## 深阅读
**Node LTS版本:Argon发布始末**
**React+Flux can do in just 137 lines what jQuery can do in 10**
When I think of my main gig’s production code with its thousands of lines of JavaScript, tens of components, and hundreds of sources of truth, my soul weeps for Flux.
**7 Things You Should Know About WebAssembly**
In this post we will explore seven key facts about WebAssembly, one of the biggest changes the web will experience in the coming years.
**The Future of Web Development - React, Falcor, and ES6**
In this article, I’m going provide a glimpse into the future of web development. You will gain a new perspective on structuring a user interface, server, and data endpoints.
**给 Android 开发者的 RxJava 详解**
RxJava 在 GitHub 主页上的自我介绍是 "a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM"(一个在 Java VM 上使用可观测的序列来组成异步的、基于事件的程序的库)。这就是 RxJava ,概括得非常精准。
**React Native - How to make Facebook Reactions**
Facebook reactions is a new liking system that Facebook is trialing on a limited basis. Why wait for them to roll it out when we can roll it out ourselves
**如何配置一个高效的 Mac 工作环境**
“一个高效的 Mac 工作环境”有以下几个特点:自动化、统一、够用、效率。可以用来查漏补缺。
**Nicholas Zakas:我最中意的面试题**
**Angular — Introduction to Reactive Extensions (RxJS)**
Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS) is a reactive streams library that allows you to work with asynchronous data streams. RxJS can be used both in the browser or in the server-side using Node.js. In this post we are going to introduce RxJS basic concepts and how we can use them with AngularJS.
runC是Docker贡献出来的,按照该开放容器格式标准(OCF, Open Container Format)制定的一种具体实现。这一系列文章从架构和源码层面详细解读这个开源项目的设计思想和实现原理。
**天猫使用React Native代替H5实现产品化落地**
自Facebook 开源出React 后,天猫技术团队就在一直关注,并对比现有Html5系的Hybird解决方案的差异性。天猫早是在15年的年中618大促及各会场业务页面中,率先在iOS平台上进行业务线上尝试,效果不错,得到肯定。
**How To Pick a Frontend Web Framework**
This article is supposed to help you get your head around an overwhelming amount of tools we have in Frontend Community. Also, there is a checklist, which may help you pick up the thing you need.
**ES6 in WebKit**
We on the WebKit team are really excited about ES6 and have been working hard on implementing it. In Safari 9 for El Capitan and iOS 9 you’ll be able to use some great ES6 features: Classes Promises Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet, for…of loops Symbols。另外 WebKit removes the 350ms click delay for iOS [https://trac.webkit.org/changeset/191072](https://trac.webkit.org/changeset/191072)
**荣誉,还是苦逼?| 也议全栈工程师和DevOps**
**Lazy, composable, and modular JavaScript**
In this article, I’ll cover how we can use four of these features – iterables, generators, fat arrows, and for-of – in conjunction with higher-order functions, function composition, and lazy evaluation, to write cleaner and more modular JavaScript.
## 新鲜货
Eleme 的同学整的东东:ng-staticize是一个把Angular模板静态化的directive,使用之后渲染速度在 IE8 上会有10-20x的性能提升。
**Photon - An Electron UI Kit**
The fastest way to build beautiful Electron apps using simple HTML and CSS
Smartcrop.js implements an algorithm to find good crops for images.
另附一个 php 类似工具 [https://github.com/exinnet/tclip](https://github.com/exinnet/tclip)
主要内容是一些使用过的库、工具、套路或关注的前端组织等等,反正用 前端瑞士军刀 来总结这篇文章再合适不过鸟。
Rune.js is a JavaScript library for programming graphic design systems with SVG in the browser or node.js.
**W3C 成立Web Platform Working Group**
W3C将HTML工作组与Web Applications工作组合并,于2015年10月正式启动Web Platform Working Group并发布工作组章程。Web Platform工作组的任务是继续发展HTML语言、提供可促进Web客户端应用程序开发的相关规范:包括客户端开发APIs和描述并控制客户端应用程序性能的标记词汇表。
**KCon 2015 黑客安全大会-视频**
λJSON is a drop-in replacement for JSON which also allows you to parse and stringify pure functions and their contents. There are good security reasons for functions to be out of the JSON specs, but most of those are only significant when you allow arbitrary, side-effective programs. With pure functions, one is able to interchange code while still being as safe as with regular JSON.
**ES6 Overview in 350 Bullet Points**
My ES6 in Depth series consists of 24 articles covering most syntax changes and features coming in ES6\. This article aims to summarize all of those, providing you with practical insight into most of ES6, so that you can quickly get started. I’ve also linked to the articles in ES6 in Depth so that you can easily go deeper on any topic you’re interested in.
## 产品及其它
**Google 今秋入华?这些细节可不是在「捕风捉影」**
可以不翻墙正常访问 google.cn 了,网页端 Google 翻译和地图也可以用了。Google Play 还在向部分中国开发者发放新版 apk 测试包……这一系列迹象表明,Google 在这一个月内正一步步地拆掉那些存在已久的「墙」。
- 前言
- FEX 技术周刊 - 2016/05/30
- FEX 技术周刊 - 2016/05/23
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- FEX 技术周刊 - 2016/03/28
- FEX 技术周刊 - 2016/03/21
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- FEX 技术周刊 - 2016/02/29
- FEX 技术周刊 - 2016/02/22
- FEX 技术周刊 - 2016/02/15
- FEX 技术周刊 - 2016/02/01
- FEX 技术周刊 - 2016/01/25
- FEX 技术周刊 - 2016/01/18
- FEX 技术周刊 - 2016/01/11
- FEX 技术周刊 - 2016/01/04
- FEX 技术周刊 - 2015/12/28
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- FEX 技术周刊 - 2015/11/30
- FEX 技术周刊 - 2015/11/23
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- FEX 技术周刊 - 2015/10/19
- FEX 技术周刊 - 2015/10/12
- FEX 技术周刊 - 2015/09/28
- FEX 技术周刊-2015/09/21
- FEX 技术周刊-2015/09/14
- FEX 技术周刊-2015/09/07
- FEX 技术周刊-2015/08/31
- FEX 技术周刊-2015/08/24