## 1. 可共享可变状态是万恶之源
let objA = { name: 'zfpx' };
let objB = objA;
objB.name = '9';
## 2. 什么是 Immutable
## * Immutable Data 就是一旦创建,就不能再被更改的数据。对 Immutable 对象的任何修改或添加删除操作都会返回一个新的 Immutable 对象
* Immutable 实现的原理是 Persistent Data Structure(持久化数据结构),也就是使用旧数据创建新数据时,要保证旧数据同时可用且不变 同时为了避免 deepCopy 把所有节点都复制一遍带来的性能损耗
* Immutable 使用了 Structural Sharing(结构共享),即如果对象树中一个节点发生变化,只修改这个节点和受它影响的父节点,其它节点则进行共享
* [immutable-js](https://facebook.github.io/immutable-js/docs/#/)
## 3\. Immutable类库
内部实现了一套完整的 Persistent Data Structure,还有很多易用的数据类型。像`Collection`、`List`、`Map`、`Set`、`Record`、`Seq`
### 3.1 Map
| 方法 | 作用 |
| --- | --- |
| isMap | 判断是否是Map |
| clear | 清空值 |
| set | 设置值 |
| delete | 删除值 |
| update | 更新值 |
| merge | 合并值 |
| setIn | 设置值 |
| deleteIn | 删除值 |
| updateIn | 更新值 |
| mergeIn | 合并值 |
| get | 获取值 |
| getIn | 获取值 |
| keys | key的数组 |
| values | value的数组 |
| entries | entry的数组 |
| toJS | 转成普通JS对象 |
| toObject | 转成普通对象 |
| toJSON | 转成JSON对象 |
| toArray | 转成数组 |
const immutable = require("immutable");
const assert = require("assert");
let obj1 = immutable.Map({ name: 'zfpx', age: 8 });
let obj2 = obj1.set('name', 'zfpx2');
let obj3 = obj2.update('age', x => x + 1);
let obj4 = obj3.merge({ home: '北京' });
console.log(obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4);
let obj6 = immutable.fromJS({ user: { name: 'zfpx', age: 8 }, 'k': 'v' });
let obj7 = obj6.setIn(['user', 'name'], 'zfpx2');
let obj8 = obj7.updateIn(['user', 'age'], x => x + 1);
let obj9 = obj8.mergeIn(["user"], { home: '北京' });
console.log(obj6, obj7, obj8, obj9);
console.log(obj6.getIn(['user', 'name']));
var map1 = immutable.Map({ name: 'zfpx', age: 9 });
var map2 = immutable.Map({ name: 'zfpx', age: 9 });
console.log(map1 !== map2);
console.log(Object.is(map1, map2) === false);
console.log(immutable.is(map1, map2) === true);
### 3.2 List
| 方法 | 作用 | |
| --- | --- | --- |
| isList | 判断是否是List | |
| size | 统计个数 | |
| push | 添加 | |
| pop | 弹出最后一个 | |
| update | 更新 | |
| delete | 删除指定元素的数组 | delete(2) |
| insert | 插入指定元素的数组 | insert(2) |
| clear | 清空数组 | clear() |
| concat | 合并 | |
| map | 映射 | |
| filter | 过滤 | |
| get | 获取 | |
| find | 查找 | |
| includes | 判断包含 | |
| last | 最后一个 | |
| reduce | 计算总和 | |
| count | 统计个数 |
let immutable = require('immutable');
let arr1 = immutable.fromJS([1, 2, 3]);
console.log(arr1.size); //3
let arr2 = arr1.push(4);
console.log(arr2); //List [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
let arr3 = arr2.pop();
console.log(arr3); //List [ 1, 2, 3 ]
let arr4 = arr3.update(2, x => x + 1);
console.log(arr4); //List [ 1, 2, 4 ]
let arr5 = arr4.concat([5, 6]);
console.log(arr5); //List [ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 ]
let arr6 = arr5.map(item => item * 2);
console.log(arr6); /List [ 2, 4, 8, 10, 12 ]
let arr7 = arr6.filter(item => item >= 10);
console.log(arr7); //List [ 10, 12 ]
console.log(arr7.get(0)); //10
console.log(arr7.includes(10)); //true
console.log(arr7.last()); //12
let val = arr7.reduce((val, item) => val + item, 0);
console.log(val); //22
console.log(arr7.count()); //2
## 4\. Immutable优势
### 4.1 降低复杂度
let obj1 = immutable.fromJS({ user: { name: 'zfpx', age: 8 }, 'k': 'v' });
