## 深阅读
大神 Martin Fowler 对云计算未来的思考。Infrastructure as code is the approach to defining computing and network infrastructure through source code that can then be treated just like any software system. Such code can be kept in source control to allow auditability and ReproducibleBuilds, subject to testing practices, and the full discipline of ContinuousDelivery. It’s an approach that’s been used over the last decade to deal with growing CloudComputing platforms and will become the dominant way to handle computing infrastructure in the next. 一本新书了[Infrastructure as Code: Managing Servers in the Cloud](http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1491924357)
**How to Deploy Software**
Whenever you make a change to your codebase, there’s always going to be a risk that you’re about to break something.It doesn’t have to be as stressful, though. There’s one phrase I’m going to be reiterating over and over throughout this whole piece: Your deploys should be as boring, straightforward, and stress-free as possible. 探讨部署这个话题,一篇值得看的长文。
**What’s New in jQuery 3**
Many people state that jQuery is dead and it doesn’t have a place in modern web development anymore. However, its development continues and statistics of its adoption (78.5% in the top million) contradict these claims. In this article, I’ve walked you through the main changes that jQuery 3 will feature. 另附:[A love letter to jQuery](http://madebymike.com.au/writing/love-letter-to-jquery/)
**Rules For Structuring (Redux) Applications**
As our applications grow, we often find that file structure and organization to be crucial for the mainability of application code. What I want to do in this post is to present three organizational rules that I personally follow on my own projects. By following the rules, your application code should be easier to reason about, and you will find yourself wasting less time on file navigation, tedious refactoring, and bug fixes.
**The New Web Typography**
We can trace a nervous path through the links and hearts that occupy our timelines. In search of answers, we’ve peeked under the covers of Material Design and examined hundreds of pattern libraries, since one of them might be secretly withholding the principles of good design within. But why are we obsessed with typographic rules? And if we were to make guidelines for setting text on the web, what form should those rules take?
一个传统客户端码农使用 React Native 的体会
**Android 开发进阶指南**
在掌握了 Android 开发基础知识后,下一步怎么学
**How To Make Users Think Your App Loads Faster**
**What My PhD Was Like**
作者读计算机博士 8 年来的记录
**Server-Side Rendering With React, Node And Express**
用详细的代码介绍如何用 React 和 Express 实现后端渲染
**并发之痛 Thread,Goroutine,Actor**
**数据可视化获奖作品精选 - 2015 Information is Beautiful Awards**
Information is Beautiful Awards”是为了鼓励和奖励在图表设计、数据、信息可视化方向上做出优秀表现的设计师和设计作品
ID 生成是的场景很多,可以了解下。
**The Rise of the API-based SaaS**
We’re entering a new age of enterprise cloud-based products. An age that empowers developers and creates the building blocks for the future of internet-based software. But this new breed of faceless product doesn’t come without a new set of challenges…
**The Untold History of Arduino**
The history of Arduino has been told by many people, and no two stories match. I want to clarify some facts around the history of Arduino, with proper supported references and documents, to better communicate to people who are interested, about Arduino’s origin. As well, I will attempt to correct some things that have distorted my role or work by pointing out common mistakes, misleading information, and poor journalism. I will go through a summary of the history first, then I will answer a series of questions that I have been often asked over the years.
## 新鲜货
**Google IO 2016官网上线**
**Google Preps Angular 2 for Final Release**
“In Angular 2, we have some very clear idioms and APIs for doing all the things that web developers used to do” — Brad Green, Google.
**NodeBB v1.0.0**
A better community platform for the modern web. NodeBB is a next generation forum software that’s free and easy to use.
