# 双摆系统的动画模拟
相关文档: [_单摆和双摆模拟_](double_pendulum.html)
![](https://box.kancloud.cn/2016-03-19_56ed1bba2d608.png) ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/2016-03-19_56ed1bba3f9f8.png)
## 用odeint解双摆系统
文件名: double_pendulum_odeint.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from math import sin,cos
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
g = 9.8
class DoublePendulum(object):
def __init__(self, m1, m2, l1, l2):
self.m1, self.m2, self.l1, self.l2 = m1, m2, l1, l2
self.init_status = np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0])
def equations(self, w, t):
m1, m2, l1, l2 = self.m1, self.m2, self.l1, self.l2
th1, th2, v1, v2 = w
dth1 = v1
dth2 = v2
#eq of th1
a = l1*l1*(m1+m2) # dv1 parameter
b = l1*m2*l2*cos(th1-th2) # dv2 paramter
c = l1*(m2*l2*sin(th1-th2)*dth2*dth2 + (m1+m2)*g*sin(th1))
#eq of th2
d = m2*l2*l1*cos(th1-th2) # dv1 parameter
e = m2*l2*l2 # dv2 parameter
f = m2*l2*(-l1*sin(th1-th2)*dth1*dth1 + g*sin(th2))
dv1, dv2 = np.linalg.solve([[a,b],[d,e]], [-c,-f])
return np.array([dth1, dth2, dv1, dv2])
def double_pendulum_odeint(pendulum, ts, te, tstep):
t = np.arange(ts, te, tstep)
track = odeint(pendulum.equations, pendulum.init_status, t)
th1_array, th2_array = track[:,0], track[:, 1]
l1, l2 = pendulum.l1, pendulum.l2
x1 = l1*np.sin(th1_array)
y1 = -l1*np.cos(th1_array)
x2 = x1 + l2*np.sin(th2_array)
y2 = y1 - l2*np.cos(th2_array)
pendulum.init_status = track[-1,:].copy() #将最后的状态赋给pendulum
return [x1, y1, x2, y2]
if __name__ == "__main__":
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
pendulum = DoublePendulum(1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0)
th1, th2 = 1.0, 2.0
pendulum.init_status[:2] = th1, th2
x1, y1, x2, y2 = double_pendulum_odeint(pendulum, 0, 30, 0.02)
pl.plot(x1,y1, label = u"上球")
pl.plot(x2,y2, label = u"下球")
pl.title(u"双摆系统的轨迹, 初始角度=%s,%s" % (th1, th2))
## 摆动动画
文件名: double_pendulum_animation.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib
matplotlib.use('WXAgg') # do this before importing pylab
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
from double_pendulum_odeint import double_pendulum_odeint, DoublePendulum
fig = pl.figure(figsize=(4,4))
line1, = pl.plot([0,0], [0,0], "-o")
line2, = pl.plot([0,0], [0,0], "-o")
pendulum = DoublePendulum(1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0)
pendulum.init_status[:] = 1.0, 2.0, 0, 0
x1, y1, x2, y2 = [],[],[],[]
idx = 0
def update_line(event):
global x1, x2, y1, y2, idx
if idx == len(x1):
x1, y1, x2, y2 = double_pendulum_odeint(pendulum, 0, 1, 0.05)
idx = 0
line1.set_xdata([0, x1[idx]])
line1.set_ydata([0, y1[idx]])
line2.set_xdata([x1[idx], x2[idx]])
line2.set_ydata([y1[idx], y2[idx]])
idx += 1
import wx
id = wx.NewId()
actor = fig.canvas.manager.frame
timer = wx.Timer(actor, id=id)
wx.EVT_TIMER(actor, id, update_line)
- 用Python做科学计算
- 软件包的安装和介绍
- NumPy-快速处理数据
- SciPy-数值计算库
- matplotlib-绘制精美的图表
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- Chaco-交互式图表
- TVTK-三维可视化数据
- Mayavi-更方便的可视化
- Visual-制作3D演示动画
- OpenCV-图像处理和计算机视觉
- Traits使用手册
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- 声音的输入输出
- 数字信号系统
- FFT演示程序
- 频域信号处理
- Ctypes和NumPy
- 自适应滤波器和NLMS模拟
- 单摆和双摆模拟
- 分形与混沌
- 关于本书的编写
- 最近更新
- 源程序集
- 三角波的FFT演示
- 在traitsUI中使用的matplotlib控件
- CSV文件数据图形化工具
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- 频谱泄漏和hann窗
- FFT卷积的速度比较
- 二次均衡器设计
- 单摆摆动周期的计算
- 双摆系统的动画模拟
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