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现在我们将做一批练习,在练习的过程中你需要键入代码,并且让它们运行起来,我不会解释太多,因为这节的内容都是以前熟悉的。这节练习的目的是巩固你学到的东西,我们几轮练习后再见。不要跳过这些习题,不要复制粘贴! ~~~ puts "Mary had a little lamb." puts "Its fleece was white as %s." % 'snow' puts "And everywhere that Mary went." puts "." * 10 # what'd that do? end1 = "C" end2 = "h" end3 = "e" end4 = "e" end5 = "s" end6 = "e" end7 = "B" end8 = "u" end9 = "r" end10 = "g" end11 = "e" end12 = "r" # notice how we are using print instead of puts here. change it to puts # and see what happens. print end1 + end2 + end3 + end4 + end5 + end6 print end7 + end8 + end9 + end10 + end11 + end12 # this just is polite use of the terminal, try removing it puts ~~~ # 你应该看到的结果 * * * * * ~~~ $ ruby ex7.rb Mary had a little lamb. Its fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Mary went. .......... CheeseBurger $ ~~~ # 加分习题 * * * * * 接下来几节的加分习题是一样的。 1. 逆向阅读,在每一行的上面加一行注释。 2. 倒着阅读出来,找出自己的错误。 3. 从现在开始,把你的错误记录下来,写在一张纸上。 4. 在开始下一节习题时,阅读一遍你记录下来的错误。并且尽量避免在下个练习中再犯相同的错误。 5. 记住,每个人都会犯错。程序设计师和魔术师一样,他们希望大家认为他们从不犯错,不过这只是表象而已,他们每时每刻都在犯错。