## 附录A:[原文勘误](http://www.gopl.io/errata.html)
**p.9, ¶2:** for "can compared", read "can be compared". (Thanks to Antonio Macías Ojeda, 2015-10-22. Corrected in the second printing.)
**p.13:** As printed, the `gopl.io/ch1/lissajous` program is deterministic, not random. We've added the statement below to the downloadable program so that it prints a pseudo-random image each time it is run. (Thanks to Randall McPherson, 2015-10-19.)
**p.15, ¶2:** For "inner loop", read "outer loop". (Thanks to Ralph Corderoy, 2015-11-28. Corrected in the third printing.)
**p.19, ¶2:** For "Go's libraries makes", read "Go's library makes". (Thanks to Victor Farazdagi, 2015-11-30. Corrected in the third printing.)
**p.40, ¶4:** For "value of the underlying type", read "value of an unnamed type with the same underlying type". (Thanks to Carlos Romero Brox, 2015-12-19.)
**p.40, ¶1:** The paragraph should end with a period, not a comma. (Thanks to Victor Farazdagi, 2015-11-30. Corrected in the third printing.)
**p.43, ¶3:** Import declarations are explained in §10.4, not §10.3. (Thanks to Peter Jurgensen, 2015-11-21. Corrected in the third printing.)
**p.48:** `f.ReadByte()` serves as an example of a reference to f, but `*os.File` has no such method. For "ReadByte", read "Stat", four times. (Thanks to Peter Olsen, 2016-01-06. Corrected in the third printing.)
**p.52, ¶2:** for "an synonym", read "a synonym", twice. (Corrected in the second printing.)
**p.52, ¶9:** for "The integer arithmetic operators", read "The arithmetic operators". (Thanks to Yoshiki Shibata, 2015-12-20.)
**p.68:** the table of UTF-8 encodings is missing a bit from each first byte. The corrected table is shown below. (Thanks to Akshay Kumar, 2015-11-02. Corrected in the second printing.)
0xxxxxxx runes 0−127 (ASCII)
110xxxxx 10xxxxxx 128−2047 (values <128 unused)
1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 2048−65535 (values <2048 unused)
11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 65536−0x10ffff (other values unused)
**p.73, ¶1:** For "a exercise", read "an exercise". (Thanks to vrajmohan, 2015-12-28.)
**p.74:** the comment in `gopl.io/ch3/printints` should say `fmt.Sprint`, not `fmt.Sprintf`. (Corrected in the second printing.)
**p.75, ¶4:** for "%u", read "%o". (Thanks to William Hannish, 2015-12-21.)
**p.76:** the comment `// "time.Duration 5m0s` should have a closing double-quotation mark. (Corrected in the second printing.)
**p.79, ¶4:** "When an untyped constant is assigned to a variable, as in the first statement below, or
appears on the right-hand side of a variable declaration with an explicit type, as in the other three statements, ..." has it backwards: the <i>first</i> statement is a declaration; the other three are assignments. (Thanks to Yoshiki Shibata, 2015-11-09. Corrected in the third printing.)
**p.112:** Exercise 4.11 calls for a "CRUD" (create, read, update, delete) tool for GitHub Issues. Since GitHub does not currently allow Issues to be deleted, for "delete", read "close". (Thanks to Yoshiki Shibata, 2016-01-18.)
**p.115:** The anchor element in `gopl.io/ch4/issueshtml`'s template is missing a closing `</a>` tag. (Thanks to Taj Khattra, 2016-01-19.)
**p.132, code display following ¶3:** the final comment should read: `// compile error: can't assign func(int, int) int to func(int) int` (Thanks to Toni Suter, 2015-11-21. Corrected in the third printing.)
**p.160, ¶4:** `For Get("item"))`, read `Get("item")`. (Thanks to Yoshiki Shibata, 2016-02-01.)
**p.166, ¶2:** for "way", read "a way". (Corrected in the third printing.)
**p.200, TestEval function:** the format string in the final call to t.Errorf should format test.env with %v, not %s. (Thanks to Mitsuteru Sawa, 2015-12-07. Corrected in the third printing.)
