php artisan list 查看php artisan所有命令
php artisan --help 查看php artisan的用法
php artisan help admin:make 查看php artisan admin:make的用法
php artisan admin:make --help 查看php artisan admin:make的用法
1. `php artisan make:controller OrderController`
1. `php artisan make:controller OrderController --resource`
1. `php artisan make:model Student`
1. `php artisan make:migration create_orders_table --create=orders //创建订单表orders`
2. `php artisan make:migration add_tags_to_orders_table --table=orders//给orders表增加tags字段`
1. `php artisan migrate`
1. `php artisan make:model Order -m -c -r`
1. `php artisan migrate:rollback`
1. `php artisan migrate:reset`
1. `php artisan make:seeder OrderTableSeeder`
1. `php artisan db:seed --class=OrderTableSeeder`
1. `php artisan db:seed`
创建中间件(app/Http/Middleware 下)
1. `php artisan make:middleware Activity`
1. `php artisan queue:table`
1. `php artisan make:job SendEmail`
1. `php artisan make:request CreateArticleRequest`
2、[Linux服务器](https://so.csdn.net/so/search?q=Linux%E6%9C%8D%E5%8A%A1%E5%99%A8&spm=1001.2101.3001.7020)下面,进入项目的根目录,可以用php artisan make命令创建模型+数据迁移+控制器。
3、用php artisan admin:make 创建后台的控制器,可以写脚本批量创建。之后根据业务逻辑,编写控制器内容。
### 三、Laravel Artisan 命令大全
### Available commands:
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| clear-compiled | 删除已编译的类文件 | Remove the compiled class file |
| down | 将应用程序置于维护模式 | Put the application into maintenance mode |
| dump-server | 启动转储服务器以收集转储信息。 | Start the dump server to collect dump information. |
| env | 显示当前的框架环境 | Display the current framework environment |
| help | 显示命令的帮助 | Displays help for a command |
| inspire | \--- | Display an inspiring quote |
| list | 列出命令 | Lists commands |
| migrate | 运行数据库迁移 | Run the database migrations |
| optimize | 缓存框架引导程序文件 | Cache the framework bootstrap files |
| preset | 为应用程序交换前端脚手架 | Swap the front-end scaffolding for the application |
| serve | 在 PHP 开发服务器上提供应用程序 | Serve the application on the PHP development server |
| tinker | 与您的应用程序互动 | Interact with your application |
| up | 使应用程序退出维护模式 | Bring the application out of maintenance mode |
### app
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| app:name | 设置应用程序命名空间 | Set the application namespace |
### auth
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| auth:clear-resets | 刷新过期的密码重置令牌 | Flush expired password reset tokens |
### cache
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| cache:clear | 刷新应用程序缓存 | Flush the application cache |
| cache:forget | 从缓存中删除项目 | Remove an item from the cache |
| cache:table | 为缓存数据库表创建迁移 | Create a migration for the cache database table |
### config
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| config:cache | 创建缓存文件以加快配置速度 | Create a cache file for faster configuration loading |
| config:clear | 删除配置缓存文件 | Remove the configuration cache file |
### db
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| db:seed | 填充数据库 | Seed the database with records |
### event
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| event:generate | 根据注册生成缺少的事件和侦听器 | Generate the missing events and listeners based on registration |
### key
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| key:generate | 生成应用程序 key | Set the application key |
### lang
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| lang:publish | 将语言文件发布到资源目录 | publish language files to resources directory. |
### make
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| make:auth | \--- | Scaffold basic login and registration views and routes |
| make:channel | 创建一个新的 `channel` 类 | Create a new channel class |
| make:command | 创建一个新的 `Artisan` 命令 | Create a new Artisan command |
| make:controller | 创建一个新的控制器类 | Create a new controller class |
| make:event | \--- | 创建一个新的 `event` 类 |
| make:exception | 创建一个新的自定义异常类 | Create a new custom exception class |
| make:factory | 创建一个新的模型工厂 | Create a new model factory |
