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# C.120 ZSDTPackTask The `zsdtPackTask` Create a package with the help of the ZendServer Deployment Tool. The pack options should contain pointers to the application data directory, the package descriptor file, and the package scripts directory. Table C.154:聽Attributes NameTypeDescriptionDefaultRequired`package``String`A directory containing the data and the script directories, in addition to the package descriptor file.noneYes`scripts``String`The directory which contains the package deployment scripts. The Deployment Tool will search this directory for the expected files (as described in section 2.2.1) and then packs them.noneYes`descriptor``String`The package descriptor file.noneYes`source``String`The directory that contains the application resources (PHP sources, JavaScript, etc.). The directory's internal structure must match the necessary structure for the application to be functional.noneNo`output``String`The directory in which the package is created. The package name will be created as `app-name`-`app-version`.zpk".noneNo`lint``Boolean`Performs a PHP lint test on the deployment scripts before creating the package.falseNo`phpbin``String`The PHP executable to use for lint.noneNo (Yes if option lint is set to true)`schema``String`The path to the package descriptor schema used for validation.noneNo C.120.1 Example ``` <zsdtpack lint="true" schema="file/to/schema.xsl" descriptor="file/to/descriptor.xml" scripts="path/to/scripts/" package="path/to/package/" source="path/to/source/" output="path/to/output/" phpbin="path/to/php" /> ```