# Python `sorted()`函数
> 原文: [https://thepythonguru.com/python-builtin-functions/sorted/](https://thepythonguru.com/python-builtin-functions/sorted/)
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于 2020 年 1 月 7 日更新
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`sorted()`内置函数允许我们对数据进行排序。 它接受一个可迭代对象,并返回一个包含来自可迭代对象的项目的排序列表。 默认情况下,它以升序排序。
**语法**:`sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False)`
| 参数 | 描述 |
| --- | --- |
| `iterable` | (必需)可迭代地进行排序,例如字符串,列表,字典,元组等。 |
| `key`,(可选) | 它引用单个参数函数以自定义排序顺序。 该函数应用于迭代器上的每个项目。 默认情况下,此参数设置为`None`。 |
| `reverse` | (可选)布尔值标志以反转排序顺序。 默认为`False`。 |
如果可迭代对象中的项目是字符串,则将按字母顺序对其进行排序。 另一方面,如果它们是数字,则将按数字顺序对其进行排序。
>>> fruits = ['lime', 'blueberry', 'plum', 'avocado']
>>> sorted(fruits) # default sorting, in ascending order
['avocado', 'blueberry', 'lime', 'plum']
>>> sorted(fruits, reverse=True) # reverse the sorting
['plum', 'lime', 'blueberry', 'avocado']
>>> ages = [45, 11, 30, 20, 55]
>>> sorted(ages)
[11, 20, 30, 45, 55]
>>> sorted(ages, reverse=True)
[55, 45, 30, 20, 11]
fruits = ['lime', 'blueberry', 'plum', 'avocado']
print(sorted(fruits)) # default sorting, in ascending order
print(sorted(fruits, reverse=True)) # reverse the sorting
ages = [45, 11, 30, 20, 55]
print(sorted(ages, reverse=True))
请注意,`sorted()`返回一个包含可迭代项的新列表。 它不会更改过程中的原始可迭代项。
>>> fruits # fruit list is same as before
['lime', 'blueberry', 'plum', 'avocado']
>>> ages # ages list is same as before
[45, 11, 30, 20, 55]
fruits = ['lime', 'blueberry', 'plum', 'avocado']
ages = [45, 11, 30, 20, 55]
print(sorted(fruits)) # default sorting, in ascending order
print(sorted(fruits, reverse=True)) # reverse the sorting
以下是一些其他示例,显示`sorted()`如何与其他 Python 类型一起使用。
## 带字符串的`sorted()`
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>>> name = "Alfred Hajos"
>>> sorted(name)
[' ', 'A', 'H', 'a', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'j', 'l', 'o', 'r', 's']
>>> sorted(name, reverse=True)
['s', 'r', 'o', 'l', 'j', 'f', 'e', 'd', 'a', 'H', 'A', ' ']
name = "Alfred Hajos"
print(sorted(name, reverse=True))
请注意,在第一个`sorted()`调用`A`的结果出现在`a`之前。 这是因为`A`的 ASCII 值为 65,`a`的 ASCII 值为 97。出于相同的原因,空格字符(`' '`)的 ASCII 值 32 出现在`A`之前。
## 带元组的`sorted()`
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>>> t = ( 'ff', 'xx', 'gg', 'aa')
>>> sorted(t)
['aa', 'ff', 'gg', 'xx']
>>> sorted(t, reverse=True)
['xx', 'gg', 'ff', 'aa']
t = ( 'ff', 'xx', 'gg', 'aa')
print(sorted(t, reverse=True))
## 带字典的`sorted()`
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>>> d = {'name': 'John', 'age': 25, 'designation': 'manager'}
>>> sorted(d)
['age', 'designation', 'name']
>>> sorted(d, reverse=True)
['name', 'designation', 'age']
>>> for k in sorted(d):
... print(k, d[k])
age 25
designation manager
name John
>>> for k in sorted(d, reverse=True):
... print(k, d[k])
name John
designation manager
age 25
d = {'name': 'John', 'age': 25, 'designation': 'manager'}
print(sorted(d, reverse=True))
for k in sorted(d):
print(k, d[k])
for k in sorted(d, reverse=True):
print(k, d[k])
## 使用命名参数`key`自定义排序顺序
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>>> fruits
['lime', 'blueberry', 'plum', 'avocado']
>>> sorted(fruits) # sort by alphabetical order
['avocado', 'blueberry', 'lime', 'plum']
>>> sorted(fruits, key=len) # sort by string length
['lime', 'plum', 'avocado', 'blueberry']
>>> sorted(fruits, key=len, reverse=True) # reverse sort order