| make:job | 创建一个新的工作类 | Create a new job class |
| make:listener | 创建一个新的事件监听器类 | Create a new event listener class |
| make:mail | 创建一个新的电子邮件类 | Create a new email class |
| make:middleware | 创建一个新的中间件类 | Create a new middleware class |
| make:migration | 创建一个新的迁移文件 | Create a new migration file |
| make:model | 创建一个新的 Eloquent 模型类 | Create a new Eloquent model class |
| make:notification | 创建一个新的通知类 | Create a new notification class |
| make:observer | 创建一个新的观察者类 | Create a new observer class |
| make:policy | 创建一个新的策略类 | Create a new policy class |
| make:provider | 创建一个新的服务提供者类 | Create a new service provider class |
| make:request | 创建一个新的表单请求类 | Create a new form request class |
| make:resource | 创建一个新资源 | Create a new resource |
| make:rule | 创建新的验证规则 | Create a new validation rule |
| make:scaffold | 代码生成器 — Laravel 5.x Scaffold Generator | Create a laralib scaffold |
| make:seeder | 创建一个新的 `seeder` 类 | Create a new seeder class |
| make:test | 创建一个新的测试类 | Create a new test class |
### migrate
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| migrate:fresh | 删除所有表并重新运行所有迁移 | Drop all tables and re-run all migrations |
| migrate:install | 创建迁移存储库 | Create the migration repository |
| migrate:refresh | 重置并重新运行所有迁移 | Reset and re-run all migrations |
| migrate:reset | 回滚所有数据库迁移 | Rollback all database migrations |
| migrate:rollback | 回滚上次数据库迁移 | Rollback the last database migration |
| migrate:status | 显示每次迁移的状态 | Show the status of each migration |
### notifications
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| notifications:table | 为通知表创建迁移 | Create a migration for the notifications table |
### optimize
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| optimize:clear | 删除缓存的引导程序文件 | Remove the cached bootstrap files |
### package
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| package:discover | 重建缓存的包清单 | Rebuild the cached package manifest |
### queue
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| queue:failed | 列出所有 `failed` 队列工作 | List all of the failed queue jobs |
| queue:failed-table | 为 `failed` 队列工作数据库表创建迁移 | Create a migration for the failed queue jobs database table |
| queue:flush | 刷新所有 `failed` 队列工作 | Flush all of the failed queue jobs |
| queue:forget | 删除 `failed` 队列工作 | Delete a failed queue job |
| queue:listen | 监听一个给定的队列 | Listen to a given queue |
| queue:restart | 在当前工作之后重新启动队列工作器守护程序 | Restart queue worker daemons after their current job |
| queue:retry | 重试 `failed` 队列作业 | Retry a failed queue job |
| queue:table | 为队列工作数据库表创建迁移 | Create a migration for the queue jobs database table |
| queue:work | 开始将队列上的工作作为守护程序处理 | Start processing jobs on the queue as a daemon |
### route
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| route:cache | 创建路由缓存文件以加快路由注册速度 | Create a route cache file for faster route registration |
| route:clear | 删除路由缓存文件 | Remove the route cache file |
| route:list | 列出所有注册的路由 | List all registered routes |
### schedule
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| schedule:run | 运行预定的命令 | Run the scheduled commands |
### session
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| session:table | 为会话数据库表创建迁移 | Create a migration for the session database table |
### storage
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| storage:link | 创建从 “公共 / 存储” 到 “存储 / 应用 / 公共” 的符号链接 | Create a symbolic link from "public/storage" to "storage/app/public" |
### vendor
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| vendor:publish | 从供应商包中发布任何可发布的资产 | Publish any publishable assets from vendor packages |
### view
| 命令 | 中文 | English |
| --- | --- | --- |
| view:cache | 编译所有应用程序的 Blade 模板 | Compile all of the application's Blade templates |
| view:clear | 清除所有编译的视图文件 | Clear all compiled view files
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