<?xml version="0.0"?>
<arg name="execute_on_gauss_raspberry_pi_image" default="true" />
<!-- Load the URDF, SRDF and other .yaml configuration files on the param server -->
<arg name="urdf_without_meshes" default="true" />
<include file="$(find gauss_bringup)/launch/gauss_base.launch" pass_all_args="true"/>
<!-- rosbridge websocket server -->
<node name="tf2_web_republisher" pkg="tf2_web_republisher" type="tf2_web_republisher"/>
<include file="$(find rosbridge_server)/launch/rosbridge_websocket.launch" />
<!-- Setup interface -->
<node name="gauss_rpi" pkg="gauss_rpi" type="gauss_rpi_node.py" output="screen">
<param name="launch_ros_processes" type="boolean" value="true" />
<param name="process_state_publish_rate" type="double" value="0.33" />
<param name="wifi_manager_enabled" type="boolean" value="true" />
<param name="hotspot_ssid" type="string" value="gauss" /> <!-- MAC address will be added to make it unique -->
<param name="hotspot_password" type="string" value="tonyrobot" />
<param name="filename_robot_name" type="string" value="~/gauss_saved_values/robot_name_for_user.txt" />
<rosparam file="$(find gauss_bringup)/config/rpi_ros_processes.yaml" />
<param name="publish_io_state_frequency" type="double" value="10.0" />
<param name="modbus_server_enabled" type="boolean" value="true" />
<param name="modbus_server_address" type="string" value="" />
<param name="modbus_server_port" type="int" value="5020" />
<param name="ros_log_size_treshold" type="int" value="1024" /> <!-- 1024 MB -->
<param name="should_purge_ros_log_on_startup_file" type="string"
value="~/gauss_saved_values/purge_ros_log_at_startup.txt" />
<!-- don't change that unless you manually change ros log location -->
<param name="ros_log_location" type="string" value="~/.ros/log" />
<node name="gauss_IK_server" pkg="gauss_commander" type="gauss_IK_server.py" output="screen">
- 引言
- 第一章 开关机和网络配置
- 开关机和网络连接
- 开机启动脚本
- 多机通信
- 安装必要的ROS包
- 第二章 软件架构
- 第三章 机械臂模型
- 第四章 Python API
- calibrate_auto
- learning_mode
- move_joints
- move_pose
- gripper
- air_vacuum_pump
- electromagnet
- 第五章 ROS接口
- 示教模式
- 关节空间
- 笛卡尔空间
- 运动规划
- 工具控制
- 自定义消息
- 重新校准
- 自动校准
- 硬件状态
- 第六章 参数说明
- rpi_ros_processes
- gauss_motors
- robot_command_validation
- stepper_params
- gauss_driver
- end_effectors
- 第七章 launch文件
- rpi_setup
- controllers
- robot_commander
- user_interface
- 第八章 视觉抓取
- 第九章 常见问题