## 什么是ECMAScript
业界所说的ECMAScript其实是指一种规范,或者说是一个标准。具体点来说,它其实就是一份文档。其官网地址是 http://www.ecmascript.org/ 。而我们通过所说的ECMAScript标准具体是指 ECMA-262 这份官方文档。
目前ECMAScript释出的最新版本是 [Fifth Edition of ECMA-262](http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-262.pdf) ,不过本篇文章我们将暂时不会讲ES6的相关东西。
这里有一份ES5的 [中文资料](http://yanhaijing.com/es5/) ,可以认为其是官方文档的翻译版。
## [ES6的新特性](http://es6-features.org/)
## [ECMAScript6的兼容性](http://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/)
## Is ES5 outdated? Should we use ES6 or TypeScript for building new Node APIs?
Basically, ES6 is just ES5 with a bunch of new features. ES5 is not outdated as many browsers still do not fully support ES6 specs (Node.JS LTS doesn't either). But I guess, yeah, you should start embracing ES6, now, in order to write new Node.JS APIs.
Do not worry about your team. Most of the new features are very easy to understand. I recommend taking half a day to take a look at the new features and another half to train it with your team. You can take that opportunity to show the ones without any experience a thing or two. ES6 is just JavaScript. They will have to learn it sooner or later, so why not make use of all the advantages of ES6 now?
[Here is a list](http://es6-features.org/) with new features and a comparison to ES5. You do not have to enforce everything at once. Just read through all new features and then use the things you can remember. Once you feel safe using them, take a look at other ES6 features which you can start using.
- 关于本书
- 目录简介
- 关于这本书你需要知道的
- 序
- 前言
- I 背景
- 1. About ECMAScript 6 (ES6)
- 2. 常见问题:ECMAScript 6
- 3. 一个JavaScript:在 ECMAScript 6 中避免版本化
- 4. 核心ES6特性
- II 数据
- 5. New number and Math features
- 6. 新的字符串特性
- 7. Symbol
- 8. Template literals
- 第9章 变量与作用域
- 第10章 解构
- 第11章 参数处理
- III 模块化
- 12. ECMAScript 6中的可调用实体
- 13. 箭头函数
- 14. 除了类之外的新OOP特性
- 15. 类
- 16. 模块
- IV 集合
- 17. The for-of loop
- 18. New Array features
- 19. Maps and Sets
- 20. 类型化数组
- 21. 可迭代对象和迭代器
- 22. 生成器( Generator )
- V 标准库
- 23. 新的正则表达式特性
- 24. 异步编程 (基础知识)
- 25. 异步编程的Promise
- VI 杂项
- 26. Unicode in ES6
- 27. 尾部调用优化
- 28 用 Proxy 实现元编程
- 29. Coding style tips for ECMAScript 6
- 30. 概述ES6中的新内容
- 注释
- ES5过时了吗?
- ==个人笔记==