let obj2 = obj1.setIn(['user', 'name'], 'zfpx2');
### 4.2 节省内存
let Immutable=require('immutable');
let p1=Immutable.fromJS({
name: 'zfpx',
let p2 = p1.set('name','zfpx2');
console.log(p1.get('home')== p2.get('home')); //true
### 4.3 方便回溯
## 5\. React性能优化
### 5.1 计数器
* 每次调用setState的时候组件都会刷新
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
class Counter extends Component {
state = {counter:{number:0}}
handleClick = () => {
let amount = this.amount.value ? Number(this.amount.value) : 0;
this.state.counter.number = this.state.counter.number + amount;
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
return true;
render() {
return (
<input ref={input => this.amount = input} />
<button onClick={this.handleClick}>+</button>
<Caculator />,
### 5.2 深度克隆+浅比较
* 可以通过浅比较判断是否需要刷新组件
* 浅比较要求每次修改的时候都通过深度克隆每次都产生一个新对象
import _ from 'lodash';
handleClick = () => {
let amount = this.amount.value ? Number(this.amount.value) : 0;
let state = _.cloneDeep(this.state);
state.counter.number = this.state.counter.number + amount;
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
for (const key in nextState) {
if (this.State[key] !== nextState[key]) {
return true;
return false;
### 5.3 深比较
* 也可以通过深度比较的方式判断两个状态的值是否相等
* 这样做的话性能非常低
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, prevState) {
return !_.isEqual(prevState, this.state);
### 5.4 immutable
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { is, Map } from 'immutable';
class Caculator extends Component {
state = {
counter: Map({ number: 0 })
handleClick = () => {
let amount = this.amount.value ? Number(this.amount.value) : 0;
let counter = this.state.counter.update('number', val => val + amount);
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps = {}, nextState = {}) {
if (Object.keys(this.state).length !== Object.keys(nextState).length) {
return true;
for (const key in nextState) {
if (!is(this.state[key], nextState[key])) {
return true;
return false;
render() {
return (
<input ref={input => this.amount = input} />
<button onClick={this.handleClick}>+</button>
<Caculator />,
## 6\. redux+immutable手工实现
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import { createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
import { Provider, connect } from 'react-redux'
import immutable, { is, Map } from 'immutable';
import PureComponent from './PureComponent';
const ADD = 'ADD';
const initState = Map({ number: 0 });
function counter(state = initState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case ADD:
return state.update('number', (value) => value + action.payload);
return state
const store = createStore(counter);
class Caculator extends PureComponent {
render() {
return (
<input ref={input => this.amount = input} />
<button onClick={() => this.props.add(this.amount.value ? Number(this.amount.value) : 0)}>+</button>
let actions = {
add(payload) {
return { type: ADD, payload }
const ConnectedCaculator = connect(
state => ({ number: state.get('number') }),
<Provider store={store}><ConnectedCaculator /></Provider>,
## 7\. redux-immutable中间件
* [redux-immutable](https://github.com/gajus/redux-immutable#readme)
