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# 03.脑科学 [TOC=3,5] ## 3 Brain science ## 脑科学 The strongest argument against schooling comes from neuroscience. One of the most fundamental forces that can shape education is the **learn drive**. Understanding learn drive is essential for the realization that [self-directed](, [self-paced]( [self-learning]( is the most efficient way of developing a knowledgeable and creative mind. The neural principles of reward in the learn drive lead me to the formulation of the [Fundamental law of learning]( I hope no kid will ever accept any violation of that law. 反对学习教育最有力的论据来自神经科学。塑造教育的最基本的力量之一是**学习内驱力**。理解学习内驱力至关重要,这有助于我们领悟到[自我导向学习](、[自我调节学习](、[自学](是培养知识渊博的、富有创造力的思维最有效的方法。学习内驱力中的奖励神经原理引导我公式化了[学习的基本规律](。我希望没有孩子会接受任何违反规律的行为。 In addition to inefficient learning, one of the most wasteful offences committed by the system of schooling is the disregard for the [natural creativity cycle]( This is the cycle in which knowledge is acquired, built upon creatively, expanded, and optimized in the course of the [circadian cycle]( in waking and in sleep. School systems have been designed mostly in the 19th century when we did not know of the existence of the creativity cycle. 除了学习效率低下之外,学校制度所犯的最浪费的罪行之一就是忽视了[自然创造力周期](。在这个循环中,知识是在醒来和睡眠的[昼夜周期](过程中被获得、被创造性地逐步增强、扩展和优化的。学校系统大多是在19世纪设计的,那时我们还不知道创造力周期的存在。