User::where('id', 1)->delete();
然而理想是美好的,现实是残酷的,仔细检查了流程, 感觉Perfect,最终几经波折找到如下攻略
敲黑板! 检索了模型实例的的操作才会被触发
// 这样是不行的
User::where('id', 1)->delete();
// 这样是可行的
$user = User::find(1);
// 或者
User::destroy([1, 2]);
$user = User::find(1);
这个是调用 \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model:delete() 方法,源码里写了会在 delete 前后触发 deleting 和 deleted 事件,源码是:
public function delete()
if (is_null($this->getKeyName())) {
throw new Exception('No primary key defined on model.');
// If the model doesn't exist, there is nothing to delete so we'll just return
// immediately and not do anything else. Otherwise, we will continue with a
// deletion process on the model, firing the proper events, and so forth.
if (! $this->exists) {
if ($this->fireModelEvent('deleting') === false) {
return false;
// Here, we'll touch the owning models, verifying these timestamps get updated
// for the models. This will allow any caching to get broken on the parents
// by the timestamp. Then we will go ahead and delete the model instance.
// Once the model has been deleted, we will fire off the deleted event so that
// the developers may hook into post-delete operations. We will then return
// a boolean true as the delete is presumably successful on the database.
$this->fireModelEvent('deleted', false);
return true;
User::where('id', 1)->delete();
调用的是 Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder::delete(),然后调用 Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::delete() ,源码里没有加上事件,直接删除数据了,Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::delete() 源码是:
public function delete($id = null)
// If an ID is passed to the method, we will set the where clause to check the
// ID to let developers to simply and quickly remove a single row from this
// database without manually specifying the "where" clauses on the query.
if (! is_null($id)) {
$this->where($this->from.'.id', '=', $id);
return $this->connection->delete(
$this->grammar->compileDelete($this), $this->cleanBindings(
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