**p.222, Exercise 8.1:** The port numbers for `London` and `Tokyo` should be swapped in the final command to match the earlier commands. (Thanks to Kiyoshi Kamishima, 2016-01-08.)
**p.272, ¶3:** for "the request body", read "the response body". (Thanks to [曹春晖](https://github.com/cch123), 2016-01-19.)
**p.288, code display following ¶4:** In the import declaration, for `"database/mysql"`, read `"database/sql"`. (Thanks to Jose Colon Rodriguez, 2016-01-09.)
**p.347, Exercise 12.8:** for "like json.Marshal", read "like json.Unmarshal". (Thanks to [chai2010](https://github.com/chai2010), 2016-01-01.)
**p.362:** the `gopl.io/ch13/bzip` program does not comply with the [proposed rules for passing pointers between Go and C code](https://github.com/golang/proposal/blob/master/design/12416-cgo-pointers.md) because the C function `bz2compress` temporarily stores a Go pointer (in) into the Go heap (the `bz_stream` variable). The `bz_stream` variable should be allocated, and explicitly freed after the call to `BZ2_bzCompressEnd`, by C functions. (Thanks to Joe Tsai, 2015-11-18. Corrected in the third printing.)
- 前言
- Go语言起源
- Go语言项目
- 本书的组织
- 更多的信息
- 致谢
- 入门
- Hello, World
- 命令行参数
- 查找重复的行
- GIF动画
- 获取URL
- 并发获取多个URL
- Web服务
- 本章要点
- 程序结构
- 命名
- 声明
- 变量
- 赋值
- 类型
- 包和文件
- 作用域
- 基础数据类型
- 整型
- 浮点数
- 复数
- 布尔型
- 字符串
- 常量
- 复合数据类型
- 数组
- Slice
- Map
- 结构体
- 文本和HTML模板
- 函数
- 函数声明
- 递归
- 多返回值
- 错误
- 函数值
- 匿名函数
- 可变参数
- Deferred函数
- Panic异常
- Recover捕获异常
- 方法
- 方法声明
- 基于指针对象的方法
- 通过嵌入结构体来扩展类型
- 方法值和方法表达式
- 示例: Bit数组
- 封装
- 接口
- 接口是合约
- 接口类型
- 实现接口的条件
- flag.Value接口
- 接口值
- sort.Interface接口
- http.Handler接口
- error接口
- 示例: 表达式求值
- 类型断言
- 基于类型断言识别错误类型
- 通过类型断言查询接口
- 类型分支
- 示例: 基于标记的XML解码
- 补充几点
- Goroutines和Channels
- Goroutines
- 示例: 并发的Clock服务
- 示例: 并发的Echo服务
- Channels
- 并发的循环
- 示例: 并发的Web爬虫
- 基于select的多路复用
- 并发的退出
- 示例: 聊天服务
- 基于共享变量的并发
- 竞争条件
- sync.Mutex互斥锁
- sync.RWMutex读写锁
- 内存同步
- 竞争条件检测
- 示例: 并发的非阻塞缓存
- Goroutines和线程
- 包和工具
- 包简介
- 导入路径
- 包声明
- 导入声明
- 包的匿名导入
- 包和命名
- 工具
- 测试
- go test
- 测试函数
- 测试覆盖率
- 基准测试
- 剖析
- 示例函数
- 反射
- 为何需要反射?
- reflect.Type和reflect.Value
- Display递归打印
- 示例: 编码S表达式
- 通过reflect.Value修改值
- 示例: 解码S表达式
- 显示一个类型的方法集
- 几点忠告
- 底层编程
- unsafe.Sizeof, Alignof 和 Offsetof
- unsafe.Pointer
- 示例: 深度相等判断
- 通过cgo调用C代码
- 几点忠告
- 附录
- 附录A:原文勘误
- 附录B:作者译者
- 附录C:译文授权
- 附录D:其它语言