import { combineReducers } from 'redux-immutable';
function combineReducers(reducers) {
return function (state = Map(), action) {
let newState = Map();
for (let key in reducers) {
newState = newState.set(key, reducers[key](state.get(key), action));
return newState;
let reducers = combineReducers({
const ConnectedCaculator = connect(
state => {
return ({ number: state.getIn(['counter', 'number']) })
## 8\. react-router-redux使用
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from "redux";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import { combineReducers } from 'redux-immutable';
import createHistory from "history/createBrowserHistory";
import { Route } from "react-router";
import { Map } from 'immutable';
import {
} from "react-router-redux";
const initialRouterState = Map({
location: null,
action: null
export function routerReducer(state = initialRouterState, { type, payload = {} } = {}) {
if (type === LOCATION_CHANGE) {
const location = payload.location || payload;
const action = payload.action;
return state
.set('location', location)
.set('action', action);
return state;
const history = createHistory();
const middleware = routerMiddleware(history);
const store = createStore(
router: routerReducer
window.push = push;
window.store = store;
let Home = () => <div>Home</div>
let About = () => <div>About</div>
let Topics = () => <div>Topics</div>
<Provider store={store}>
<ConnectedRouter history={history}>
<Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
<Route path="/about" component={About} />
<Route path="/topics" component={Topics} />
## 9\. react-router-redux实现
import React, { Component } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware } from "redux";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import createHistory from "history/createBrowserHistory";
import { Router, Route } from "react-router";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
// import {
// ConnectedRouter,
// routerReducer,
// routerMiddleware,
// push
// } from "react-router-redux";
var initialRouteState = {
location: null
class ConnectedRouter extends Component {
static contextTypes = {
store: PropTypes.object
handleLocationChange = (location) => {
payload: location
componentWillMount() {
this.store = this.context.store;
this.history = this.props.history;
render() {
return <Router {...this.props} />
function routerReducer(state = initialRouteState, action) {
let { type, payload } = action;
if (type === LOCATION_CHANGE) {
return { ...state, location: payload };
return state;
function routerMiddleware(history) {
return function () {
return function (next) {
return function (action) {
if (action.type !== CALL_HISTORY_METHOD) {
return next(action);
var _action$payload = action.payload,
method = _action$payload.method,
args = _action$payload.args;
history[method].apply(history, args);
function push(...args) {
return {
payload: { method: 'push', args: args }
// Create a history of your choosing (we're using a browser history in this case)
const history = createHistory();
// Build the middleware for intercepting and dispatching navigation actions
const middleware = routerMiddleware(history);
