## 1. Amaro
[](http://mashable.com/2013/10/20/photoshop-instagram-filters/)[](http://mashable.com/2013/10/20/photoshop-instagram-filters/)1. First, increase the brightness and contrast of your picture. Do this by going to Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast.
2. To add a soft yellow light, create a new fill layer over the photo. Go to Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color. Play around until you find a good shade, or you could just enter the shade I used in the hex color code field: #f4eabd.
3. Click OK. While you still have the layer selected, click on the dropdown menu right above it and select "Multiply" instead of the default of "Normal." This will add a soft light over your photo as opposed to an opaque layer.
4. Next, open up the Levels menu. You can do this with Command / Ctrl + L, or you can go to Image > Adjustments > Levels. In the dropdown menu for "Channel," select "Blue." Increase the Output Levels at the bottom of the menu from 0 to 117 by dragging the left slider towards the center of the spectrum. This will add a blue tint to the photo.
5. From here, I had to make some more minor adjustments by decreasing the Contrast a bit more to give it a faded look.
6. Next, open up Color Balance with Command / Ctrl + B, or Image > Adjustments > Color Balance. Make sure the radio dial below is set to "Midtones." Play around until you have a good blend of colors, but I chose to increase my Red, Green and Yellow levels.
7. Finally, save the image as is and reopen it up in Camera Raw to add a vignette frame. You can do this by exiting out of the current window, then going to File > Open. Select the correct file, then select "Camera Raw" in the "Format" dropdown menu.
8. Once you have the file open in Camera Raw, select the Effects menu on the right-hand side of the editor. Make sure that "Highlight Priority" is selected in the "Style" dropdown menu. Move the "Amount" slider left to make a black vignette around the edges of the photo. Once you're satisfied with the vignette, move the "Highlights" slider to the right so that the vignette will not affect the highlights as much. Click "Save Image" once you're done.
- 前言
- 序言
- Brannan滤镜
- 编码基础(Photoshop基础变换的代码实现)
- Toaster滤镜
- Hudson滤镜(Instagram)
- 暴雨滤镜
- 大雪滤镜
- 图像滤镜实现万能方法研究
- 大雾效果滤镜
- 连环画滤镜
- 暗调滤镜
- 怀旧风格滤镜
- (Nostalgla Filter)老照片滤镜
- (Punch Filter)交叉冲印滤镜
- (Lightleaks Filter)漏光滤镜
- 漫画滤镜
- LOMO Filter
- Glow Filter发光滤镜
- (Instagram)1977滤镜
- (Sketch Filter)素描滤镜
- 水彩画滤镜
- 图像光照效果滤镜
- Oilpaint油画滤镜
- Swirl滤镜
- Wave滤镜
- 球面(Spherize)滤镜
- 挤压(Pinch)滤镜
- 旋转模糊滤镜
- 霓虹、浮雕、木刻滤镜
- 图像滤镜晕影调节算法研究
- PS平均(滤镜-模糊-平均)效果
- Photoshop实现Instagram Amaro滤镜特效
- Photoshop实现Instagram之Nashville滤镜
- Photoshop实现Instagram之Sierra滤镜
- Photoshop实现Instagram之Mayfair滤镜效果
- ZPhotoEngine超级算法库
- 乐高像素拼图特效
- 乐高像素拼图特效滤镜的代码实现
- 保留细节的磨皮滤镜之PS实现
- 保留细节的磨皮之C#程序实现
- 流行艺术风滤镜特效PS实现
- PS图层混合模式之明度模式