt文档中
- AE提取字幕脚本
- AE批量用txt内容替换字幕脚本