- 读前必看
- 前言
- 湖泊及其栖息地
- 慈鲷,一个物种群
- 马拉维慈鲷分类
- 海浪冲刷的上层岩石(The wave-washed upper rocky habita)
- Trophepos
- Labeotropheus
- Petrotilapia(岩罗非鱼)
- Pseudotropheus williamsi et al
- Pseudotropheus demasoni
- Labidochromis The pickers(采集者)
- 无沉积物的岩石栖息地(The sediment-free rocky habitat)
- The zebras(斑马,有斑马纹)
- The classic zebra complex(经典斑马复合体)
- 第二组 The cobalt zebras(深蓝斑马)
- 第三组 The large zebras
- More zebras
- The elongate Metriaclima
- Cynotilapia
- Petrotilapia(岩罗非鱼)2
- Tropheops
- The elongate Tropheops
- Labeotropheus
- The Pseudotropheus elongatus complex
- Mbuna with gardens
- Small but plucky(小、勇猛型)
- Labidochromis et al
- Melanochromis
- Other mbuna with horizontal stripes(其他水平条纹的岩栖)
- The fin-biter
- 深的,富含沉积物的岩石栖息地(The deep,sediment-rich rocky habitat)
- Golden zebras(黄金斑马)
- Elongate zebras(长身斑马)
- Cynotilapia
- Gold and blue
- Mini mbuna
- Labidochromis-mostly insectivorous
- Wasps without a sting(无刺黄蜂)
- Blue and brown Melanochromis
- 岩沙过渡生境区(The intermediate habitat)
- The zebras
- The black-dorsal group
- The aurora group
- The Kingsizei group
- Odd-men-out
- The elongate Metriaclima
- The lime group
- Cynotilapia
- Petrotilapia
- Tropheops
- Elongate Pseudotropheus
- Small Mbuna
- The burrower and the pindani
- Gephyrochromis
- Labidochromis
- Attractive Melanochromis
- 厚嘴唇岩栖 (A thick-lipped mbuna)
- 浅层中间栖息地(The shallow intermediate habitat)
- A single zebra
- 海豚岩栖(Dolphin mbuna)
- Petrotilapia
- The lucerna group
- Band or no band
- Small pickers
- Other mbuna
- 浅层沉积物丰富的海湾(shallow sediment-rich bays)
- Mbuna
- 沙质栖息地(The sandy habitat)
- Mbuna