// Add the reducer to your store on the `router` key
// Also apply our middleware for navigating
const store = createStore(
router: routerReducer
window.push = push;
window.store = store;
// Now you can dispatch navigation actions from anywhere!
// store.dispatch(push('/foo'))
let Home = () => <div>Home</div>
let About = () => <div>About</div>
<Provider store={store}>
{/* ConnectedRouter will use the store from Provider automatically */}
<ConnectedRouter history={history}>
<Link to="/">Home</Link>
<Link to="/about">About</Link>
<Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
<Route path="/about" component={About} />
- 文档简介
- 基础面试题【珠峰2019.8】
- P01_call,aplly区别
- P02_综合面试题讲解2-2
- P03_箭头函数和普通函数区别-综合面试题讲解2-3
- P05_实现indexOf
- P06_综合面试题讲解2-6
- P07_URL解析题
- P08_原型题
- P09_图片延时加载
- P10_正则-包含数字字母下划线
- P11_综合面试题讲解2-11
- P12_英文字母加空格
- P13_数组扁平化并去重
- P14_模拟实现new
- P15_合并数组
- P16_定时器,打印012345
- P17_匿名函数输出值问题
- P18_a在什么情况下打印输出+1+1+1
- P19_对数组的理解
- P20_冒泡排序
- P21_插入排序
- P22_快速排序
- P23_销售额存在对象中
- P24_求数组的交集
- P25_旋转数组
- P26_ [函数柯理化思想]
- P27_ [柯理化函数的递归]
- 网络协议【珠峰2019.6】
- TypeScript+Axios入门+实战【珠峰2019.11】
- 1.数据结构
- 2.函数和继承
- 3.装饰器
- 4.抽象类-接口-泛型
- 05-结构类型系统和类型保护
- 06-类型变换
- AST-抽象语法树
- React性能优化【珠峰2019.10】
- 1-react性能优化
- 2-react性能优化
- 3.react-immutable
- React Hooks【珠峰2019.12】
- 前端框架及项目面试
- 第07章 React 使用
- 7-1 React使用-考点串讲
- 7-2 JSX基本知识点串讲
- 7-3 JSX如何判断条件和渲染列表
- 7-4 React事件为何bind this
- 7-5 React事件和DOM事件的区别
- 7-6 React表单知识点串讲
- 7-7 React父子组件通讯
- 7-8 setState为何使用不可变值
- 7-9 setState是同步还是异步
- 7-10 setState合适会合并state
- 7-11 React组件生命周期
- 7-12 React基本使用-知识点总结和复习
- 7-13 React函数组件和class组件有何区别
- 7-14 什么是React非受控组件
- 7-15 什么场景需要用React Portals
- 7-16 是否用过React Context
- 7-17 React如何异步加载组件
- 7-18 React性能优化-SCU的核心问题在哪里
- 7-19 React性能优化-SCU默认返回什么
- 7-20 React性能优化-SCU一定要配合不可变值
- 7-21 React性能优化-PureComponent和memo
- 7-22 React性能优化-了解immutable.js
- 7-23 什么是React高阶组件
- 7-24 什么是React Render Props
- 7-25 React高级特性考点总结
- 7-26 Redux考点串讲
- 7-27 描述Redux单项数据流
- 7-28 串讲react-redux知识点
- 7-29 Redux action如何处理异步
- 7-30 简述Redux中间件原理
- 7-31 串讲react-router知识点
- 7-32 React使用-考点总结
- 第08章 React 原理
- 8-1 React原理-考点串讲
- 8-2 再次回顾不可变值
- 8-3 vdom和diff是实现React的核心技术
- 8-4 JSX本质是什么
- 8-5 说一下React的合成事件机制
- 8-6 说一下React的batchUpdate机制
- 8-7 简述React事务机制
- 8-8 说一下React组件渲染和更新的过程
- 8-9 React-fiber如何优化性能
- 第09章 React 面试真题演练
- 9-1 React真题演练-1-组件之间如何通讯
- 9-2 React真题演练-2-ajax应该放在哪个生命周期
- 9-3 React真题演练-3-组件公共逻辑如何抽离
- 9-4 React真题演练-4-React常见性能优化方式
- 9-5 React真题演练-5-React和Vue的区别
- 第10章 webpack 和 babel
- 10-1 webpack考点梳理
- 10-2 webpack基本配置串讲(上)
- 10-3 webpack基本配置串讲(下)
- 10-4 webpack如何配置多入口
- 10-5 webpack如何抽离压缩css文件
- 10-6 webpack如何抽离公共代码和第三方代码
- 10-7 webpack如何实现异步加载JS
- 10-8 module chunk bundle 的区别
- 10-9 webpack优化构建速度-知识点串讲
- 10-11 happyPack是什么
- 10-12 webpack如何配置热更新
- 10-13 何时使用DllPlugin
- 10-14 webpack优化构建速度-考点总结和复习
- 10-15 webpack优化产出代码-考点串讲
- 10-16 什么是Tree-Shaking
- 10-17 ES Module 和 Commonjs 的区别
- 10-18 什么是Scope Hostin
- 10-19 babel基本概念串讲
- 10-20 babel-polyfill是什么
- 10-21 babel-polyfill如何按需引入
- 10-22 babel-runtime是什么
- 10-23 webpack考点总结和复习
- 10-24 webpack面试真题-前端代码为何要打包
- 10-25 webpack面试真题-为何Proxy不能被Polyfill
- 10-26 webpack面试真题-常见性能优化方法