# Python `max()`函数
> 原文: [https://thepythonguru.com/python-builtin-functions/max/](https://thepythonguru.com/python-builtin-functions/max/)
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于 2020 年 1 月 7 日更新
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max(iterable[, default=obj, key=func]) -> value
| 参数 | 描述 |
| --- | --- |
| `iterable`(必填) | 可迭代对象,例如字符串,列表,元组等。 |
| `default`(可选) | 如果可迭代对象为空,则返回默认值。 |
| `key`(可选) | 它引用单个参数函数以自定义排序顺序。 该函数应用于迭代器上的每个项目。 |
max(a,b,c, ...[, key=func]) -> value
| 参数 | 描述 |
| --- | --- |
| `a, b, c ...` | 比较项目 |
| `key`(可选) | 它引用单个参数函数以自定义排序顺序。 该函数应用于迭代器上的每个项目。 |
如果以可迭代方式调用`max()`,它将返回其中的最大项。 如果可迭代对象为空,则返回`default`值,否则引发`ValueError`异常。
**示例 1** :以可迭代方式调用`max()`
>>> max("abcDEF") # find largest item in the string
>>> max([2, 1, 4, 3]) # find largest item in the list
>>> max(("one", "two", "three")) # find largest item in the tuple
>>> max({1: "one", 2: "two", 3: "three"}) # find largest item in the dict
>>> max([]) # empty iterable causes ValueError
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence
>>> max([], default=0) # supressing the error with default value
# find largest item in the string
# find largest item in the list
print(max([2, 1, 4, 3]))
# find largest item in the tuple
print(max(("one", "two", "three")))
# find largest item in the dict
print(max({1: "one", 2: "two", 3: "three"}))
# empty iterable causes ValueError
# print(max([]))
# supressing the error with default value
print(max([], default=0))
**示例 2** :使用多个参数调用`max()`
>>> max(20, 10, 30, -5)
>>> max("c", "b", "a", "Y", "Z")
>>> max(3.14, -9.91, 2.41)
>>> max(10, "pypi")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unorderable types: str() > int()
>>> max(5, [-10, 55])
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unorderable types: list() > int()
## 自定义排序顺序
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为了自定义排序顺序,我们使用`key`命名参数。 它的工作原理类似于 [sorted()](/python-builtin-functions/sorted/)函数的`key`命名参数。
>>> max("c", "b", "a", "Y", "Z")
>>> max("c", "b", "a", "Y", "Z", key=str.lower)
print(max("c", "b", "a", "Y", "Z"))
print(max("c", "b", "a", "Y", "Z", key=str.lower))
以下是另一个示例,其中我们根据字符串的长度而不是其 ASCII 值比较字符串。
>>> max(("python", "lua", "ruby"))
>>> max(("python", "lua", "ruby"), key=len)
print(max(("python", "lua", "ruby")))
print(max(("python", "lua", "ruby"), key=len))
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