## 业界会议
**CSSconf EU 2015**
有位大神一个演讲很霸气 PS is Dead!: Editing Photos in CSS [http://geek.csdn.net/news/detail/40797](http://geek.csdn.net/news/detail/40797) 同时还给出了一系列实践文章:[http://una.im/](http://una.im/)
**RubyConf China 2015 10.10-10.11**
Ruby 虽然不那么流行,但还是很有市场的的,社区也非常活跃,有很多熟知的应用也是用它开发的,比如 Gitlab 。
**Qconf 2015 - 上海**
前端话题 [http://2015.qconshanghai.com/track/2510](http://2015.qconshanghai.com/track/2510)
## 深阅读
**Redux best practices**
Redux is the React framework that other flux frameworks recommend you use.
**Node.js and ES6 Instead of Java – A War Story**
We created a Node.js web app from scratch within 9 weeks that now serves 10.81 million visitors each month*. We used the latest and greatest incarnation of JavaScript – ECMAScript 2015, a.k.a. ES6 – for the backend and frontend alike. We spent late nights coding in gleeful frenzy, stepped into pitfalls, moaned about WTFs, scaled the dizzy heights of asynchronicity. This is our story.
**Immutable Data Structures and JavaScript**
A little while ago I briefly talked about my latest blog rewrite and promised to go more in-depth on specific things I learned. Today I'm going to talk about immutable data structures in JavaScript, specifically two libraries immutable.js and seamless-immutable.
**理解SVG transform坐标变换**
普通的HTML元素没有transform属性,但是支持CSS3的transform, 好奇的小伙伴可能会疑问了,CSS3中的transform变换,跟SVG中的transform是什么关系呢?这个文章给出了详细的解读。
**10 Interview Questions Every JavaScript Developer Should Know**
[https://medium.com/javascript-scene/10-interview-questions-every-javascript-developer-should-know-6fa6bdf5ad95](https://medium.com/javascript-scene/10-interview-questions-every-javascript-developer-should-know-6fa6bdf5ad95) At most companies, management must trust the developers to give technical interviews in order to assess candidate skills. If you do well as a candidate, you’ll eventually need to interview. Here’s how. 另附一位同学整理的前端面试题汇总 [https://github.com/markyun/My-blog/tree/master/Front-end-Developer-Questions/Questions-and-Answers](https://github.com/markyun/My-blog/tree/master/Front-end-Developer-Questions/Questions-and-Answers)
**React 带给 Backbone 开发者的福利**
对 React 的三点总结还不错:
- 界面应该是一个组合起来的组件树
- 全新的 JavaScript 带来更整洁的代码
- 不要把 DOM 当做数据的状态
科普了 ES6 的两个新特性。
**CSS3 中的层叠上下文初探**
**百度:防御1Tbps DDoS攻击流量是如何做到的?**
**Better Java**
Java is one of the most popular programming languages around, but no one seems to enjoy using it. Well, Java is actually an alright programming language, and since Java 8 came out recently, I decided to compile a list of libraries, practices, and tools to make using Java better. "Better" is subjective, so I would recommend taking the parts that speak to you and use them, rather than trying to use all of them at once. Feel free to submit pull requests suggesting additions.
译文: [http://segmentfault.com/a/1190000003771603](http://segmentfault.com/a/1190000003771603)
**Write Angular 2 Components In Angular 1**
Angular 竟然高调的支持了混用。
**React Native For Android 架构初探**
Facebook 在2015.9.15发布了 React Native for Android,把JavaScript 开发技术扩展到了Android平台。React Native 让开发者使用 JavaScript 和 React 编写应用,利用相同的核心代码就可以创建 基于Web,iOS 和 Android 平台的原生应用。本文将浅析Android React的架构及相关基础知识。
**Ludicrously Fast Page Loads - A Guide for Full-Stack Devs**
Your website is slow, but the backend is fast. How do you diagnose performance issues on the frontend of your site? We'll discuss everything involved in constructing a webpage and how to profile it at sub-millisecond resolution with Chrome Timeline, Google's flamegraph-for-the-browser.另附来自腾讯的 折腾不止前端工程与性能优化 [http://toutiao.com/i6203302363185873409/](http://toutiao.com/i6203302363185873409/)
**Ten Rules for Open Source Success**
[http://hintjens.com/blog:95](http://hintjens.com/blog:95) [http://www.infoq.com/cn/news/2015/10/Ten-Open-Succes](http://www.infoq.com/cn/news/2015/10/Ten-Open-Succes)
Everyone wants it, lots of people try it, yet doing it is mostly painful and irritating. I'm speaking about free software aka open source. Today I'm going to summarize 30 years of coding experience in ten management-proof bullet points.
HTTPS 正在普及,是得了解相关知识了。可以当 HTTTPS 的科普来看。
## 新鲜货
**Node.js Foundation Welcomes Red Hat as Newest Platinum Member**
**Working with ReactJS in WebStorm: Coding Assistance**
React support was introduced in WebStorm 10 and has undergone continuous improvement since then. In this blog post we’d like to show how WebStorm can help you write code with React.
**Codetainer —— 基于浏览器的容器**
codetainer allows you to create code 'sandboxes' you can embed in your web applications (think of it like an OSS clone of codepicnic.com).
**React v0.14**
This release has a few major changes, primarily designed to simplify the code you write every day and to better support environments like React Native.
基于 React 的日期组件
**GitHot** [http://githot.cn/](http://githot.cn/)
GitHot is an Android App that will help you to find the world most popular project and person。还有热心同学开发了 Web 版[https://github.com/Sausure/GankWebApp](https://github.com/Sausure/GankWebApp)
**Photoshop and Sketch templates of GUI elements found in the public release of iOS 9**
**Machine Learning for Developers**
This theme is desiged for FarBox,You can use it directly or modified it on FarBox Farbox 这个 blog 挺潮的 [https://www.farbox.com/](https://www.farbox.com/) 号称 The Best Blog Platform for Hummans
**Flux Challenge**
A frontend challenge to test UI architectures and solutions
《使命召唤》游戏、Hive智能恒温器、Social Weather应用程序和威廉希尔(William Hill)博彩应用程序,这些有何共同之处?它们的背后都离不开Apache Cassandra NoSQL数据库。
CrazyEye 是基于 Python 开发的一款简单易用的IT管理软件,目前主要具体以下功能:
**搭了套测试系统 把产品致命BUG危害减至最小**
文中提到的 Google 的 A/B 测试可关注下
## 产品及其它
当我们在缅怀乔帮主的时候,却很少有人知道,有个傻傻的老头也是在那个10月逝世,和乔帮主离开的时间只相差了几天,然而他在互联网领域的成就,甩了乔帮主好几条街。他就是Unix和 C 语言的发明人 丹尼斯·里奇
创业最重要的是什么?商业模式是、靠谱的团队,看完这篇文章中的51个失败案例后,你会规避更多潜在的问题,比如说,用户也是坑啊!另附 技术人员创业最大的“坑”是眼界和情商 [http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3ODQ1NjYyOQ==&mid=213092717&idx=1&sn=8be7958f9fc0db11031f99d01953cd29&scene=2&srcid=1008yfNMzkVBKKQkfTihQ22D](http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3ODQ1NjYyOQ==&mid=213092717&idx=1&sn=8be7958f9fc0db11031f99d01953cd29&scene=2&srcid=1008yfNMzkVBKKQkfTihQ22D)
- 前言
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