## [摘樱桃 II](https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/cherry-pickup-ii/)
#### 思路
* 因为只能向下走,行号具有**后无效性**,可以进行状态转移,使用dp
* 有两个机器人还需要使用两个维度记录记录两个机器人所在的位置
* dp[r][i][j], r为行号,i为Robot#1(以下简称R1) 所在的位置,j为Robot#2(以下简称R2) 所在的位置
* dp表示走到r行,R1在i位置,R2在j位置,所能摘到的最多的樱桃数
* **状态转移思考:** 对于dp[r][i][j] 想到状态转移方程
`$ dp[r][i][j] = max(dp[r-1][k1+i][k2+j]) + (grid[r][i] + grid[r][j]), k1,k2 = -1, 0 ,1 $`
* 考虑边界条件,左右两个机器人,都最多只能再自己的一个三角形区域活动,且不能超过边界`$ [0,cols) $`
#### 代码
class Solution:
def cherryPickup(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
rows = len(grid)
cols = len(grid[0])
dirs = [-1,0,1]
dp = [[[0] * cols for _ in range(cols)] for _ in range(rows)]
# basecase
dp[0][0][-1] = grid[0][0] + grid[0][-1]
for r in range(1,rows): # 行号
for i in range(r+1): # 列号,左边机器人
for j in range(cols-r-1, cols): # 列号,右边机器人
for ii in dirs: # 9种组合可能性
for jj in dirs:
if (i < cols) and (j >= 0) \
and (i + ii >= 0) and (i + ii < cols) \
and (j + jj >= 0) and (j + jj < cols) \
and (i != j):
dp[r][i][j] = max(dp[r-1][i+ii][j+jj] + grid[r][i] + grid[r][j], dp[r][i][j])
result = 0
for i in dp[-1]:
for j in i:
result = max(result, j)
return result
- 目录
- excel-sheet-column-number
- divide-two-integers
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- profile
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- univalued-binary-tree
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- permutations
- satisfiability-of-equality-equations
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- palindrome-number
- network-delay-time
- daily-temperatures
- longest-common-prefix
- sum-of-mutated-array-closest-to-target
- 周赛专题
- make-two-arrays-equal-by-reversing-sub-arrays
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- cherry-pickup-ii
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- shuffle-the-array
- the-k-strongest-values-in-an-array
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- final-prices-with-a-special-discount-in-a-shop