// Change Render Locations.jsx
// This script prompts the user for a new output folder to use for queued items in the Render Queue.
function ChangeRenderLocations()
var scriptName = "Change Render Locations";
var newLocation = Folder.selectDialog("Select a render output folder...");
if (newLocation != null) {
// Process all render queue items whose status is set to Queued.
for (i = 1; i <= app.project.renderQueue.numItems; ++i) {
var curItem = app.project.renderQueue.item(i);
if (curItem.status == RQItemStatus.QUEUED) {
// Change all output modules for the current render queue item.
for (j = 1; j <= curItem.numOutputModules; ++j) {
var curOM = curItem.outputModule(j);
var oldLocation = curOM.file;
curOM.file = new File(newLocation.toString() + "/" + oldLocation.name);
alert("New output path:\n"+curOM.file.fsName, scriptName);
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