['blueberry', 'avocado', 'lime', 'plum']
fruits = ['lime', 'blueberry', 'plum', 'avocado']
print(sorted(fruits, key=len)) # sort by string length
print(sorted(fruits, key=len, reverse=True)) # reverse sort order
有时您可能希望使排序不区分大小写。 我们可以通过将`key`的命名参数设置为`str.lower`函数来轻松实现此目的。
>>> t = ( 'AA', 'aa', 'ZZ', 'cc', 'bb')
>>> sorted(t)
['AA', 'ZZ', 'aa', 'bb', 'cc']
>>> sorted(t, key=str.lower)
['AA', 'aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'ZZ']
t = ( 'AA', 'aa', 'ZZ', 'cc', 'bb')
print(sorted(t, key=str.lower))
>>> fruits
['lime', 'blueberry', 'plum', 'avocado']
>>> def count_vowel(s):
... vowels = ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u')
... count = 0
... for i in s:
... if i in vowels:
... count = count + 1
... return count
>>> sorted(fruits)
['avocado', 'blueberry', 'lime', 'plum']
>>> sorted(fruits, key=count_vowel)
['plum', 'lime', 'blueberry', 'avocado']
fruits = ['lime', 'blueberry', 'plum', 'avocado']
def count_vowel(s):
vowels = ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u')
count = 0
for i in s:
if i in vowels:
count = count + 1
return count
print(sorted(fruits, key=count_vowel))
>>> class Employee:
... def __init__(self, name, salary, age):
... self.name = name
... self.salary = salary
... self.age = age
... def __repr__(self):
... return self.__str__()
... def __str__(self):
... return "{0}:{1}:{2}".format(self.name, self.salary, self.age)
>>> e1 = Employee("Tom", 20000, 32)
>>> e2 = Employee("Jane", 50000, 36)
>>> e3 = Employee("Bob", 45000, 40)
>>> emp_list = [e2, e3, e1]
>>> print(emp_list)
[Jane:50000:36, Bob:45000:40, Tom:20000:32]
class Employee:
def __init__(self, name, salary, age):
self.name = name
self.salary = salary
self.age = age
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __str__(self):
return "{0}:{1}:{2}".format(self.name, self.salary, self.age)
e1 = Employee("Tom", 20000, 32)
e2 = Employee("Jane", 50000, 36)
e3 = Employee("Bob", 45000, 40)
emp_list = [e2, e3, e1]
# print(sorted(emp_list))
>>> sorted(emp_list)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unorderable types: Employee() < Employee()
上面的代码不会在 Python 2 中引发任何错误。相反,它将根据`id()`内置函数返回的 ID 对`Employee`对象进行排序。
发生这种情况是因为 Python 不知道如何比较`Employee`对象。 我们可以通过在`Employee`类中实现[特殊方法](/python-operator-overloading/)(例如`__lt__()`,`__gt__()`等)来告诉 Python 如何比较对象。
>>> sorted(emp_list, key=lambda x: x.name) # sort Employee objects by name
[Bob:45000:40, Jane:50000:36, Tom:20000:32]
>>> sorted(emp_list, key=lambda x: x.age) # sort Employee objects by age
[Tom:20000:32, Jane:50000:36, Bob:45000:40]
>>> print(sorted(emp_list, key=lambda x: x.salary)) # sort Employee objects by salary
[Tom:20000:32, Bob:45000:40, Jane:50000:36]
class Employee:
def __init__(self, name, salary, age):
self.name = name
self.salary = salary
self.age = age
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __str__(self):
return "{0}:{1}:{2}".format(self.name, self.salary, self.age)
e1 = Employee("Tom", 20000, 32)
e2 = Employee("Jane", 50000, 36)
e3 = Employee("Bob", 45000, 40)
emp_list = [e2, e3, e1]
print(sorted(emp_list, key=lambda x: x.name)) # sort Employee objects by name
print(sorted(emp_list, key=lambda x: x.age)) # sort Employee objects by age
print(sorted(emp_list, key=lambda x: x.salary)) # sort Employee objects by salary
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