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## YouTube JSON API 这是YouTube JSON API响应对象的示例。你可以从中学到更多关于YouTube JSON API的内容:[]( ~~~ { "apiVersion": "2.0", "data": { "updated": "2010-02-04T19:29:54.001Z", "totalItems": 6741, "startIndex": 1, "itemsPerPage": 1, "items": [ { "id": "BGODurRfVv4", "uploaded": "2009-11-17T20:10:06.000Z", "updated": "2010-02-04T06:25:57.000Z", "uploader": "docchat", "category": "Animals", "title": "From service dog to SURFice dog", "description": "Surf dog Ricochets inspirational video ...", "tags": [ "Surf dog", "dog surfing", "dog", "golden retriever", ], "thumbnail": { "default": "", "hqDefault": "" }, "player": { "default": "", "mobile": "" }, "content": { "1": "rtsp://", "5": "", "6": "rtsp://" }, "duration": 315, "rating": 4.96, "ratingCount": 2043, "viewCount": 1781691, "favoriteCount": 3363, "commentCount": 1007, "commentsAllowed": true } ] } } ~~~ ## 分页示例 如何将Google搜索条目作为JSON对象展现出来,对分页变量也有特别关注。 这个示例仅用作说明。下面的API实际上并不存在。 这是Google搜索结果页面的示例: [![image](]( [![image](]( 这是该页面JSON形式的呈现: ~~~ { "apiVersion": "2.1", "id": "1", "data": { "query": "chicago style pizza", "time": "0.1", "currentItemCount": 10, "itemsPerPage": 10, "startIndex": 11, "totalItems": 2700000, "nextLink": "" "previousLink": "", "pagingLinkTemplate": "{index}&sa=N", "items": [ { "title": "Pizz'a Chicago Home Page" // More fields for the search results } // More search results ] } } ~~~ 这是如何展现屏幕截图中的色块的例子(背景颜色对应下图中的颜色) * Results 11 - 20 of about 2,700,000 = startIndex * Results 11 - 20 of about 2,700,000 = startIndex + currentItemCount - 1 * Results 11 - 20 of about 2,700,000 = totalItems * Search results = items (formatted appropriately) * Previous/Next = previousLink / nextLink * Numbered links in "Gooooooooooogle" = Derived from "pageLinkTemplate". The developer is responsible for calculating the values for {index} and substituting those values into the "pageLinkTemplate". The pageLinkTemplate's {index} variable is calculated as follows: * Index #1 = 0 * itemsPerPage = 0 * Index #2 = 2 * itemsPerPage = 10 * Index #3 = 3 * itemsPerPage = 20 * Index #N = N * itemsPerPage