- [移动端高清、多屏适配方案](http://www.cnblogs.com/lovesueee/p/4618454.html)
- [[译] 盘点8种CSS实现垂直居中水平居中的绝对定位居中技术](http://blog.csdn.net/freshlover/article/details/11579669)
- [解决垂直居中布局问题,怎能不知道这六种CSS方法?](http://www.jianshu.com/p/eecb80ae1b18)
- [浅谈移动Web开发(上):深入概念](http://www.infoq.com/cn/articles/development-of-the-mobile-web-deep-concept)
- [A tale of two viewports — part one](http://www.quirksmode.org/mobile/viewports.html)
- [A tale of two viewports — part two](http://www.quirksmode.org/mobile/viewports2.html)
- [6 Methods For Vertical Centering With CSS](http://vanseodesign.com/css/vertical-centering/)
- [Retina 显示屏的网页图片兼容方案](http://mutian.wang/tech/1386)
- [Retina 屏幕移动设备 1px 实线边框的实现](http://mutian.wang/tech/1570)
- [webkit webApp 开发技术要点总结](http://blog.csdn.net/aasum/article/details/48816291)
- [Introduction to Touch events in JavaScript](http://www.javascriptkit.com/javatutors/touchevents.shtml)
- [Multi-touch Web Development](https://www.html5rocks.com/en/mobile/touch/)
- [移动端前端开发调试](http://yujiangshui.com/multidevice-frontend-debug/)
- [使用Flexible实现手淘H5页面的终端适配](http://www.w3cplus.com/mobile/lib-flexible-for-html5-layout.html?utm_source=tuicool&utm_medium=referral)
- [了解真实的『REM』手机屏幕适配](https://github.com/hbxeagle/rem/blob/master/README.md?hmsr=toutiao.io&utm_medium=toutiao.io&utm_source=toutiao.io)
- [移动端开发技巧汇总](http://coderlt.coding.me/2016/02/24/Front-end-sharing/)
- [走向视网膜(Retina)的Web时代](http://www.w3cplus.com/css/towards-retina-web.html)
- [小型移动 webApp Demo 知识点整理](https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000007657534)
- [移动web 1像素边框 瞧瞧大公司是怎么做的](https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000007604842)
- [移动端实现内滚动的4种方案](https://gold.xitu.io/post/58415fee61ff4b006c227c06)
- [7种方法解决移动端Retina屏幕1px边框问题](http://www.jianshu.com/p/7e63f5a32636)
- [如何打造一个高效适配的H5](https://isux.tencent.com/how-to-make-webpage-fit-screen.html)
- [移动 Web 滚动性能优化: Passive event listeners](https://gold.xitu.io/entry/585fa939ac502e006731a534/view)
> 案例
- [『为移动端而生』的自定义多级联动选择器](https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000007480739)
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