**2015 图灵奖出炉,现代密码学先驱 Diffie 和 Hellman 获奖**
建立双方在互联网上私下沟通的安全通道,是数十亿人使用互联网的根本。每一天,个人和银行、电子商务网站、邮件服务器和云平台都在建立着联系。Diffie 和 Hellman 在 1976 年的开创性论文 New Directions in Cryptography(密码学的新方向),介绍了公钥和电子签名的方法,这是今天大多数互联网安全协议的基础。Diffie-Hellman 协议保护保护着每天互联网的沟通,以及万亿美元的金融交易。
**【IBM 挑战真智能】认知时代将创造自行编程的机器**
Google 开源的 iOS UI 自动化测试框架
**Microsoft’s Project Astoria is no more**
微软将 Android 应用移植到 Windows Phone 上的项目取消了,据说是[内部担心会影响 UWP](https://www.zhihu.com/question/40787874/answer/88290729)
**Using the Private NPM Registry from Docker**
It has been a while since NPM had announced support for private modules - still, to make it with Docker you need some work to do. In this quick tip, you can learn how to use private Node.js modules with Docker.
Here’s a flowchart to make you happy again!
**Hilo - HTML5 Game Framework**
Hilo 是阿里巴巴集团开发的一款HTML5跨终端游戏解决方案,ta可以帮助开发者快速创建HTML5游戏,支持了多届淘宝&天猫狂欢城等双十一大型和日常营销活动。
**Progress.js: A Themeable Progress Bar Library**
ProgressJs is a JavaScript and CSS3 library which help developers to create and manage progress bar for every objects on the page.
**Swagger Editor**
Swagger Editor lets you edit Swagger API specifications in YAML inside your browser and to preview documentations in real time. Valid Swagger JSON descriptions can then be generated and used with the full Swagger tooling (code generation, documentation, etc). 同类工具还有[https://readme.io/](https://readme.io/) - Beautiful API references made easy.
**AppImage - Linux apps that run anywhere**
Using AppImageKit you can package desktop applications as AppImages that run on common Linux-based operating systems, such as RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian and derivatives. The AppImage format is a format for packaging applications in a way that allows them to run on a variety of different target systems (base operating systems, distributions) without further modification.
**Raspberry Pi 3 on sale**
基于 P2P 的网站,号称不会被封杀
**JavaScript Frameworks in 2016**
This post will delve into some of the advances we’re seeing in the JavaScript community and how such solutions may benefit you and your team, without making you fatigued.
**Website scraping using Selenium, Docker and Chrome with Extensions**
For a specific project we needed a quick way to get the content of a specific URL and check whether a word was present in the text there. If all we had to scrape were static websites, this wouldn’t be that difficult. We would just get the sources, parse them with jsoup and extract the readable content. However, a large percentage of the target sites, are single page apps or angular applications, which only show the content after some javascript processing. So we started looking at an alternative way to do this.
## 产品及其它
Because when you change your way to see the world,you can chang the world you see!相关话题: - [My next bet: VR is going to take off in the next 3 years…](http://lemire.me/blog/2016/02/29/my-next-bet-vr-is-going-to-take-off-in-the-next-3-years/) - [浏览器也能搞 VR? Firefox 和谷歌 Chrome 来尝鲜](http://www.geekpark.net/topics/214763)
**『Linux 中国』联合创始人王兴江先生因病辞世**
**Why I’m teaching prisoners to code**
编程在未来必将会是人类的一项核心技能。另附:[Goole - Teaching kids to program in their native language](http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2016/03/teaching-kids-to-program-in-their.html)
**[译]Facebook 工程师是如何高效工作的**
减少不必要的干扰;写出 “更好” 的 Diff;具备团队精神;组织与推进;
本文作者 Dan Grover 是一名产品设计师、工程师和企业家,现在是腾讯微信项目的产品经理。2014年底,他写过一篇《老外被中国App惊呆了》,引起了大家的广泛关注,时隔一年多,他根据中国当今的移动 App UI 趋势,加上自己的新想法,总结出这篇新文章,希望能给移动世界带来一些新进步。
- 前言
- FEX 技术周刊 - 2016/05/30
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- FEX 技术周刊-2015/08/31
- FEX 技术周刊-2015/08/24