# 新增
INSERT INTO student (`stu_num`,`name`,`age`,`class`)
VALUES (001,'熊猫',23,2);
# 修改
UPDATE student SET age=22,class=3 WHERE NAME = '熊猫';
# 查询
SELECT * FROM student; - 查询所有的
SELECT name,age FROM student; - 只显示name、age
select * from student where age=18 - 只查询age为18的
SELECT * FROM student WHERE age=22 and name='熊猫'; - 查符合条件的 并且
SELECT * FROM student WHERE age=22 or name='熊猫'; - 查符合条件的 或
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM student; - 查总行数
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM student WHERE age=22; - 查符合条件的总行数
select sum(age) from student; - 合计:查询所有年龄加起来的数
select sum(age)/COUNT(1) from student; - 平均:查询平均年龄
select avg(age) from student; - 平均(简易):查询平均年龄
select avg(age) as 平均年龄 from student; - 平均(简易):查询平均年龄
select coun(1) from student group by age;
SELECT age,COUNT(1) FROM student GROUP BY age; - 分组查询
select * from student limit 30,1; - 偏移
select * from student limit order by; - 倒序
:-: mySql 笔记 2020-10-27
-- mySql -- 关联型数据库
-- 可视化数据库管理工具 Navicat
-- 单表查询
select id, loginid from `user`;
-- 给isMale列取别名
select isMale as '性别' from `employee`;
-- 查询单个表(employee)的所有数据
select * from `employee`;
-- 定别名,转化输出的结果
select id as 'ID', `name` as '姓名',
-- case isMale when 1 then '男' else '女' end '性别',
-- isMale列进行判断,为1是输出男,否则为女
case when isMale = 1 then '男' else '女' end '性别',
when salary>=10000 then '高薪资'
when salary>=5000 then '中薪资'
else '低薪资'
end '薪资等级',
salary as '薪资',
-- xxx -- 一个不存在的列,输出时它是一个常量
from employee;
-- 查询特定条件的多条数据
select * from employee where `isMale` = 1;
-- 查询公司(companyId)为1或2的所有部门(department)数据。
select * from department where `companyId` in (1, 2);
-- 查询员工表(employee)所有地址(location)为空字符串的数据。
select * from employee where `location`="";
-- 查询员工表(employee)所有地址(location)为空的数据。
select * from employee where `location` is null;
-- 查询员工表(employee)所有地址(location)不为空的数据。
select * from employee where `location` is not null;
-- 查询员工表(employee)所有薪资大于等于10000的数据。
select * from employee where `salary`>=10000;
-- 查询员工表(employee)所有薪资在10000~12000之间的数据。
select * from employee where `salary` between 10000 and 1200;
-- 模糊匹配查询, 查询员工表(employee)所有名字(name)包含'陈'关键字的数据。
-- '%'表示匹配任意字符,'_' - 一个字符的任意字符
select * from employee where `name` like '%陈%';
-- 组合条件搜索
select * from employee
where `name` like '%张%' and `isMale`=0 and `salary`>=12000
or `birthday`>='1996-1-1';
-- 将搜索出来的结果进行升降序 order by
-- asc limit
-- desc - 降序
select *,
case when isMale=1 then '男' else '女' end '性别'
from employee
where `name` like '%张%' and (`isMale`=0 and `salary`>=12000 or `birthday`>='1996-1-1')
order by `性别` delimit
-- 在原有的基础上进一步进行排序。
select *,
case when isMale=1 then '男' else '女' end '性别'
from employee
order by '性别' asc, `salary` delimit
-- 查询时跳过n条数据取出n条数据,一般用于分页。limit [(第n页-1)*页容量],[页容量]
select * from employee limit 0,30;
-- 查询后去除重复项、distinct
select distinct `location` from employee;
-- 联表查询
-- 笛卡尔积
select team.name '主', team.name '客'
from team as t1, team as t2
when ti.id != t2.id;
-- 左表查询
select * from department as d left join employee as e
on d.id = e.deptId;
-- 右表查询
select * from employee as e right join department as d
on d.id = e.deptId;
-- 类连接
select * from employee as e inner join department as d
on d.id = e.deptId;
-- 连接更多的表进行查询
select e.name 'empname', d.name 'dptname', c.name 'companyname'
from employee as e
inner join department as d on d.id=e.deptId
inner join company as c on d.id=c.id;
select e.name '员工姓名',
case isMale when 1 then '男' else '女' end '性别',
e.joinDate '入职时间',
e.salary '薪资',
d.name '所属部门',
c.name '所属公司'
from employee e
inner join department d on e.deptId = d.id
inner join company c on d.companyId = c.id;
select e.name '员工姓名',
case isMale when 1 then '男' else '女' end '性别',
e.joinDate '入职时间',
e.salary '薪资',
d.name '所属部门',
c.name '所属公司'
from employee e
inner join department d on e.deptId = d.id
inner join company c on d.companyId = c.id
-- when c.name = in ('腾讯科技','蚂蚁金服');
when c.name = like '%渡一%' and d.name = '教学部';
-- 查询id有值的总数
select count(`id`,`name`) from employee;
-- 聚合查询
select count('id') as '员工数量',
avg('salary') as '平均薪资',
sum('salary') as '总薪资',
min('salary') as '最小薪资',
from employee;
-- 将查询到列的字符串拼接起来
select concat(`name`, `salary`) from employee;
select concat_ws('->拼接符<-', `name`, `salary`) from employee;
-- 得到当前时间
select current_date(); select curdate();
select timestampdiff(year,'2010-4-1 11:11:11','2010-1-2 11:11:12');
-- 查询员工表中,根据出生日期计算出年龄。并进行排序
select *, timestampdiff(year, `birthday`, curdate()) as age
from employee order by age;
-- 查询员工表中limit所对应的员工数量
select `location`, count(id) as '员工数量'
from employee group by `location`;
-- having 运行时间在 select 之后
select `location`, count(id) as '员工数'
from employee
group by `location`
having '员工数'>=40;
-- 查询时语句的运行顺序
-- 1、from
-- 2、join .. on ..
