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GANTT CHART - A time-scaled bar chart named after Henry L. Gantt. See also: BAR CHART. (June 2007) GENERAL & ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS (G&A) - The fixed cost incurred in the operation of a business. G&A costs are also associated with office, plant, equipment, staffing, and expenses thereof, maintained by a contractor for general business operations. G&A costs are not specifically applicable to any given job or project. Syn.: ADMINISTRATIVE COST. See also: OVERHEAD. (June 2007) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - Non-technical specifications defining the scope of work, payments, procedures, implementation constraints, etc. pertaining to the contract. (June 2007) GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS – (1)That part of a contract, purchase order, or specification that is not specific to the particular transaction but applies to all transactions. (2)General definition of the legal relationships and responsibilities of the parties to the contract and how the contract is to be administered. They are usually standard for a corporation and/or project. (June 2007) GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES (GAAP) - Principles established by a Financial Accounting Standards Board that provide a foundation for 'acceptable' accounting practices. The GAAP represent a set of guidelines and, as a practical matter, necessitate subjectivity in their application. (June 2007) GIVEN YEAR - The year or period selected for comparison, relative to the base year or base period. (November 1990) GLOBAL CALENDAR - Calendar which sets typical workweek, workdays and holidays. It is the default calendar used for activities. See also: CALENDAR. (June 2007) GRAPHICAL EVALUATION AND REVIEW TECHNIQUE (GERT) - Network analysis technique that allows for conditional and probabilistic treatment of logical relationships (i.e., some activities may not be performed). (June 2007) GREENFIELD – (1)A project that lacks any known constraints imposed by prior work. (2)In construction, work on a previously undeveloped site that contain no structures or contamination. See also: BROWNFIELD. (October 2018) GROSS AREA - Generally, the sum of all the floor or slab areas of a project that are enclosed by the exterior skin of the building. (November 1990) GROSS CONCURRENCY - The method of counting concurrent delay events based purely on contemporaneous occurrence without regard to CPM principles. (June 2007) GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP) - The total national output of goods and services at the market prices for the stated year. (November 1990) GUIDELINE - A recommended or customary method of working to accomplish an objective. A guideline is not enforced but is generally followed. (June 2007)