# connect 方法
void AsyncTcpConnection::connect()
$connection = new AsyncTcpConnection('tcp://baidu.com:81');
// 执行连接的时候还没设置onError回调
$connection->onError = function($connection, $err_code, $err_msg)
echo "$err_code, $err_msg";
### 参数
### 返回值
### 示例 Mysql代理
use \Workerman\Worker;
use \Workerman\Connection\AsyncTcpConnection;
require_once __DIR__ . '/Workerman/Autoloader.php';
// 真实的mysql地址,假设这里是本机3306端口
// 代理监听本地4406端口
$proxy = new Worker('tcp://');
$proxy->onConnect = function($connection)
// 异步建立一个到实际mysql服务器的连接
$connection_to_mysql = new AsyncTcpConnection($REAL_MYSQL_ADDRESS);
// mysql连接发来数据时,转发给对应客户端的连接
$connection_to_mysql->onMessage = function($connection_to_mysql, $buffer)use($connection)
// mysql连接关闭时,关闭对应的代理到客户端的连接
$connection_to_mysql->onClose = function($connection_to_mysql)use($connection)
// mysql连接上发生错误时,关闭对应的代理到客户端的连接
$connection_to_mysql->onError = function($connection_to_mysql)use($connection)
// 执行异步连接
// 客户端发来数据时,转发给对应的mysql连接
$connection->onMessage = function($connection, $buffer)use($connection_to_mysql)
// 客户端连接断开时,断开对应的mysql连接
$connection->onClose = function($connection)use($connection_to_mysql)
// 客户端连接发生错误时,断开对应的mysql连接
$connection->onError = function($connection)use($connection_to_mysql)
// 运行worker
mysql -uroot -P4406 -h127.0.0.1 -p
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 25004
Server version: 5.5.31-1~dotdeb.0 (Debian)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
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- 构造函数
- 属性
- id
- count
- name
- protocol
- transport
- reusePort
- connections
- stdoutFile
- pidFile
- logFile
- user
- reloadable
- daemonize
- globalEvent
- 回调属性
- onWorkerStart
- onWorkerReload
- onConnect
- onMessage
- onClose
- onBufferFull
- onBufferDrain
- onError
- 接口
- runAll
- stopAll
- listen
- TcpConnection类
- 属性
- id
- protocol
- worker
- maxSendBufferSize
- defaultMaxSendBufferSize
- maxPackageSize
- 回调属性
- onMessage
- onClose
- onBufferFull
- onBufferDrain
- onError
- 接口
- send
- getRemoteIp
- getRemotePort
- close
- destroy
- pauseRecv
- resumeRecv
- pipe
- AsyncTcpConnection类
- 构造函数
- connect
- reconnect
- transport
- Timer定时器类
- add
- del
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- channelClient
- 例子-集群推送
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- FileMonitor文件监控组件
- MySQL组件
- workerman/mysql
- swoole/mysql(异步)
- redis组件
- swoole/redis
- 异步http组件
- swoole/http-client
- 异步消息队列组件
- react/zmq
- react/stomp
- 异步dns组件
- swoole/dns
- 常见问题
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- 客户端链接失败原因
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- 与其它框架整合
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- 支持哪些协议
- 如何设置进程数
- 查看客户端连接数
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- 支持多少并发
- 更改代码不生效
- 向指定客户端发送数据
- 如何主动推送消息
- 在其它项目中推送
- 如何实现异步任务
- status里send_fail的原因
- Windows下开发Linux下部署
- 是否支持socket.io
- 终端关闭导致workerman关闭
- 与nginx apache的关系
- 禁用函数检查
- 平滑重启原理
- 为Flash开843端口
- 如何广播数据
- 如何建立udp服务
- 监听ipv6
- 关闭未认证的链接
- 传输加密-ssl/tsl
- 创建wss服务
- 创建https服务
- workerman作为客户端
- 作为ws/wss客户端
- PHP的几种回调写法
- 附录
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- ws协议
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- frame协议
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