-- 3、where
-- 4、group by
-- 5、select
-- 6、having
-- 7、order by
-- 8、limit
-- 查询所有薪水在10000以上员工,分布的居住地
select `location`, count(`id`) as '员工数'
from employee
when `salary`>=10000
group by `location`
having count(`id`)>=30;
-- 最后得到 部门名 跟 员工数量
select d.`name`, count(e.id) as '员工数量'
-- 公司表
from company as c
-- 连表 - 部门表
inner join department as d on c.id = d.companyId
-- 连表 - 员工表
inner join employee as e on d.id = e.deptId
-- 模糊搜索条件为渡一关键字的公司
where c.`name` like '%度一%'
-- 将部门名字作为分组
group by d.id, d.`name`;
-- 最后得到 公司名 跟 员工数量
select c.`name`, count(e.id) as '员工数量'
-- 公司表
from company as c
-- 连表 - 部门表
inner join department as d on c.id = d.companyId
-- 连表 - 员工表
inner join employee as e on d.id = e.deptId
-- 查询五年内入职的员工,并且居住地在万家湾的。
where timestampdiff(year, e.joinDate, curdate())<=5 and e.`location` like '%万家湾%'
-- 将部门名字作为分组
group by d.id, d.`name`;
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- scss - 用法 2019-9-26
- HTML5 - 2019-3-21
- canvas - 画布
- SVG - 矢量图
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- H5 - 其他
- webpack - 自动化构建
- webpack - 起步
- webpack -- 环境配置
- gulp
- ES6 - 2019-4-21
- HTML5补充 - 2019-6-30
- 微信小程序 2019-7-8
- 全局配置
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- 组件生命周期
- 自定义组件 - 2019-7-14
- Git 基本操作 - 2019-7-16
- vue框架 - 2019-7-17
- 基本使用 - 2019-7-18
- 自定义功能 - 2019-7-20
- 自定义组件 - 2019-7-22
- 脚手架的使用 - 2019-7-25
- vue - 终端常用命令
- Vue Router - 路由 (基础)
- Vue Router - 路由 (高级)
- 路由插件配置 - 2019-7-29
- 路由 - 一个实例
- VUEX_数据仓库 - 2019-8-2
- Vue CLI 项目配置 - 2019-8-5
- 单元测试 - 2019-8-6
- 挂载全局组件 - 2019-11-14
- React框架
- React基本使用
- React - 组件化 2019-8-25
- React - 组件间交互 2019-8-26
- React - setState 2019-11-19
- React - slot 2019-11-19
- React - 生命周期 2019-8-26
- props属性校验 2019-11-26
- React - 路由 2019-8-28
- React - ref 2019-11-26
- React - Context 2019-11-27
- PureComponent - 性能优化 2019-11-27
- Render Props VS HOC 2019-11-27
- Portals - 插槽 2019-11-28
- React - Event 2019-11-29
- React - 渲染原理 2019-11-29
- Node.js
- 模块收纳
- dome
- nodejs - tsconfig.json
- TypeScript - 2020-3-5
- TypeScript - 基础 2020-3-6
- TypeScript - 进阶 2020-3-9
- Ordinary小助手
- uni-app
- 高德地图api
- mysql
- 笔记
- 关于小程序工具方法封装
- Tool/basics
- Tool/web
- parsedUrl
- request