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## 深阅读 **贴吧React最佳实践** []( fis3+yog2+react也能迸发火花?看看贴吧业务线如何应用后端渲染。 **Node v6.0.0** []( []( []( This new major version of Node.js delivers significant improvements in performance, reliability, usability and security. Module loading is nearly four times faster than in Node.js v4, tests and documentation have seen significant improvements, usability of the Buffer and File System APIs have been improved, and Node.js now supports 93% of ES6 language features, thanks to V8 version 5.0. **ES6, ES7, and beyond** []( Today we’ve reached an important milestone: V8 supports ES6 and ES7\. You can use the new language features today in Chrome Canary, and they will ship by default in the M52 release of Chromium. **Avoiding a JavaScript Monoculture** []( The fundamental problem is neither shortcomings of the standard run-time library, nor is it any specific technical shortcoming of the language itself. The real problem is our lacking willingness to embrace cultural diversity. **Almost complete guide to flexbox (without flexbox)** []( This is a cheatsheet-esque guide that offers backwards compatible alternatives to flexbox properties. Whilst some of the CSS in this guide may seem obvious, I am looking to challenge the use of flexbox as well as provide simple solutions to problems were around before it became popular. **You (probably) don’t need a JavaScript framework** []( I really hope that I’ve inspired you to try out native web development at least one more time. If you for some reason don’t feel comfortable with the native Web APIs or DOM APIs and want to stick to your framework, I don’t blame you. Do what you feel comfortable with and try to make the best out of the situation! **揭秘 W3C 工作组** []( 与大众的理解大相径庭的是,W3C 并不“生产”标准。实际上,它扮演的是一个论坛的角色:W3C 以工作组的方式,把某项技术的相关各方聚集起来,最终由他们来产出标准。当然,W3C 并不只是一个观察者:它设定了整个平台的规则,监督整个进程。但这些技术规范(基本上)并不是由 W3C 的工作人员编写完成的。 **QQ空间前端工程师如何做首屏优化** [](  hybrid 页面的优化,写得很详细。顺便可以了解下:[去哪儿网-高可定制化的UI框架Yo]( [京东前端架构组团队是如何工作的]( **函数式编程离我们有多远?** []( 听月影大神给我们科普函数式编程。 **SwiftCon 2016 参会感想** []( 可以关注下这门逐渐火热的编程语言。另附[网易漫画 - Swift混编实践[]( **Go best practices, six years in** []( 一位多年 Go 研发经验的的工程师的总结,值得参考。 **15 Fundamental Laws of Software Development** []( 讲了一些原则,作者的这个观点不错:The fact remains that software is built for people to use and interact with, so many of these laws relate to dealing with people rather than code. **煎饼果子与架构模式** []( 其实想推荐的是文中提到的这本书:Mark Richards 写了一本架构模式的书《Software Architecture Pattens》。另附:[15年编程生涯,资深架构师总结的7条经验](,文中提到的几个经验挺实在的。 **TypeScript won** []( TypeScript 发展势头良好,我们内部也开始逐渐迁移了 **登上 Bootstrap 4.0 的大船** []( 了解下最新版的 Bootstrap **JS魔法堂:彻底理解0.1 + 0.2 === 0.30000000000000004的背后** []( 应该还有人不知道 **Cross-platform Node.js** []( Windows 下的 Node 需要注意哪些问题 **新浪微博混合云架构实践挑战之弹性调度揭秘** []( 到处都在用 Docker 了 **选择恐惧症的福音!教你认清MVC,MVP和MVVM** []( 通过代码讲解,写得很清楚 ## 新鲜货 **how many npm users are there?** []( We think there are four million npm users, and we think that number is doubling every year. **WebKit is moving away from prefixes** []( The current consensus among browser implementors is that, on the whole, prefixed properties have hurt more than they’ve helped. So, WebKit’s new policy is to implement experimental features unprefixed, behind a runtime flag. **AntUX 1.1 发布** []( AntUX 是提供了一套素材库,用于梳理产品信息架构、绘制流程图、设计页面交互逻辑,支持 OmniGraffle、Sketch、Axure,是非常不错的产品设计工具,能帮助我们高效梳理产品架构而和业务逻辑。 **Chart.js 2.0 Released** []( Mixed chart types; New chart axis types; Animate everything; **Vue 2.0 发布啦** []( 在模板、Virtuel-DOM 方面进行了一些优化,Vue.js 2.0 仍然处在 pre-alpha **ACM 2015 Technical Award Recipients** []( **Introducing yakbak: Record and playback HTTP interactions in NodeJS** []( []( Record HTTP interactions The Node Way™. Inspired by ruby’s vcr. **全栈工程师的百宝箱:黑魔法之文档篇** []( 文档格式互转,文档转图表。简直屌炸 **xi editor - A modern editor with a backend written in Rust** []( The xi editor project is an attempt to build a high quality text editor, using modern software engineering techniques. It is initially built for Mac OS X, using Cocoa for the user interface, but other targets are planned. **Fiddler的灵活使用** []( 可惜这个的 Mac 版本好久不更新了 **JavaScript 也可以搞定嵌入式开发?** []( []( 大神周爱民就在参与研发这东东。 **V8 Release 5.1** []( 开始支持一些 ES2017 草案了 **grafi.js** []( JS 图像处理库 **Xamarin 开源** []( 要是 RoboVM 也开源就好了 **Google 年度公开信** []( []( 让技术能够服务于每一个人。技术,绝不仅仅是我们创造的设备或产品,因为那并不是终极目标。技术,是一种民主的力量,它所提供的信息,便是力量之源。 ## 产品及其它 **How I got 10,000 five-star reviews in 4 weeks** []( 应用推广的经验 **深度解读,为什么说《人类简史》是互联网圣经?** []( 这本书真的很值得阅读 **狼、兔子,人性才是最重要的** []( 对前端时间由史玉柱引发的的关于狼性讨论的反思,文中有一段任正非《管理的灰度》非常值得关注:一个领导人重要的素质是方向、节奏。他的水平就是合适的灰度。坚定不移的正确方向来自灰度、妥协与宽容。 **凡客的故事-曾估值30亿美金,如今公司只剩180人** []( 凡客诚品曾经是中国的明星创业公司,高达30亿美金的估值让所有的创业者垂涎三尺,但是它的发展模式和过程很值得创业者学习和借鉴。期待越来越多的“创业”能回归平静,专注在创造价值上,把一件事踏踏实实做好做精。 **专访张江(北师大系统科学学院副教授)- 冲破藩篱,敢想敢为** []( 赞张江老师经营“集智俱乐部”的理念:有时候,我们要敢于冲破传统的藩篱,把人类社会中各种生命体连接起来,才能创造出高度智慧的结构体。科学不应该被深奥晦涩的术语所包装,传播科学要以一种普及化的方式进行。每个人都有权利去追求、探索科学。